Originally posted by Darius871
Are we reading the same thread? Which U.S. posters ever expressed surprise that a sub could do this, or even expressed unawareness that this has been done by other countries for decades?
Are we reading the same thread? Which U.S. posters ever expressed surprise that a sub could do this, or even expressed unawareness that this has been done by other countries for decades?
Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
This is the Tiawan Strait which we have been plowing through it over and over to intimidate the Chinesse, they probably just parked the sub in our usual path with the engines off and wait for the fleet to pass over head and just float to the surface. Theirs no sound to detect what so ever in that kind of senario and its a logical defense if you know your enemy is going to come through a particular piece of water. I'm sure the Chinesse planned all this very carfully and deliberatly to counter-intimidate us or at the least shake our confidence. I don't dout they were prepared to lose the sub in question should we be trigger happy and blow it out of the water just to see how close it got before being blown up.
This is the Tiawan Strait which we have been plowing through it over and over to intimidate the Chinesse, they probably just parked the sub in our usual path with the engines off and wait for the fleet to pass over head and just float to the surface. Theirs no sound to detect what so ever in that kind of senario and its a logical defense if you know your enemy is going to come through a particular piece of water. I'm sure the Chinesse planned all this very carfully and deliberatly to counter-intimidate us or at the least shake our confidence. I don't dout they were prepared to lose the sub in question should we be trigger happy and blow it out of the water just to see how close it got before being blown up.
Originally posted by Whoha
I think Impaler got it, they were using pretty much the same course for the Carrier group, and on the 11 billionth run through the Chinese put a sub in the pathway.
And this isn't the first time that the US has made this kind of mistake either.
I think Impaler got it, they were using pretty much the same course for the Carrier group, and on the 11 billionth run through the Chinese put a sub in the pathway.
And this isn't the first time that the US has made this kind of mistake either.
