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Schiavo Pt. Four

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  • Originally posted by Ned
    But the fact that the guardianship was not changed does not change the fact that both the court and the guardian ad litem found that Michael had a conflict of interest.
    Which is why he turned the decision over to the court.
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • Originally posted by MRT144

      and the result of that was what? think of the end result.
      The court relied on witnesses other than Michael or Michael's doctors to reach its conclusions. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • Originally posted by chegitz guevara

        Which is why he turned the decision over to the court.
        Perhaps. Perhaps also he needed the court to approve pulling the plug under the law. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


        • thats a conspiracy theory ned, right there. he conspired with lawyers to use the government to do his dirty work.
          "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
          'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


          • Ned, I gave you two from the get go: Rightists, and more specifically, Rightist Christians believe that America is under assault by Leftists who want to "destroy" "morality", "justice", the "american way", and Christianity.

            About the only difference is that the Rightists here twist scripture to support their insane beliefs that we're living in the End Times.

            I refer you to the Philadelphia Trumpet, for instance.

            It purports that the EU is the work of Satan, among other things.


            • I forgot, though, Ned. You're so blinded by the right/by your hatred of anything on the left that you fail to see any flaws in your side.

              It's impressive, to have blind belief like that.


              • Originally posted by Q Cubed
                I forgot, though, Ned. You're so blinded by the right/by your hatred of anything on the left that you fail to see any flaws in your side.

                It's impressive, to have blind belief like that.
                Blind faith! How very right wing.


                • Q Cubed, there is a so-called cultural war under way. The left and right do disagree on many moral issues. This does not mean that the right is delusional about the left, or the left about the right. It simply means that there are differences which are being debated.

                  The fundamental flaw I see from the right's point of view is that they cite "God this" and "God that" to support their arguments. Not only is this kind of argument not persuasive in general, it is offensive to any intelligent person who would rather see arguments that link cause and effect.


                  • Why does everything have to be right and left here?
                    Thats the same as right and wrong. Both parties fueled an argument over a woman that had no abilty to speak let alone think. Both parties lied and had selfish reasons for doing so. The fact that the govt got involves was because of the lying of both parties
                    When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                    "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                    Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


                    • Plus, it makes no sense to label all those who supported Michael as being on the left, and those who supported Terri on the right.

                      Both drew across party lines, for different reasons.
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                        Plus, it makes no sense to label all those who supported Michael as being on the left, and those who supported Terri on the right.

                        Both drew across party lines, for different reasons.
                        Good point, BK
                        I'm about to get aroused from watching the pokemon and that's awesome. - Pekka


                        • So very true, BK.


                          • Originally posted by Q Cubed
                            People of all stripes, creeds, affiliations, leanings, and colors can wear the tin foil hat.
                            A colleague from the US regaled us with a story recently about some nutter who came to see him wearing a tinfoil hat - so the government/aliens/whatever couldn't read his thoughts you understand
                            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                            • Originally posted by Mrs. Tuberski
                              Why does everything have to be right and left here?
                              Thats the same as right and wrong. Both parties fueled an argument over a woman that had no abilty to speak let alone think.
                              Actually, the Democrats pretty much stayed silent.
                              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                              • In this case as a whole nobody had right or left or democrat or rebublican tattoed on their forehead. The family, both sides lied, and gripped the nation in a bit battle over ****ing money.
                                When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                                "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                                Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.

