To Cuba: I recommend you leave the Florida keys, but we will not force you. It is your choice and we will respect it.
Economy: Growing to Prosperous (8 years)
To Venezuela:
Brazillian engineers believe you might have oil within your territory. We advise you to look into this. This could aid the American Alliance, lots.
To Pancho Villa and General Zapata:
We congratulate you on your successes on the fight for freedom and justice. We would like to let you know you have friends to your south. ANd we would gladly help build your nation after you victory in this civil war.
Economy: Growing to Prosperous (8 years)
To Venezuela:
Brazillian engineers believe you might have oil within your territory. We advise you to look into this. This could aid the American Alliance, lots.
To Pancho Villa and General Zapata:
We congratulate you on your successes on the fight for freedom and justice. We would like to let you know you have friends to your south. ANd we would gladly help build your nation after you victory in this civil war.