To Cuba: Your continued invasion of other Carrabean islands is intollerable. Aruba has been evacuated, but the US army is willing to move back in to protect the civilian government there. We shall liberate the Carrabean from your grasp.
To Brazil: This is not of your concern. The Cubans are in the wrong, they are imperialists incarnate in the Americas, and their ambitions must be pujt to a halt.
to Argentina; The Philipines shall stay under US control as they were never just given to the former Japanese regime and that regime's actions voided all lease. (secret) We plan on setting up the Carrabean Federation. We welcome your new government and shall support it. We offer you a bilateral alliance and with it the right to base Argentinan ships in US ports and Us ships in Argentinan ports. We hope this co-operation shall last.
To Brazil: This is not of your concern. The Cubans are in the wrong, they are imperialists incarnate in the Americas, and their ambitions must be pujt to a halt.
to Argentina; The Philipines shall stay under US control as they were never just given to the former Japanese regime and that regime's actions voided all lease. (secret) We plan on setting up the Carrabean Federation. We welcome your new government and shall support it. We offer you a bilateral alliance and with it the right to base Argentinan ships in US ports and Us ships in Argentinan ports. We hope this co-operation shall last.