Honestly? I'm usually completely oblivious to everyone unless they directly interact with me. Meaning, I always miss the people on the street.
However, once we begin interacting, be it just waiting in line in a coffeeshop or saying excuse me on the el, it's the face that I always notice first. Mostly because that's what I'm interacting with--a face in front of a person.
Interestingly, it irritates me when I can't see the face--I find myself craning, trying to get a glimpse of it.
That said, I tend to prefer au naturale, or just a smidgen of makeup. If it's noticeable, then it's bad. Kinda like perfume or flash--it can be very flattering, if the preson knows how to use it; unfortunately, too many just slather it on, thinking the flashiness will be beneficial, when in actuality it just looks/smells/sounds whorish/overpowering/laggy.
One past the face, it's personality. Because if a girl can't find the holocaust or the tsunami funny, what will she find humorous?
However, once we begin interacting, be it just waiting in line in a coffeeshop or saying excuse me on the el, it's the face that I always notice first. Mostly because that's what I'm interacting with--a face in front of a person.
Interestingly, it irritates me when I can't see the face--I find myself craning, trying to get a glimpse of it.
That said, I tend to prefer au naturale, or just a smidgen of makeup. If it's noticeable, then it's bad. Kinda like perfume or flash--it can be very flattering, if the preson knows how to use it; unfortunately, too many just slather it on, thinking the flashiness will be beneficial, when in actuality it just looks/smells/sounds whorish/overpowering/laggy.
One past the face, it's personality. Because if a girl can't find the holocaust or the tsunami funny, what will she find humorous?