Originally posted by lord of the mark
I have had many interesting discussions with folks here who have criticized Israel, as many here can attest.
I have had many interesting discussions with folks here who have criticized Israel, as many here can attest.
AFAIK, none have expressed the views wrt to the holocaust that Ahmadinajad has.
Let's compare this with the visit of Netanyahu to Concordia. In that case, the students were right to protest and try to prevent him from speaking on campus, because that particular speech was closed to opponents of Netanyahu, so that he could not be confronted and questioned about his disgusting views. In the Columbia case, students were not prevented from attending the Ahamadinejad event based on their political or religious views, and students with virulenty opposing views were allowed both to attend and to ask critical questions of him.
If you are invited to speak at a university, you should be treated with respect, as long as you agree to allow your opponents to hear your speech, and, if appropriate, ask critical questions.