Originally posted by Saras
There ARE NO "POLICIES". What are your sources for this bull****?
There ARE NO "POLICIES". What are your sources for this bull****?
Things like that: http://www.aceproject.org/main/english/lf/lfy_lv.htm
Yes, they deal with Latvia, which is the worst country by far. Last time I inquired about the issue, I saw that Estonia was less extreme, while Lithuania had a much more peaceful approach to it russophone minority.
Again, the Roma (Gypsies is a non-pc word ) did not invade Hungary, deport a significant part of its population and replace the with Roma. Feel the difference?
Of course.
But in the EU, you don't base policies on past grudges. That's how the EU got built in the first place, when the French and German governments decided to forgive the past, despite a large hatred for Germany in the French population (and there are still real traces to this day).
Maybe that's why so many EU countries are so zealous about official apologies, and overall weeniness. Because the very reason why the EU is successful at its primary mission (keeping the peace between European countries) is because we refuse to base our policies on grudges, but on the way we want to see the world tomorrow.
For clarity of future discussion - the "Baltics" are three separate and different countries, with an extremely different pre-XIX century history. By lumping them together one risks attributing traits of just one to all three. Such as the whole Russian minority issue.