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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • The United States announced today that the Philipine Islands were to be taken back over. Japanese troops still loyal to the government outnumbered rebels and the Philipines were quickly restored to the Unted States government.

    The United States announces that in 2 weeks the Florrida Keys operation will commence
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • To the World
      From the President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt.

      We have the grave duty to announce that due to continued Cuban occupation of US territory two years after the Treaty of Panama was signed, we hav to declare war against that nation.

      Cuba has defied the world, and has neither the power or the need for an empire. The Cuban government has ruthlessly subjugated the surrounding islands, and the Us government will now liberate them. Operations have commenced.

      The US army with the Navy have completely destoyed all Cuban fortifications in the Florida Keys and have liberated them in a swift manouver helped with the new fangled travelling fortresses.

      Two days later after the War had started the US moved into Aruba to ensure that the state did not fall to Cuban forces. The Arubian government seems to be pleased with this action.

      PLanned assults on the islands occupied by Cuba are now being drafted.

      To Brazil and Argentina: The Cuban government has not lived up to the peace settlement so the US government will now make them pay. All Brazilian an Argentinan ships are advised to leave the Cuban ports asap. In 6 months unrestricted submarine warfare will commence on th Cuban nation.

      In this time any ships of yours sunk and can be proven sunk will be paid for by the US government.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • To World: This treaty is a abuse of Europeon influence to enslave China and we will have none of it. The Red Guard is please to anounce that all europeon ports are under Chinese controll, the cities are: Port Author, kiaochow, Wehaiwei, Hong Kong, Kowloon,Macao Port, Kwangcho. This is a adress to the world: "If any one attack China the fortunate people will look for to DEATH!". "In a very short time, several hundred million peasants will rise like a tornado of tempest, a force so swift and violent that no power, however great will be able to suppress it. they will break all bonds that now bind them and rush forward along the road to liberation. They will send all imperialists, warlords, corrupt officials, local bullies, and bad gentry to their graves." "We should not fear the militarists. We should not faer the capitalists. What is the greastest force? The greatest force is the uion of the popular masses."

        To Austria (secret): The people of China simile on your willingness to help us. We now call on you to show your helpful spirit. We need some more rifles, are army is going fast. We need 100,000 rifles,10,000 machine guns and also the plans for both so that we can study it replicate it and devolpe are own arms. We also need artillery and if u can plans for those you have as well. We will in return send u some raw materials require for your tank build.

        The people of China are please to anounce that this project are under way:
        The Voyages of Cheng Ho. This is a naval building project that will help the chinese people bring back The Grand Fleet. (3 Years for complition).
        The Revolution. This will modernize China. (4 Year for complition).
        The Lenin project. This will take place after The Revolution is complete. It is designed to increase China's steel output. (4 years).
        The gold Sword. To build the world largest artillery. It will be 1 mile in length. This is in progress imediately. (5 years).

        To France: The Red Guard is under controll of all Europeon ports, if u attack us we will invade Indochina and free the people their. We have in your possesion some artillery pieces, arms, and more on its way. Our army is 4 million in size and grown every day. We will swarm your like bugs and u will be sent to death. We ask you to sign a new treaty or face destruction.


        • Diplomacy:

          To: USA
          If you will hold off on the unrestricted sub warrfare we will loan you ships from our navy. (secret)We may also help you more directly if the Italian do also.(/secret)

          To: Italy (secret)
          Should we help the americans, I am thinking we should?(/secret) Should we admitt the into the Balkan Alliance?


          The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

          The Ottoman Federation has finished the search for oil as it see it may need it later and found large deposits in the Persian Gulf area.


          The army is being upgraded it is getting all the latest fighting tools and will be enlarged to huge. We are also researching ways to make the aircraft more usefull than just recon. Do to info from our italian allies we believe the threat from the rebels is much bigger than it was and are ramping up ops accordanlly.


          The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

          The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Has been completed.

          Project status:

          Army to huge: 1 years
          More usefull aircraft: 5 years

          Diplomatic status:

          Afganistan: United with
          Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
          UK: Normal (Trade)
          France: Friendly (Trade)
          Italy: Very Friendly (Allied, Trade)
          Germany: Normal (Allied)
          Russia: Normal (Allied)
          Austria-hungary: Friendly (Selling oil)
          China: Normal (Trade)
          Japan: Friendly (Trade)
          USA: Normal
          Brazil: Normal
          Argentinia: Normal
          Cuba: Cool
          Mexico: None

          National Status:

          Ottoman Empire (light blue)
          Ruler: Nimitz
          Army: Very Large
          Navy: Large
          Air Force: Tiny
          Space Fleet: N/A
          Government: Federal Monarchy
          Economy: Growing
          MMP: Emperors Alliance, Balkan Alliance
          Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
          Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
          President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


          • OOC: WRangler, I'm acting as the Reality Police Mod.

            Some of the things you did are a bit off and unrealistic.
            Don't get me wrong, you are a new NES player and many new players do your same mistake.
            (sometimes even veteran players *points at Sheep* )
            EDIT: I mean some of your older post Sheep, not this new one which is actually very well thought... good job my friend

            Your army was a Medium one till yerstuday, so you can't have a 4 milion one today, either you resize it, or you have a very badly trained army (to make up for the Medium level).

            And one last but very important thing:
            The Revolution. This will modernize China. (4 Year for complition).
            is this the name of a project or what? to my records a Revolution wouldn't allow you to do any project, and while you are having it your economy and military wan't be very strong at all.

            Once again, don't get me wrong, but you can't have everything in such a short time, it's not real.
            (the reality police is the only real rule of this NES, by the way)

            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
            The trick is the doing something else."
            — Leonardo da Vinci
            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


            • White Diplomacy: July 1914

              To: US
              From: Holland

              We support you against the Cubans, but currently we can not send any army to help you, as we feel that a greater threat is growing in the East of the world, but if for whatever reason the war might turn bad to you, we will come in your full support.


              - In Denmark, a plebiscite approves the proposed sale of the Danish Virgin Islands to the U.S.A.
              64% of the Danish voting public approves the sale.
              - Panama canal completed
              The UCA has recently completed the works on the Panama Canal, which were started by the USA during their occupation of the area.
              All non UCA ships will have to pay for traveling through it.

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • To: Ottoman, Austria, USA
                From: Italy

                We publicly support the United States in this war.


                Italian Projects
                Research for Oil in Lybia: 5 years


                Italian Stats
                Name: Kingdom of Italy
                Head of state: King Vittorio Emanuele III
                Prime Minister: Giolitti
                Government: Monarchy
                Economy: Growing
                Army: Large
                Navy: Very Large
                Air Force: Tiny
                MPP: Emperor's League, Balkan Alliance

                Italian Positions toward countries:
                Russia: Normal (allied)
                Germany: Normal (allied)
                Austria-Hungary: Friendly (allied)
                Ottoman Empire: Very Friendly (allied, trading)
                UK: Normal
                France: Friendly (trading)
                Japan: Friendly (trading)
                USA: Friendly
                Brazil: Normal
                Argentina: Normal
                Cuba: Normal
                China: Normal
                Mexico: Normal to both parts
                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • To: USA
                  If you do not do the unrestricted sub warfare we will ally with you in this war.
                  Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                  Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                  President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                  • ooc: I will accept the army of 4 million as realistic, if badly trained and poorly armed\equipped.

                    Even though the French army was on alert in French China, they were not at all prepared for the massive attack. French forces reeled backwards, retreating out of the Chinese lands. Only the island of Hong Kong remains in French control, as Chinese attacks upon it were repelled by the flotilla docked there.

                    PM Crian Vayer himself has arrived in Hong Kong, to demonstrate his faith in French forces. He is in session with Col. Francais Lafayette, commander of Hong Kong defenses, discussing the current situation.

                    Col: We were caught totally unprepared. There must be millions of Chinese troops swarming the countryside as we speak. They have the support of the populace and---
                    PM:Colonel, they're militia! They're farmers with pitchforks! You have the full support of our people, but do not make excuses! I want to be in Peking one year from now, do you understand?
                    Col: Yes, sir!

                    To China: Of course you know, this means war.
                    To BENEDEFRA: We ask that you immediatly move against China with us.
                    To Emperor's Alliance, American Alliance, United States: We ask that you give any sort of assistance possible in winning this war.
                    To United Kingdom: We ask that you give us all assistance possible. It is clear that China wishes for nothing less than elimination of European influence and commerce, and the fall of all european territories, in Asia. I hope that you will be willing to aggressivly counter this threat.
                    To UCA: We ask that you allow French warships to pass through the Canal without hinderence on their way to China.

                    France is sparing no expense in the war against China. All troops, ships, and airplanes available are being moved into the region. Due to the massive war mobilization and loss of ports in China, the economy is reduced to Prosperous.
                    Last edited by Thud; February 12, 2003, 13:53.
                    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                    Former President, C3SPDGI


                    • To the World: We agree that the US is just in its war on Cuba, as long as it does not attempt to gain any territory for itself. However, we condemn their takeover of the Phillipines. The gave it to Japan in a fair treaty, and they have no legal claim to it.

                      To Venezuela and Brazil (SECRET): Let's side with the US. If we capture much or most of Cuba's territory we will be able to stop the US from making all the terms of the treaty.

                      With elections coming up, protestors have gone to the streets demanding the end of martial law. The Socialist and Unionist parties are gaining strength from their support of ending it. Many Reformists also are calling for the end of martial law. This is likely to be the main issue in the upcoming elections. Many protestors have been arrested by the army and are being held without charges until martial law is lifted.


                      • Originally posted by Giovanni Wine
                        OOC: WRangler, I'm acting as the Reality Police Mod.

                        Some of the things you did are a bit off and unrealistic.
                        Don't get me wrong, you are a new NES player and many new players do your same mistake.
                        (sometimes even veteran players *points at Sheep* )
                        EDIT: I mean some of your older post Sheep, not this new one which is actually very well thought... good job my friend

                        Your army was a Medium one till yerstuday, so you can't have a 4 milion one today, either you resize it, or you have a very badly trained army (to make up for the Medium level).

                        And one last but very important thing:

                        is this the name of a project or what? to my records a Revolution wouldn't allow you to do any project, and while you are having it your economy and military wan't be very strong at all.

                        Once again, don't get me wrong, but you can't have everything in such a short time, it's not real.
                        (the reality police is the only real rule of this NES, by the way)

                        While I talked to WRangler and I can anwer for him right now since he is not here at the moment.

                        The Army he has is just people who are handed guns mainly, they have gotten little if no training at all. So you could kind of think as a large part of the army a mob with guns who hate Europeans. There is however a part of army that is well trained, but the mob outnumbers them.

                        Revolution is just name of project that he came up with. The other stuff I cant reallyh say anything about it and let him post about that. /occ

                        To China:
                        We will start shiping to your arms that you requested, we also will send millitary adivisors to help train your army and will send some of our tanks and show you how to use them.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • Originally posted by Jack_www

                          While I talked to WRangler and I can anwer for him right now since he is not here at the moment.

                          The Army he has is just people who are handed guns mainly, they have gotten little if no training at all. So you could kind of think as a large part of the army a mob with guns who hate Europeans. There is however a part of army that is well trained, but the mob outnumbers them.

                          Revolution is just name of project that he came up with. The other stuff I cant reallyh say anything about it and let him post about that. /occ
                          ooc: That's a good enough explaination.

                          The real thing I was worried about were the 4 milion army and the revolution, but as he explained them there are no problerms.

                          Sorry for questioning you WRangler

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • Sorry not to go away completely, but I'd like to point out to WRangler that Japanese influence in China was very strong. In fact, Japanese advisers had trained a relatively small (in terms of per capita) but modern Chinese army.


                            • To: Russia
                              We would like you to give the scandinavian countries there independance.
                              Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                              Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                              President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                              • To Cuba:
                                I told you. Now please, sue for peace immediately and apologize for the delay in leaving the florida keys. Open negotiations immediately before another war erupts.

                                With the Cuban islands already containing Brazillian bases, they have been reinforced, and new bases have been established and fortified. The local Cuban military on these islands has been temporarily put under the command of the Brazillian commanders present The military is on high alert. Cuba itself has been reinforced with Brazillian troops.

                                To US:
                                You've made your point, and have gotten what you wanted. Now open peace talks. Time for negotiations. War built on vengeance leads to larger catastrophes. You've taken Aruba and the Florida keys back, open negotiations so peace may be obtained through diplomatic means. Brazil assures you Cuba will negotiate. Must war continue to run rampant in the western hemisphere? We understand your motives and fully support you. Brazillian troops are stationed on these Cuban islands, just to let you know. You have our support, but do not get carried away, your objectives have been met and your point has been taken. Time for peace.

                                Navy: Huge to Gigantic (8 years)
                                Army: Gigantic
                                Air Force: Tiny
                                Economy: Growing to Prosperous (6 years left-- 2 years in)

                                Brazillian engineers begin constructing their own tanks, after their experiences in the war with the US. They use their experiences with the British tanks given to them during the war and the pros and cons of these new age weapons.

                                They begin development of a faster, stronger armored, and larger caliber tanks.

                                New Tank creation: 10 to 15 years

                                To AA:
                                Let us unite our research, so that more effective creations will suffice at a greater speed.

