Originally posted by Kontiki
Only if someone completely abandons their team. It's one thing to make a judgement call and keep someone on the bench and miss out on some points, it's another to not make a single roster move since the season began, to the point where sometimes you have just as many if not more people on the bench than you do playing.
Only if someone completely abandons their team. It's one thing to make a judgement call and keep someone on the bench and miss out on some points, it's another to not make a single roster move since the season began, to the point where sometimes you have just as many if not more people on the bench than you do playing.

Further, if you were to start making decisions for his team it could open a whole can of worms as to your motives for specific choices, which while they may be honourable could still lead to the accusations and comments that Asher refers to above.
But that's just a newbie perspective

