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What the heck is this crap?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ted Striker
    I'm proud of you guys, you haven't mentioned the 1812 War thingie this time.
    The 1812 thingie is just more nationalistic, a-historical garbage.

    Don't worry. The USA interned hundreds of Japanese-Americans during WW2 under the assumption that they were Imperial Japanese spies. But the USA has fortunately decided to gloss over that part of it's kind and "liberator of the oppressed" history.
    No it hasn't. Anyone who went to high school (and has a brain) in the US past 1960 knows this fact well. People in Canada know the US did this as well, however (shockingly), more and more are completely unaware that their own country did the same thing as well. The same people are also unlikely to know that Canada has had slavery, is imperialist (Quebec, First Nations), has engaged in cultural genocide (residential schools), etc, etc...

    Nothing against this country at all, its just that the "golden boy" image it purports is getting old and it seems likely that closet skeletons are going to bite the national character in the ass sooner or later.

    What's really funny is that he's an ex-pat American who is banging the 'I'm not American' drum.
    Is that true? I didn't know that. You know, that really sickens me to the bone. As an ex-pat American myself (living in Canada for many years) nothing grates on my nerves more than whiny self-loathing Americans who cut and run with little to no knowledge of the country they're headed to - as is clearly the case with John "Head up his ass" Chuckman, so eagerly willing to lick the bums of his new Canadian daddies. Everytime I meet one of these loser Americans up here congradulating me on living in a country with "no guns and no racism!" I want to punch them. That kind of ignorance is an insult to the real problems that ordinary Canadians face everyday. And whats worse is Canadians are starting to believe this crap!

    [Just to be clear I left the US in the middle of the Clinton years, when everything was hunky-dory, and with no hard feelings. There were absolutely no politics involved in my decision.]


    • #32
      Jimmy, stop being so ****ing bitter. You're an American claiming that Canadians are mindless nationalist duckspeakers?

      12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
      Stadtluft Macht Frei
      Killing it is the new killing it
      Ultima Ratio Regum


      • #33
        Originally posted by KrazyHorse
        Jimmy, stop being so ****ing bitter. You're an American claiming that Canadians are mindless nationalist duckspeakers?

        Yes I am claiming that. This exists in every country, US included, and should be no surprise to you. I'll call BS whenever and wherever I see it. And the fact that you insinuate the US fairs worse at this nationalism thing reveals a level of ignorance and an attitude that's part and parcel of the problem at large.

        You surprise me sometimes, KH. You're supposed to be a Socialiast and yet you constantly go around touting this "kiss me I'm Canadian" jingoistic attitude - something I know a good friend of mine (a very active Socialist) would crucify you for. Do you do this out of bitterness of having to live in the US, or do you truly buy into this whitewashed, "golden boy" image of Canadian history?


        • #34
          Originally posted by KrazyHorse
          Jimmy, stop being so ****ing bitter. You're an American claiming that Canadians are mindless nationalist duckspeakers?

          And by the way, I'm not bitter at all. I love Canada - maybe even more so than most Canadians since I love it with all faults inlcuded.


          • #35
            You surprise me sometimes, KH. You're supposed to be a Socialiast and yet you constantly go around touting this "kiss me I'm Canadian" jingoistic attitude - something I know a good friend of mine (a very active Socialist) would crucify you for. Do you do this out of bitterness of having to live in the US, or do you truly buy into this whitewashed, "golden boy" image of Canadian history?

            KH isn't a socialist...


            • #36
              Originally posted by JimmyCracksCorn

              Yes I am claiming that. This exists in every country, US included, and should be no surprise to you. I'll call BS whenever and wherever I see it. And the fact that you insinuate the US fairs worse at this nationalism thing reveals a level of ignorance and an attitude that's part and parcel of the problem at large.

              You surprise me sometimes, KH. You're supposed to be a Socialiast and yet you constantly go around touting this "kiss me I'm Canadian" jingoistic attitude - something I know a good friend of mine (a very active Socialist) would crucify you for. Do you do this out of bitterness of having to live in the US, or do you truly buy into this whitewashed, "golden boy" image of Canadian history?
              Well, since its the 4th and I have yet to give an award, Jimmy here give this to KH

              Attached Files
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #37
                Nope, he's a dyed in the wool capitalist.

                And props to Grandpa Troll for having family in PEI, and Canadian relatives.
                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                  Nope, he's a dyed in the wool capitalist.

                  And props to Grandpa Troll for having family in PEI, and Canadian relatives.
                  Ya know Ben, I grew up in Maine, in early '60's in Aroostook county near Quebec (prounounced KaBek) and in 70's in Calais (not french like Calay but more like Callus) across from New Brunswick (St Stephen)

                  I lived with the Sons of Satan MC from New Brunswick or Noveua Brunswick when I was 16 and have a lot of friends up there..

                  I joke they joke back but for real, in the country, the deep woods where I am from, a man is judged on his manhood, what he stands for not the color of his flag or citizenship..

                  I sometimes pick on my french relatives but it is out of humor

                  if someone cant stand being the butt of a joke then find another country where no one has a sense of humor

                  And remember, dun ya go outside when its -50 degrees without yer Tuke, aye!
                  Attached Files
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #39
                    I have American ancestors, scandanavians who lived in North Dakota, and in Wisconsin. They immigrated to the United States, and then my branch of the family continued on to Saskatchewan.

                    if someone cant stand being the butt of a joke then find another country where no one has a sense of humor
                    Yeah, that's an endearing Canadian trait. Poking fun at ourselves. We really are an odd bunch of crazy folks, living way to far up north.
                    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                      I have American ancestors, scandanavians who lived in North Dakota, and in Wisconsin. They immigrated to the United States, and then my branch of the family continued on to Saskatchewan.

                      Yeah, that's an endearing Canadian trait. Poking fun at ourselves. We really are an odd bunch of crazy folks, living way to far up north.

                      I think people take themselves far to serious

                      In America, I love AMerica but sometimes and seemiungly too often we size ourslves up for more than we are worth

                      humility aint one of the bigger traits America is known for

                      Maybe folks up north have a little fun because its so darned cold and your stuck inside you actually have to get to know someone up close and personal

                      I am not sure but it does teach you honesty and integrity


                      Lets have some fun laugh a little

                      no laugh a lot and laugh a little more at how we represent ourselves versus the way we should act

                      Attached Files
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                        You surprise me sometimes, KH. You're supposed to be a Socialiast and yet you constantly go around touting this "kiss me I'm Canadian" jingoistic attitude - something I know a good friend of mine (a very active Socialist) would crucify you for. Do you do this out of bitterness of having to live in the US, or do you truly buy into this whitewashed, "golden boy" image of Canadian history?

                        KH isn't a socialist...
                        KH has claimed to be a socialist in the past, unless his views have changed recently.

                        I distinctly remember the death of Pierre Berton and KH saying it was his work that made him turn to socialism.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by JimmyCracksCorn

                          KH has claimed to be a socialist in the past, unless his views have changed recently.

                          I distinctly remember the death of Pierre Berton and KH saying it was his work that made him turn to socialism.
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Grandpa Troll

                            I can't find the post though, I guess we'll have to wait to hear it from the horse's mouth.


                            • #44
                              I think KH is an NDP supporter, but not a "socialist" in the quasi-communist mold. Could be wrong, though.
                              "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                              "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                              "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Kontiki
                                I think KH is an NDP supporter, but not a "socialist" in the quasi-communist mold. Could be wrong, though.
                                Most socialists I know support the NDP electorally since they're the closest thing to a socialist party with any real chance of gaining seats in the House.

