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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • To Cuba: Your continued invasion of other Carrabean islands is intollerable. Aruba has been evacuated, but the US army is willing to move back in to protect the civilian government there. We shall liberate the Carrabean from your grasp.

    To Brazil: This is not of your concern. The Cubans are in the wrong, they are imperialists incarnate in the Americas, and their ambitions must be pujt to a halt.

    to Argentina; The Philipines shall stay under US control as they were never just given to the former Japanese regime and that regime's actions voided all lease. (secret) We plan on setting up the Carrabean Federation. We welcome your new government and shall support it. We offer you a bilateral alliance and with it the right to base Argentinan ships in US ports and Us ships in Argentinan ports. We hope this co-operation shall last.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • White Diplomacy: July 1915

      (Note: Japanese messagges must be considered only if jdd2007 does not return in the NES this turn and say otherwise)

      To: US
      From: Japan

      Stop your war in the Philipinnes, you fool, or next time we shall invade your main land as well.

      To: China
      From: Japan

      We support you, Asia is for Asians, let's throw those European Pigs back to where they belong.

      To: AA
      From: UCA

      As we already said we shall stay independent in this war, however we agree in open trade treaties with your countries.

      To: Brazil
      From: Venezuela

      We welcome your engenniers.

      To: USA
      From: Holland

      Good, and never go cack there, if the Cubans attack Aruba we shall protect them, not you.

      To: Aruba
      From: Holland

      Dear old colony, we wish to establish a Dutch military and Naval base there, so that you won't be involved on those crazy Americans issues anymore

      To: Holland
      From: Aruba

      We agree

      To: France
      From: BENEDEFRA

      As you wish we will stay out of the war, but just say a word and we will be there fighting on your side.



      - Japanese Fleets sunk the American one off the coast of Philippines
      The Huge Japanese Navy was mobilized all together to fight against the American ships off the coast the Philippines. The Americans outnumbered suffered heavy casualities, and their remaining fleet had to go back in the USA before being copletely destoyed by the enraged Japanese officers.
      After that a full scale invasion of the Philippines by the Japanese was done, once again, thanks to superios forces and better supplies, the Japanese easily defeated the American army there, and captured over 34.000 POW.

      - Mohandas K. Gandhi returns from South Africa to India
      Gandhi, now dubbed "Mahatma" ("Great Soul") declared that "with war nothing can be achieved", obviously refering to the Franco-Chinese War.

      - Holland increase military spending
      The Dutch navy has now reached Large status, becoming the second biggest navy in BENEDEFRA, many dutch ships have reached the island of Aruba in order to protect the tiny nation nautrality and independence.

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • Thanks to Austrian help we expect the our army forces to go from medium to hugh in 2 years.

        In a state of angered fenzie, 175,000 mongolian saber calvary rush to the front to help.

        I have now began a capaign to arm the forces with large hand grenades. Korean Merchants rise to the occation to help crush the French devils by supply us with Korean rockett artillery. To push back french advances the forces were bombarded with the rockett artillery. To divert some the "devils" forces a bombardment of Honk Kong, and Kowloon. As a counter strike to the french Dynamite traps had been placed all across southern China the place where the french have recently occupied. To father demorilize them French Indochinain residents were helped to gain some arms by a secret supply ship that entered the area. Continues etempts to help the the unhappy and angered local merchants, and peasants. Heavy defenses were laided down to stop any more french advances. Artillery have been deployed in the region to defend the area. More and more farmers pour into the army to add assist the forces. In a all out attempt to keep this movin, disstablizing capaigns have been made in all French controlled areas to make them have to put down the rebellions, and fight the Chinese. Dynamite traps are layed in my areas across the country, the french my not have a 1 year war after all.

        France: We have many explosive traps all across China if u advance into them we will blow them up right under your troops. We will blow up Peking before you can get it! Dynamite is through out many cities. This is a all out war we will take u down with us before we let you take anything from us. There is no way in the world u can defeat millions of people and fight Austria at the same time. The only way to stop the fighting is if u sign a unconditional surrender with the follow terms: 1. You leave China all together, and the Eastern coast of French Indochina [modern day Vietnam]. 2. Remove of all your forces except 75,000 order keepin troops. 3. Restitution of 10 million francs. 4. A Global anounced communication that you were wrong, and that you apologized. Million man rushes will happen so give up!

        Austria: Thank you very much we will help you with your war over there we have sent 100,000 man engineering corps to Italy. They have explosive, and many other building supplies. The are under your command us them wisely.


        • To France: We seem to have similar enemies. We shall back you in any war in Asia.

          To Japan: Your actions have been unwelcome. You are to pay reperations. You have yet again broken an agreement. Japan jad only a lease and shall not have this anymore. If you do not accpet we shall be forced to act.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • To China:We reject your outrageous terms, you are the ones you are suffering a military defeat, not us.

            To BENEDEFRA: Thank you for your support. It is most unfortunate that China has decided to needlessly continue this war. We thus ask for your help in this war.

            To Spain: We ask for your support in this, that you sign an alliance with us.

            To USA: Yes, we agree. As soon as you and Cuba cease hostilities, we would like to sign an alliance with you.

            To Japan: It was never our intention to break our friendship with you, but your support of China is unacceptable. Cease it.

            To Korea: Cease supplying China, or we will declare war upon you.

            To Austria: We see that you will not be convinced to sign a peace with us, but we will not attack you, as you are not our enemies.

            To Italy and Ottomans: I promise you, even if your ally in Austria attacks us, we will not attack your territory.

            Due to the planting of explosives and suicide tactics used by China, French forces have ceased their advance at the officially recognized border, and are holding their positions.
            "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
            Former President, C3SPDGI


            • To France: Asa soon as the Carrabean is liberated from Cuban Dictatorship we shall do so.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • To France: God himself sees the you evil godlike etempts to ENSLAVE your lands and people. EVERY LAST CHINESE PERSON WILL DIE BEFORE SURRENDER. WE WILL NOT GIVE INTO SATANIC FRANCE! IF we do not free our lands then we dont want to leave on this Satanic world! The peoples anger grows colder ever day against you. TO THE DEATH!

                Austria and Allies: Do not the Evil France take hold on the world! Destroy them! All we wanted was your lands free, we would have continue trade. Infact we would have increased it. At least stop them! This is an outrage France is trying to bully us. We will not stand for it.
                Why do you continue to let them rape us and your lands?!

                To U.S: What do you look to gain by attackin us with France. We have done nothing to you. It is Frances, and her allies that ATTACKED YOU! They cause dead and destruction to your people and country, NOT US! All we want is your land, freedom, and peace. Your country is suppose to protect people of the world, it is the foundation of the country! The very reason that you are fighting Cuba for, you help France DO TO US!

                Austria (secret): A small band of sucide Koreans have entered the war to stop French agression against all of Asia! Korean Military leader Fang Ho rush to the aid of the Chinese after hearing of the account from some of his scouts. Fang Ho rallied fellow leaders, Chang Minh, Leo Kang to march all the men and resources available to them to help China to freedom. Young revolutionary farmer Ho Chi Ming saw the events happening in front of his farm, he realized that now was the time to stop these devilish pigs and free the dominated, enslave lands of Asia. We rescued him out of the area along with 50,000 loyal followers before the French realized. Ho Chi Ming is now in Austria along with many military advisors, and a small army of loyalists of Fang Ho, Chang Minh, Leo Kang's. Thank you for begining to train them right away. How long should the training take? We need them as soon as possible. These acts that you have done for us has given us hope that not all Europeons are evil, this has made are people closer to together. If we can assist you in anyway please notify us. One more matter to discuss please convince at least one of your allies to do the following: Get them to the front of the French so that they may stop their evil ways. Their still may be goodness in the heart of the French people. If they get in the front then they will be forced to stop fight or risked hurting your allies. ----They made drugs and got our people on them, to try to force us to trade with them. They have sold all kinds of filth to pollute our people. They would not stop so we asked for our land back so that we could stop the filth from coming in our country they did not stop so we are forced to war. Good ness is on your side fight with us and victory will come upon you. There was no peaceful solution that we have not already tried. ------ Thank you for help and address this message to your allies.

                To all freedom fighter in Indochina (secret): Rise up and we will rescue you to fight the French, and to free you lands. Stand up all Asia will be free!
                Last edited by WRangler Rhymer; February 14, 2003, 13:32.


                • To Brazil and Venezuela: With Japanese support, we can beat the US. Let's attack now.

                  Argentina has declared war on the US, and moved much of its navy north along the South American coasts in preparation for an attack.

                  To the US (SECRET): OK, now just wait for Venezuela and Brazil to enter the war. When they do, withdraw from the Caribbean so France will join our alliance. Then I will attack Brazil, and you can crush Cuba, Venezuela, and Japan. My navy is along the Brazilian coast. They think its going north to attack you, but it's actually getting positioned to attack them!


                  • To China: I am heartened that at least our missionaries have taught you proper Christianity. I would also like to note that if you had desired your ports back, and desired to continue trading with us, all you had to do was offer to purchase the land from us. Your suprise attack was not at all needed. Your continued efforts to fight us are not at all necessary.

                    France now has control over all of French Indochina, and must insurrectionists have fled. PM Vayer has thus decided to offer the following to its inhabitants:

                    Giovanni, please resolve:
                    You have a choice, as a free people, you may:
                    1. Remain under French rule and protection.
                    2. Become independent and allied with France.
                    3. Become independent and join China or Siam.
                    The third option is... strongly discouraged... by the French government.
                    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                    Former President, C3SPDGI


                    • Diplomacy:

                      To: England
                      What would it take to buy western India from you?

                      To: Italy (secret)
                      Should we free lands taken by Russia?


                      The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                      The Ottoman Federation has finished the search for oil as it see it may need it later and found large deposits in the Persian Gulf area.


                      The army is being upgraded it is getting all the latest fighting tools and will be enlarged to huge. We are also researching ways to make the aircraft more usefull than just recon. Do to info from our italian allies we believe the threat from the rebels is much bigger than it was and are ramping up ops accordanlly. We have finished taking over the administration of egypt from the U.K., it is now an official part of federation.


                      The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

                      The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Has been completed.

                      Project status:

                      Army to huge: Complete
                      More usefull aircraft: 4 years

                      Diplomatic status:

                      Afganistan: United with Us
                      Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
                      UK: Normal (Trade)
                      France: Friendly (Trade)
                      Italy: Very Friendly (Allied, Trade)
                      Germany: Normal (Allied)
                      Russia: Normal (Allied)
                      Austria-hungary: Friendly (Selling oil)
                      China: Normal (Trade)
                      Japan: Friendly (Trade)
                      USA: Normal
                      Brazil: Normal
                      Argentinia: Normal
                      Cuba: Cool
                      Mexico: None

                      National Status:

                      Ottoman Empire (light blue)
                      Ruler: Nimitz
                      Army: Huge
                      Navy: Large
                      Air Force: Tiny
                      Space Fleet: N/A
                      Government: Federal Monarchy
                      Economy: Growing
                      MMP: Emperors Alliance, Balkan Alliance
                      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                      • To France: At that time we had little money to buy anything, and that would not get rid of the filth, drugs coming into your ports. We will sign a treaty only if the following terms are met:
                        1. Give ALL Chinese land back that includes Hainan island, Hong Kong, Kowloon.
                        2. Release the eastern coast of Indochina to your controll so that we can bring it up to independence when it is ready.
                        3. Restitution of 10 million Francs.
                        4. Removal of all armed forces, and navy from Asia ecempt 75,000 troops in westren Indochina.
                        5. After the war is over if you attack Japan we can declar war on you with rightful cause.
                        the more this conflict drags on the more we will seek in damages. No we have not really changed to christianity we just respect it.

                        To Ottoman Empire: We greet you, any friend of Austria is a friend of yours. We wish to show tribute to you by sending you 10,000 workers to help to modernize your country more rapidly. If there is anything that we can do just ask, that is in your means that this time. After the war is over we wish to increase trade with you and Austria more extensively.

                        To Austria(secret): We wish to seek an alliance with you so that we can prevent anything bad to happen to both your countries in the future.


                        • To: China
                          We thank you for the kind gesture, we will kindly accept the help, also if you need any help with military training we will give you it. Also as a gift we would like to give you 100 Airplanes and training to fly them. We would also like to extend our rail line into your country if thats ok?
                          Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                          Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                          President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                          • To Ottoman: The people of China rejoice from the response of the Ottomans. The Chinese have happy hearts with the thought of Austria and the Ottoman Empire. Yes we would love the airplanes and to extend the rail line to the Ottoman Empire, but when we can get to it. May the love between China, Austria, and the Ottomans continue to flourish. The news from the Ottoman Empire has lifted the spirits of all China! As another gesture of continued friendship with the Ottomans we would like to help the Ottomans build the biggest statue in world if you want to. More aid will be sent when we can, to help modernize your country more. May Austria, and the Ottoman Empire grow strong, and prospurous.


                            • To: France, Austria, China
                              From: Italy

                              We are growing tired of this situation, we believe that all parties can easily come up with a diplomatic solution if only we have tried one.
                              Therefore we invite all of you in Venice, to discuss the matter in the Pheonix Palace of Venice, as civil people should do.
                              We hope no one will refuse our invitation, as it may have a bad ripercussion on the official Italian position in this war.

                              To: Ottoman
                              From: Italy

                              An attack on Russia will mean the end of the Emperor's League and may put Germany in the war on their side, but we see that you may want your old territories in Crimea back.
                              Therefore we will stand behind you, whatever you may want to do.


                              Additional Diplomacy from JAPAN

                              To: US
                              From: Japan

                              YOU started this war, by invading the Philippines, territories that YOU have sold us.
                              Drop your claims on the Philippines now, and sign peace.

                              To: AA
                              From: Japan

                              If the US do not withdraw their claims on the Philippines, we will join the war at your side.

                              To: AA
                              From: Mexico

                              We are getting pissed of the American Imperialism. FIRST: They have stole from us California, Utah, Arizona and Texas, SECOND: They attempted to dominate the Central Americans, THIRD: They are now trying to dominate the Carrabean.
                              We, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, can not tolerate it anymore, our army is strong and motivated under our new government, allow us to enter the American Alliance, and we will join the war on your side.

                              To: Argentina, Brazil
                              From: Venezuela

                              If the Americans do not pull out the Carrabean, we shall attack them next year.

                              To: USA
                              From: Mexico

                              We are getting wary of your Imperialism, sign peace with Cuba now, or we will be forced to intervene.

                              To: France
                              From: BENEDEFRA

                              Ok, we will join the war with you.

                              To: France
                              From: Spain

                              How can you, after you have attacked us while the Italians were invading us, ask for our help against the Austrians, go away before we may actually decide to attack you.

                              Congratulations guys... you have just started World War 1 and Apparently the country who in RL was blamed for starting it, is the most neutral one.

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • To: Italy(secret)
                                The Emporers Alliance is dead we are the only members who do any thing in it any more. I'm not after war all I want is them to leave scandinavia and mongolia which is to go back to China.

                                To: China
                                We thank you for all you are willing to do.
                                Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                                Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                                President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires

