The difference between abstinence, in abstaining from sex when you are fertile, and contraception, is that contraception allows you to have the unitive aspect of sex without the procreative. Now you can argue that having sex when you know the woman is not fertile is under the same motivations...
You would not abstain, because you believe that sex is simply for pleasure.
It's on the website. Very reliable actually, but the trouble is that the method works for married couples who invest the time, unlike condoms which require no investment.

Second nitpick: you say married couples who invest the time. I don't see any reason to believe it wouldn't work just as well for unmarried couples who invest the time. Of course, that's sinful and bad, but it would still work.
...end up saying that the only purpose of sex is procreation. Which is not the case.
We require research because we have forgotten these things. This knowledge isn't new, nor is it all that complicated. It has been forgotten and cast aside because of the times in which we live.
