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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • British Commonwealth to Ireland:

    Here are our conditions:

    Open trade, no tariff or tax barriers.

    You get all of Ireland, except two coastal cities of your choice of which you will control but we will have the right to a garrison and military harbors.

    Free movement of British and Irish citizens between states.

    British citizens and businesses are in no way to be penalized or given an advantage over in any matter. They are to be treated as well as your own citizens. This includes visitors and British who own or purchase land in Ireland. They are not to be penalized or persecuted at all.

    Ireland will be granted independance under these terms one year after you agree to them.

    The remainder of the states in the British Commonwealth, now autonomous and no longer suffering in any way from colonial policies but still retaining the advantages of being connected to Britain, are modernizing and industrializing themselves, with prosperity increasing towards the levels of European countries. In many states, enlightened and progressive policies have already raised up standards of living higher than they have ever been in those areas before, and they are steadily increasing. Free economic and political policies means they are improving themselves and the interaction has led to an overall improvement of the British Commonwealth, which is continuously compounding in its positive effects.

    The government of the Commonwealth, in response to the current world conditions, is now upgrading the technology of all branches of the military, specifically focusing on overhauling the navy and expanding the size and effectiveness of the airforce.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • Britain is now also enforcing trade zones off of French Indo china and Cuba, where all non combat vessels may pass. If anyone disrupts or attacks these vessels, there will be swift and just retaliation.

      OOC: Giovanni, even if it doesn't escalate into the war it did in real life, surely there would be some response over the assassination of the archduke?
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • ((OOC: I couldn't post a response, sorry))

        Cuba's initial plan was to relinquish the keys to the United States as soon as Cuban officials deemed the US capable to handle the territory in a responsible manner, noting the racist name calling the US has given to Cuban allies. Cuba DOES wish to point out that we were very vocal about our desire for peace and strength in the Americas, the US's attack going against that completely. As for Aruba, Cuba had completely withdrawn from that territory in the hopes to avoid war there, now the US has Attacked.


        To Holland: You support a war against Cuba that is being fought against your former people on your former soil?? EXPLAIN!

        To Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and the CSA (TOP SECRET): Note that any further US expansion into our territory is a rebirth of an imperialist America, one which has given up ALL it's ideals set forth by George Washington, and the Monroe Doctrine (i.e. Washington's anti-long term treaty plea, and Monroe doctrine's solitary hemisphere control in America.) By joining up with Europe, the US makes us decidedly weaker.

        Cuba defends it's shores with kite bombs, but only succeeds in sinking one US ship. The bombs do; however, cause a very distinct drop in morale for the US troops.

        To the United States: ok, you've proven your point, you are stronger than cuba, now that you are finished masturbating your ego, would you kindly please go home, or go fight a war in Eurasia somewhere for one of your new found allies, or play baseball with some of Haiti's fine leather products, Cuba is sad to see the great democracy experiment fail into a dictatorial push for conquest.


        A rejection of our attempts at reconcilliation will make you nothing more than warmongering vermin, and a state of war will exist between us if you do not back off.

        To France (secret): Why does your ally condone war against their own population when it is practiced by the US, but when Cuba enacts a peaceful annexation, a threat of World War exists? Cuba has only exchanged harsh words with France, the citizens of the U.S. have exchanged BULLETS!! Which is historically more apt to fight you?

        CUBA OUT
        Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
        Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


        • Brazil condemns the US invasion of Aruba. This was an independent nation, no Cubans were on the island. Retaking of the Keys is logical, but the invasion of a sovereign nation makes no rational point except for simple conquest. Therefore, we request to the US they withdraw their forces from this land immediately or else Brazil will be forced to come to this small nation's aid and repel the invaders.


          • OOC: Giovanni, I strogly suggest you start a new thread for this. The mods aren't too happy with threads going over 500 posts.


            • ooc: Wow Giovanni Wine man, like i said before i have read almost all the NES from the being. The only thing i am new to NES's are that this is the first one i posted on. You should not really have any problems with unrealistic posts from me, because after all most of what i say is out of history itself. Good thing my good buddy Jack_www was around to cover my back, or else you guys would most likely be in a uproar before i could post again.LOL SORRY i was not clear on the army thing but if the whole army was well train then i would have asked Austria for more rifles and machine guns. If i was going to be unrealistic i would go all the way! I did not ask Austria for 4 million rifle and machine guns, i just asked for 100,000 rifles and 10,000 machine guns. But i do not blame you for being so agressive with the whole realism police. The revolution is a project, not a actual revolution. This NES by the way is too peaceful why the hell is Germany so quiet did the aliens abduct the Germans or something. [Sigh] Is the hope of the future, will there be anything Great done in this time?


              • ooc: Oh sorry i did not know who controll each port. I did not know France Hong Kong. How did france get part of China? What ever.

                Austria (secret): Stop the French fleet form making it to China, that is the first main worry. We should hold long enough for asistance from you.

                France: How dare u declare war on us for freeing are lands from your corrupt and hated rule. We would have been willing to talk and continue trade but now you will die! The people have so much hate for you and the are will to die before we let down again. I have now told the people they are free to let out their hate in anyway they see fit against you. There is a band of southern chinese the are rallying to lott and destroy everything in French Indochina and free those people as well. All we wanted was our land back so not more corruption, flith, and drugs that harm our country. You devils brought it upon us now back to hell you go!

                Brittain: We wish to negotiate with you we see your willingness to let us free. We like to trade but no Opium or other filth again. In gratitude for your good nature we will be hold a celebration in Peking{modern day Beijing} and we will open a new harbor sole for British trade. The same thing you fought the U.S. for you let France do to us? Why? We want corruption and drugs out of your country and you let your neighbor violate, and rape us and your lands? Please i entreat you to stop french agreession. We want the Gold Age of China back for your people to flourish once again. Is this wrong are only the Europeons allowed peace and posperity.

                To the world[all players still in this NES]:We wish to negotiate a new treaties with you and open more trade.


                • Britain to China:

                  well, you did attack the French. SInce you were the first agressors, we cannot help you. If your country had problems, that's something you need to deal with, no one was deliberately trying to harm your people. As for the trade of items you consider bad, the real solution would have been to use diplomatic means to correct the problem, not letting your people loose to destroy things. Therefore we have to warn you that, although you are free to do whatever you want in your own country, if you attack the French we will come to their aid. We will however support any efforts of yours to make peace.

                  to France:

                  See if you can make peace with the Chinese, that would be the best solution, but if they refuse and attack you, you have our support.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • Diplomacy:

                    To: Italy (secret)
                    Should we admitt the americans into the Balkan Alliance?


                    The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                    The Ottoman Federation has finished the search for oil as it see it may need it later and found large deposits in the Persian Gulf area.


                    The army is being upgraded it is getting all the latest fighting tools and will be enlarged to huge. We are also researching ways to make the aircraft more usefull than just recon. Do to info from our italian allies we believe the threat from the rebels is much bigger than it was and are ramping up ops accordanlly. We have finished taking over the administration of egypt from the U.K., it is now an official part of federation.


                    The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                    The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Has been completed.

                    Project status:

                    Army to huge: .5 years
                    More usefull aircraft: 4.5 years

                    Diplomatic status:

                    Afganistan: United with Us
                    Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
                    UK: Normal (Trade)
                    France: Friendly (Trade)
                    Italy: Very Friendly (Allied, Trade)
                    Germany: Normal (Allied)
                    Russia: Normal (Allied)
                    Austria-hungary: Friendly (Selling oil)
                    China: Normal (Trade)
                    Japan: Friendly (Trade)
                    USA: Normal
                    Brazil: Normal
                    Argentinia: Normal
                    Cuba: Cool
                    Mexico: None

                    National Status:

                    Ottoman Empire (light blue)
                    Ruler: Nimitz
                    Army: Very Large
                    Navy: Large
                    Air Force: Tiny
                    Space Fleet: N/A
                    Government: Federal Monarchy
                    Economy: Growing
                    MMP: Emperors Alliance, Balkan Alliance
                    Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                    Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                    President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                    • Originally posted by foolish_icarus
                      OOC: Giovanni, even if it doesn't escalate into the war it did in real life, surely there would be some response over the assassination of the archduke?
                      The fact is that Serbia is fully under Ottoman control, so I've decided to spare the archiduke life

                      why the hell is Germany so quiet did the aliens abduct the Germans or something


                      White Diplomacy: January 1915

                      From: Holland
                      To: US

                      Aruban and Cuban envoys have told me that when your troops enetered the island, Cuban troops had already withdrawed.
                      We ask you for an explanation of it, and an immediate withdraw from the island, and leave Aruba independent and OUT of this conflict.

                      From: Ireland
                      To: Britain

                      We accept all your terms and we will allow british military bases in the coastal cities of Belfast (north-east) and Tralee (south-west)

                      From: UCA
                      To: Everybody

                      We are neutral to the US-Cuban War.

                      From: Venezuela
                      To: AA

                      We agree with you


                      Events: January 1915

                      - In Denmark, a plebiscite approves the proposed sale of the Danish Virgin Islands to the U.S.A.
                      64% of the Danish voting public approves the sale.

                      - Danish constitutional reform
                      King Christian X signs a new constitution giving full suffrage to women and servants, two groups previously excluded from the vote.

                      - Oil found in Venezuela

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • To Holland: Cuba was in fact sill in Aruba. All military matter have been defered to the Aruban Commanders. Soldiers can remain there if the government so asks

                        To Ottoman Empire: The unrestcted subamarine attacks will not be employed.

                        To Cuba: You are to pay reperations, give all territories other than Cuba itself to a new Carrabean Federation, based from Jamacia and place arms limitations. The United States wont tolearate your regime so close to US territory.

                        To the World: We do not seek to capture territory only liberate it from Cuba. We do not require assistance and shall not take any offers of it from Latin America.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • To: Ottoman
                          From: Italy
                          I don't trust some of the moves the Americans have done, but it might be a good idea to sign with them a defensive alliance, to prevent the USA to be attacked by the South-Americans... later on we could always turn it into a full-alliance and invite them into the Balkan Alliance.(/secret)

                          To: Balkan Alliance
                          From: Italy

                          I suggest we create a common research program, so that all our technologies can be shared with each other and give our people a better living standard, and our armies a better equipment.
                          That way also our scientist may be able to share their ideas, and our projects could progress faster as well.


                          The Italian Minister of Defence have announced that starting from this year, new aircrafts will be produced, so to make our aif force a medium one, the Italian minister have stated its faith on this new weapon and decided that it would be best to have a big number of them, to be used as recon troops, also a new kind of rifle have been developed, it is lighter than usual, and it is to be placed on each airplane, so that they will be able to attack enemy's airplane and enemy's ground troops as well.


                          Italian Projects
                          Research for Oil in Lybia: 4.5 years
                          Enlarge Air Force (to Small): 3 years
                          Enlarge Air Force (to Medium): 4 years (cumulative with above)


                          Italian Stats
                          Name: Kingdom of Italy
                          Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
                          Prime Minister: Giolitti
                          Government: Monarchy
                          Economy: Growing
                          Army: Large
                          Navy: Very Large
                          Air Force: Tiny
                          MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

                          Italian Positions toward countries:
                          Russia: Normal (allied)
                          Germany: Normal (allied)
                          Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
                          Ottoman Empire: Best Friend (allied, trading)
                          UK: Normal
                          France: Friendly (trading)
                          Japan: Friendly (trading)
                          USA: Friendly
                          Brazil: Normal
                          Argentina: Normal
                          Cuba: Normal getting cooler
                          China: Normal
                          Mexico: Normal to both parts
                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • Originally posted by Frozzy
                            OOC: Giovanni, I strogly suggest you start a new thread for this. The mods aren't too happy with threads going over 500 posts.
                            AFAIK this is only for Off-Topic threads... but I might be wrong.

                            Can a mod please tell me if I should start a new thread for this?

                            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                            The trick is the doing something else."
                            — Leonardo da Vinci
                            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                            • ooc: Wrangler, we own part of China due to the last war we fought and won against you. Thats what I meant when I mentioned the treaty.

                              Elite French troops, supported by artillery and naval superiority, have succeeded in capturing half of the ports under French control under the treaty. Much of the countryside remains under the control of Chinese forces, but French reinforcements are expected soon. The PM has ordered a counter-offensive to begin in January.

                              To China: Withdraw, and adhere to the former territory lines, or face French occupation.
                              "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                              Former President, C3SPDGI


                              • The American blockade of Cuba proper continues unabbated. While American army groups along with those from the Carrabean Federation (Jamacia) continue to claim more islands from Cuba for the new democracy.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

