you can't accept people to have thoughts of their own (okay they are really thoughts of the church)?
Why do people feel the need to change other people to conform to their views? How is this better than what the church is doing?
Why do people feel the need to change other people to conform to their views? How is this better than what the church is doing?
Mention Gallileo.
the fact they accept evolution nowadays, how they went from literalists to it's inspired.
Really, not much has changed over the years with regard to doctrine, so the church can claim that it is infallible there. The crusades, inquisition, suppression of some heresies, etc. have nothing to do doctrine so mentioning this stuff to him will have absolutely no impact.
The closest that I've seen to a change is a clarification of the church's opinion regarding the protestant notion of justification by faith rather than a justification by faith and works.
Changes in doctrine are so rare that I wouldn't be surprised that this is the only change that I see in my lifetime.
The closest that I've seen to a change is a clarification of the church's opinion regarding the protestant notion of justification by faith rather than a justification by faith and works.
Changes in doctrine are so rare that I wouldn't be surprised that this is the only change that I see in my lifetime.
To be honest, that's the part were you give up and start talking about sports or something...
I'd say do it subtly. First off, in debating you will never be able to convince him. He won't accept it, period. It's quite obvious.
So you should just subtly point out things if they should emerge. Other than that, don't bother. How good friends are you? LIke really really good friends? He will take it as in you are against his character, because he has absorbed it all so fully, you know, he will feel like every attack against the church or anything is attack against himself. And attacks against him are attacks against the church.
So you will damage the relationship if you aren't extremely good friends and comfortable.
But it's obvious you can't talk him out of thinking what he now thinks. He needs to realize his own ways by himself and you can help him do that by pointing out subtly if such opportunities should arise, but make it so that he thinks he thought himself about that, not that you told him so. This is in a way, one of the best ways of manipulation. Lead him into thinking otherwise, subtly, without traces.
So you should just subtly point out things if they should emerge. Other than that, don't bother. How good friends are you? LIke really really good friends? He will take it as in you are against his character, because he has absorbed it all so fully, you know, he will feel like every attack against the church or anything is attack against himself. And attacks against him are attacks against the church.
So you will damage the relationship if you aren't extremely good friends and comfortable.
But it's obvious you can't talk him out of thinking what he now thinks. He needs to realize his own ways by himself and you can help him do that by pointing out subtly if such opportunities should arise, but make it so that he thinks he thought himself about that, not that you told him so. This is in a way, one of the best ways of manipulation. Lead him into thinking otherwise, subtly, without traces.
Well, you are wasting your time quite frankly.
First of all, if he is a Catholic he will say that the church has a human nature and a divine nature. The human nature of the church are the people that comprise the church. They are fallen, they will sin they will commit all manner of evil in the course of their lives and over time.
The divine nature of the church is the doctrine of the church and the teachings of the church. Even if we supposed that everyone who became Catholic could perfectly follow everything, it would not make the teachings of the Catholic church any more true. They are true not because of the conduct of those who are Catholic, they are true in themselves and therefore can be the measure by which our conduct can be gaged.
First of all, if he is a Catholic he will say that the church has a human nature and a divine nature. The human nature of the church are the people that comprise the church. They are fallen, they will sin they will commit all manner of evil in the course of their lives and over time.
The divine nature of the church is the doctrine of the church and the teachings of the church. Even if we supposed that everyone who became Catholic could perfectly follow everything, it would not make the teachings of the Catholic church any more true. They are true not because of the conduct of those who are Catholic, they are true in themselves and therefore can be the measure by which our conduct can be gaged.
The only way to pursue this matter is to read up on Catholic sources and what Catholic doctrine actually says. You aren't going to succeed otherwise, and I must also caution you that there are certain consequences to investigating in this fashion.