Austria is now responding to French moves in China. The Austrian navy is now steam out of port toward the seas around China.( if there is a Suez Cannel, which I am sure there is they will use that to get there faster, since we are allied with Britain.) The Austrain navy has been ordered to protect Chinese held ports and to attack any armed ships trying to capture the ports. Also Austria is sending more guns and tanks to China and training the Chinese to use them. As of now 5,000 millitary adivosors are in China training the army to fight the French forces.
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GDNES2 - The Age of War
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OOC: Giovanni can you please post the Argentinian election results, taking into account my post from yesterday (it's on page 52). Note that if no party gets a majority of the presidential election there is a runoff of the top two (this will most likely happen)
To the US: Withdraw from either the Caribbean or the Phillipines and we will be friendly with you. Stay in both and we may be forced to go to war and at least be very angry.
To the UCA: OUr two nations should enjoy free trade. I propose a treaty securing tariff-free trade and free passage through each other's territory.
Additional Diplomacy and Events:
To: Argentina
From: United Central America
Of course we agree on free trade with you, may our two nations be frends for many years to come.
- Argentinian Elections (1st round)
Socialist, Marxist and Unionist have gained a lot of popularity, after the recent scandals about the conservatives, and after those have started martial law, and as such the conservatives lost over half of their votes (mostly to Unionist and Reformist).
- Reformist: 30%
- Unionist: 28%
- Conservatives: 15%
- Socialist: 14%
- Marxist: 13%
- Argentinian Elections (2nd round)
Many people blames the fact that Marxist and Socialist could not make it up here on the fact that they are two separate parties, and their votes have been splitted.
The Unionist won the second round, but not by much as thought, as many of the far-left supporters, potential Unionist voters for the 2nd round, decided not to vote for any party instead.
- Unionist: 54%
- Reformist: 46%
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
To Austria: We ourselves had military advisors in China, attempting to help them modernize their military. We considered ourselves on friendly terms with China. It is regrettable that we were attacked by those who we considered our friends. However, we ask that you do not interfere with our counter-attack. Frenchmen were killed without cause, and we must honor their sacrifice. I promise you that we do not seek the fall of the good republican government in China. We only seek French lands to be returned to us, and will use whatever means we must to have them returned.
To China: We repeat, give up this conflict, and return to your rightful lands.
French forces have been ordered not to fire on Austrian ships unless fired upon. Also, the invasion plan has been launched. Most of the 'Huge' French army has surged across China, retaking all land that was in our possession at the cessation of the last war."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
To China:
We support your cause of liberating ourself from French rule. We will do all we can to make sure that all of China is under your rule and free from European influnce, the age of imperialism is over and the Austrain government realizes this.
To France:
We can no longer stand by and watch you spread your corrupt rule over the world. There fore Austrain Empire has declared war on France.
THe entire Austrain army has been moblized for the war and is now heading through Italy and using tanks, infantry and mobile artilery units to reach the French border as soon as possilbe. The new armor calvavry units of the Austrain army are expect to push away much of the resistence it is expect to face in the first attack.(ooc: If Italy says no Then I will find anther way to move the troops.)
The Austrain army is now drafting people into the Amry and is expect to go from LArge to Huge in 2 years time. The newLast edited by Jack_www; February 13, 2003, 16:06.
To: Austria
From: Italy
As your ally we will let your forces to march through our territory, if needed, and technically we should declare war on France too, but we must ask you to reconsider your declaration, as it may have very bad consequences on the peace of Europe.
Also, on a more strategic note we would like to remind the Austrian generals that even if you manage to pass through the Alps with a good number of troops, the French-Italian border have been very heavily fortified by the French, as well as the Italians, and it will be very hard to gain much land (OOC: Just like RL WW1).
To: Ottomans
From: Italy
What should we do, we have been caught completely by surprise with this Austrian move, should we declare war on France as well? Also, may I ask you to send some troops in Lybia and Tunisia, should the French attack us?(/secret)
To: France
From: Italy
Do you really want to start such a war over a few Chinese ports? I say let the Chinese have those cities, sell them to China for a good price, and let's restore peace back in Europe, and the World.
The French-Italian border have been heavily fortified, and all available units have been moved to the French-Italian border, and some smaller regiment near the Tunisia/Lybia-Algerian border.
The troops are ordered to fire against any possible intruder.
The Italian fleet is protecting the Italian coasts, and have been ordered to attack any non-authorized ship.
SalutiLast edited by Giovanni Wine; February 13, 2003, 17:17."Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
The new president of Argentina has ordered the army to leave the cities an dend martial law, but it disobeys! The army has stormed downtown Buenos Aires and other cities, executed the president, and taken many members of Congress as prisoners. GEneral Juan Estrella and leader of the right wing of the Conservative party Rafael Rubio have declared that they are to be the joint rulers of the ARgentinian Empire. They have declared Socialism (including marxism) illegal, and thousands of Socialists have been arrested. Riots have broken out throughout ARgentina, but all have been brutally crushed by the military.
OOC: This right-wing group was in cahoots with the army, and was responsible for the terrorist attacks. They were being supplied with weapons by the army in exchange for the agreement to share power after the coup d'etat. However, no one knows this.
Britain to Austria:
We strongly urge you to back down on the Chinese issue and make peace with France. A little bit of land on the other side of the world that doesn't even belong to you isn't worth shattering European unity over.Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Brazillian bases on all Cuban islands remain reinforced and fortified.
To US:
Your illegitimate invasion of Aruba will not be tolerated. Withdraw from this independent nation or Brazil will intervene. Brazillian forces occupy these Cuban islands, any landings from your troops will be considered a threat to Brazillian troops and an act of war. There is no reason for your pointless conquest! You have your Keys back, now stop this nonsense or Brazil will declare war! This is pointless, the Cubans haven't even retaliated! At first, you had our full support and understanding, now you just don't know when to stop. These islands which are under Brazillian supervision will be defended from invaders.
All Brazillian troops ordered to open fire and defend their islands and bases from any foreign invaders. Hundreds of thousands of troops reinforce every island and Cuba. Millions of military equipment resupplies all Brazillian forces. Bases and beachheads refortified and continue to improve their defenses. 100% of the Brazillian Navy locate themselves in the Carribean, blockading their own islands, they are under orders not to allow any American ship or submarine or unauthorized vessels to enter any of these islands. Military strategists dish out battleplans for every scenario possible in a war in Carribean.
To US:
Why do you pursue war instead of peace? End this through diplomacy. Brazil will not allow you to attempt any takeover of any Cuban island. We want peace damnitt.
To American Alliance:
I hope I have your support. The Americans are attempting another conquest campaign, we must not allow it. Cuba was wrong, but the US is beginning to be committing an even more wrong activity.
To World:
Please demand that the US stop their military operations. Objectives have been met, why do they continue? They invaded a sovereign nation for no reason, evidence to their change in objective. They have gotten back their Keys, they have destroyed many Cuban ships and killed many Cuban soldiers, now is time to end this. Peace can be achieved through diplomacy yet they insist on war. I understand war is necessary but when diplomacy is an oppurtunity one must not throw it aside. They have thrown it aside...why?...because they don't want peace...they want land.
To Venezuela:
Brazillian engineers are en route to begin constructing oil refineries.
TO AA and Central America:
Let us all open our borders to each other, complete free trade!
To Brazil: Thank you for the support, the unexpected American Blocade has set us back several weeks. You have the full use of our Medium-scale navy in the defense of Cuba. We must band together, even if it means another war in the U.S.
((OOC: REALITY POLICE! Sheep cannot take on the whole British, Brazillian, and Cuban Fleets, something he has claimed to do with his blocade as both Britain and Brazil vowed to not let unauthorized ships through the Cuban Carribean. Additionally, how can Sheep both blocade Cuba, AND stage war in the philipines with only a Large navy??! With this logic, success is impossible, unless you would like to destroy all the aforementioned Nations' navies Giovanni. Please resolve this, Sheep has a way of fighting extended wars without losing a single troop, bullet, or resource, even after they've been beaten, disarmed, and blocaded.))
To European Nations and the Ottoman Empire: We desire peace throughout the world, yet the United States seems to be vehemently against it. Some examples of U.S. warmongering.
-The invasion of Aruba, a sovereign nation!
-The invasion of the Phillipines!
Not only that, but they have killed their own people:
Cuba's statement in regards to the Florida Keys was that Cubans would stay there and help rebuild in a peaceful fasion (i.e. homes and local businesses) until the United States was deemed able to govern effectively.
With the United State's invasion without so much as an inkling of intelligence stating that Cuba had recieved their threat, the population working with Cuban citizens suffered great casualties. In one instance, reporters documented American soldiers having target practice with Cuban babies by tossing them into the air and then firing upon them. Another case was seen where an American businessman, rebuilding his business with the aid of a cuban construction worker, was shot in both arms, and both legs, before being shot through the neck as a "traitorous slave to the Tinpot Emperors south of Florida." It is obvious that the United States does not have peaceful intentions, and has disregarded the primary of the nation's core values: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Cuban cigar manufacturers, angered at the American slaughter of innocent people, have begun producing and storing weapons in their facilities, and production shifts have gone into 24 hours a day so that men can be armed for war against the Imperialistic dictatorial regime of the United States!
Increased Nationalism, an increased proliferation of weapons throughout Cuba, and pro-cuban propaganda stunts have prompted the citizenry of Cuba to plant sustinence gardens, stockpile arms, and barricade their neighborhoods in case of an attack. One Cuban citizen said, "Should the Americans come to my home, the warmest greeting they will get will be the hot lead from my rifle."
To the world: The U.S. claims that Cuba was still in Aruba are completely false, as can be proven by the governments of Holland and Aruba respectively.
To Argentina, Venesuela, Central America, Brazil, and Mexico: American blocades in the Carribean ultimately hurt all of our nations, please help us resolve this conflict before your well-being is threatened as well.Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
To: Italy (secret)
We should just hold off and wait, if the austrain start to lose we may have to help them, if its a stale mate then just let it go, if they start winning big time then help them a bit and invade spain. Untill then just protect your self.Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires
From France:
To Cuba: We support your position in words, but can do nothing to assist you militarily, nor do we even desire to.
To USA: Please stop the violence. We ask you as friends.
To the World: Regarding war with China and Austria:
It saddens us to no end that Austria has chosen to take this desperate measure against the people of France. However, it is absolutly impossible to cease hostilities against China without their surrender and withdrawal from French territory. So much has been committed to the war that to withdraw it without victory would destroy our economy. We will not bring our allies into this war unless France is invaded, and we ask Austira's allies not to get involved.
A shocked French home guard digs in the the Alps and Eastern borders. The assualt continues in China. If China does not choose to withdraw from the conflict, it is expected that we will occupy Peking within the year."The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
To France:
We will not back down untill you free China. If that means war then so be it!
To Allies(secret):
We are trying to free China, this is the purpose of the war. It is now in the hands of France to stop this war. Look to them, not us.