Originally posted by lord of the mark
You think religious people are more likely to be cokeheads?
I dont get the impression that is the message Obama is spreading.
You think religious people are more likely to be cokeheads?
I dont get the impression that is the message Obama is spreading.
I'm saying that if we actually educated people, they'd be less likely to believe the "Intelligent Design" or "God's Green Earth" bull**** peddled by politically-motivated religionistas.
They'd be less likely to waste their money on lottery tickets.
They'd realize that being a cokehead is not a general path to success.
They'd realize that studying well is one of the better methods of trying to acheive a higher standard of living.
They'd realize that they'd be better off not buying the bull**** peddled by demagogues and talking heads hook, line, and sinker.