Originally posted by Verto
Well, I'd say the difference between running a virus-free, spyware/etc-free PC, vs. running the same with a Mac, is that I don't have to bother with Windows AntiSpyWare, or Norton AntiVirus, or SpyBot, or Adaware - all programs I had to use far to frequently, since I shared a computer with people not so uber l33t as, say, you
Well, I'd say the difference between running a virus-free, spyware/etc-free PC, vs. running the same with a Mac, is that I don't have to bother with Windows AntiSpyWare, or Norton AntiVirus, or SpyBot, or Adaware - all programs I had to use far to frequently, since I shared a computer with people not so uber l33t as, say, you
To state whether or not an OS is well-designed, or easy to use, doesn't require an OS design class, so stop the BS. Unless you are ready to shut your mouth about how well designed cars are, or a house.
You and Aggie are basing your "well-designed" argument probably based on the fact tht Windows has viruses, spyware, etc. But that is a function of its popularity, as MacOS X has many vulnerabilities of its own...they're just not being exploited because their marketshare is insignificant.
Going by your car example again, you're basically looking at, say, Toyota's vehicle crash numbers and comparing them to Lada's crash numbers. And because Toyota has more accidents, you're saying they're not well-designed...
Yes, but you see, the majority of those people aren't choosing Windows XP; they are choosing the cheap, 200$ Dell or whatever computer, which happens to come with Windows, that they will take home and then complain about viruses and bla bla bla.