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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • occ: I am going to be away for tomorrow due to a hospital visit. I shall be returning Wednesday.

    To China: What we are allied to Japan, why would we want war with you (secret) We shall support you if the Europeans interfere again and we have the ability.

    To Cuba: Surrender now, your people starve.

    To Venezuala: You can;t continue this war the industiral might of the US is only starting the mobilise against you.

    The US Army continues to advance into Mexico. In bloody trench warfare broken by the occasional barrel charge (I'm calling tanks barrels over in America) The Mexican Army is driven back even futher. Using this method the US Army has also reached the suburbs of Mexico City and the government building is now in range of US artillery barrages.

    In Port Elizabeth, Jamacia the Carrabean Federation has been formally fromed. Every island that Cubqa occupied is in the Federation. (occ: Giovanni this is a new white nation can you start conducting its diplomacy, it should be friendly to the US.)
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • To USA: We're not sure why you have suddenly become so friendly with our former enemies and so cool to us, but we are not at all pleased with this latest aggression. If you do not put a stop to unrestricted submarine warfare, France will do it for you.

      To AA, Mexico (secret): We may be interested in renewing and expanding our alliance. We'll keep you updated.
      "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
      Former President, C3SPDGI


      • To the US (SECRET): We can't make our attack until Brazil sends their troops north. I have to hit them when they've left their homeland relatively undefended.


        • OOC: The suburbs of Mexico City are a little too far away, let's say the suburbs of Monterrey (and that's still pretty generous)


          To: Brazil, Argentina
          From: Mexico, Venezuela

          Friends, we need your help up here, we can not win this war alone, especially since the Japanese left.

          To: France
          From: Mexico, Venezuela
          Send help, but send it quickly, the Brazilians and Argentinians are still out, but with your help we might be able to get the upper hand on the Americans.(/secret)

          To: Cuba
          From: Mexico

          Your navy is almost as big as the American one, why don't you force their blockade and fight back?

          To: USA
          From: Carrabean Federation (CF)

          Thank you, may your people grow strong and prosper.

          To: USA
          From: Japan

          No, the last time we had an allance with you it wasn't very succesful. But we will agree to a trade pact.

          To: Russia, Britain, Italy, France, China
          From: Japan

          Friends, we wish to renew our trade pact with you

          To: Germany, Ottoman Empire, Portugal
          From: Japan

          We would like to open trade with your nations.

          To: China, Siam, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia
          From: Japan

          The imperialists from Europe and America had made our people suffer long enough, we would like to form with you the Asian Tigers Alliance, will you agree with us?

          To: Japan
          From: Vietnam, Cambodia

          No, we are already allied with the French

          To: Japan
          From: Siam, Philippines

          We agree.


          Events: January 1917

          - Unhappines in Russia
          People in Russia are unhappy of the Czar despotic rule, and ask for a constitution, some other more radical people ask for the czar deposition and a repubblic to be instaured in place.

          - Revolts in Indonesia
          The people of Indonesia have revolted against the Dutch government there, in response to it a huge army from Holland have left France and heve been sent to crush the rebellion.
          However, once the rebels were calmed down, the government of Holland have decided to allow their colony a greater autonomy.

          - Tabriz Organization dissolved
          After years of search, the headquarters of the rebels was founded by the Ottoman officers thanks to an Ottoman spy who managed to infiltrate in the rebel organization.
          The Rebels HQ is the Persian city of Tabriz, in the province of souther Arzebaijan. The Organization is strong and wealthy, and have other minor HQ in:
          Tripoli (Lybia - Italy)
          Algeri (Algeria - France)
          Astrakhan (Russia)
          Timbuktu (Mali - France)
          Karthoum (Sudan - Britain)
          Jakarta (Indonesia - Holland)
          Dar es Salam (Tanzania - Germany)
          San'à (Yemen - Britain)

          - Americans pushed back
          The Mexican counter attack was strong, and the Americans could only retreat.
          The Mexican Army, enraged for the abuse of mustard gas by the American forces, have advanced rapidly all the way up to the previous border, and have later took the city of Corpus Christi (Texas ), they have payed back the Americans with the same money, using large quantities of Mustard gas on American troops.

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • Diplomacy:

            To: Russia
            What would you need to sell the caucusis?

            To: Emporers & Balkan Alliance
            We are for merging the alliances.

            To: China
            We would love a defencive alliance, and would be very welcome to selling you oil.

            To: Japan
            We are for trading.


            The Emporer of the Ottoman Federation has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

            The Ottoman Federation has finished the search for oil as it see it may need it later and found large deposits in the Persian Gulf area.


            The army is being upgraded it is getting all the latest fighting tools and will be enlarged to huge. We are also researching ways to make the aircraft more usefull than just recon. Do to info from our italian allies we believe the threat from the rebels is much bigger than it was and are ramping up ops accordanlly. We have finished taking over the administration of egypt from the U.K., it is now an official part of federation.


            The Emporer of the Ottoman Empire has started an inisutive to indutrialize the Ottoman empire.

            The Ottoman Empire is working on making a working flying mechean based off the Wright Brothers work. Has been completed.

            Project status:

            Army to huge: Complete
            More usefull aircraft: 2.5 years
            Improve the Econ.: 2 years
            Navy to Very Large: 2 years

            Diplomatic status:

            Afganistan: United with Us
            Persia: Part of the Ottoman empire
            UK: Normal (Trade)
            France: Friendly (Trade)
            Italy: Best Friend (Allied, Trade)
            Germany: Friendly (Allied)
            Russia: Friendly (Allied)
            Austria-hungary: Friendly (Allied, Selling oil)
            China: Friendly (Trade, sell oil)
            Japan: Friendly (Trade)
            USA: Normal
            Brazil: Normal
            Argentinia: Normal
            Cuba: Cool
            Mexico: None

            National Status:

            Ottoman Empire (light blue)
            Ruler: Nimitz
            Army: Huge
            Navy: Large
            Air Force: Tiny
            Space Fleet: N/A
            Government: Federal Monarchy
            Economy: Growing
            MMP: Emperors Alliance, Balkan Alliance
            Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
            Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
            President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


            • To Germany, our territory is not for sale, we need those to expand manufacturing
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


              • ((OOC: Goober crashed his car 2 nights ago and is in intensive care at the hospital, I would assume that he would thrash the Sh*t out of the American blocade as only he can though. I'll update when he is able to have visitors.))
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • To USA: Your blocade is harmful to my business as well as England's. Lift the blocade or declare war on Portugal, those are your options.

                  Portugese merchant ships have been modified into quick torpedo ships, Portugese Navy is now large, and a small fleet has been given to Cuba in addition to what Cuba already has.

                  A state of WAR does NOT exist at the moment between Portugal and the US, but it will if Cuba is not given it's territory back.
                  First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                  Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                  • Metaliturtle, do you want to run the Cubans for goober, or should i do it while he is gone.

                    Best wishes to goober for a quick recovery.

                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • OOC: Holy moly, I'm gone for a weekend and all hell breaks loose. Sorry for my absence. But a few things have been overlooked. Like Brazillian military on all Cuban islands, major Brazil bases and lots of Brazillians garrisoning these. Also, 100% of my Huge (almost Gigantic) navy had blockaded these islands to prevent any American landings, they roam the Carribean. You totally ignored this. The islands were fortified and reinforced and ordered to open fire and defend the islands from American takeover, and my navy ordered to prevent any American ships and unauthorized ships from nearing the islands. And my soldiers aren't untrained peasants with pitchforks, they're veterans and highly trained and the army is Gigantic. Now, I apologize for my absence but I expected my post to be acknowledged, man. The post is on page 27, come on folks.
                      Also, Sheep, the Mexican rebels were Pancho Villa and Zapata and they won. In history, they were the Mexican people's heroes and greatly looked up to. So I doubt there would be any people uprisings or other strong rebel factions.


                      • Originally posted by Easthaven I
                        To Cuba:
                        I told you. Now please, sue for peace immediately and apologize for the delay in leaving the florida keys. Open negotiations immediately before another war erupts.

                        With the Cuban islands already containing Brazillian bases, they have been reinforced, and new bases have been established and fortified. The local Cuban military on these islands has been temporarily put under the command of the Brazillian commanders present The military is on high alert. Cuba itself has been reinforced with Brazillian troops.

                        To US:
                        You've made your point, and have gotten what you wanted. Now open peace talks. Time for negotiations. War built on vengeance leads to larger catastrophes. You've taken Aruba and the Florida keys back, open negotiations so peace may be obtained through diplomatic means. Brazil assures you Cuba will negotiate. Must war continue to run rampant in the western hemisphere? We understand your motives and fully support you. Brazillian troops are stationed on these Cuban islands, just to let you know. You have our support, but do not get carried away, your objectives have been met and your point has been taken. Time for peace.

                        Navy: Huge to Gigantic (8 years)
                        Army: Gigantic
                        Air Force: Tiny
                        Economy: Growing to Prosperous (6 years left-- 2 years in)

                        Brazillian engineers begin constructing their own tanks, after their experiences in the war with the US. They use their experiences with the British tanks given to them during the war and the pros and cons of these new age weapons.

                        They begin development of a faster, stronger armored, and larger caliber tanks.

                        New Tank creation: 10 to 15 years

                        To AA:
                        Let us unite our research, so that more effective creations will suffice at a greater speed.
                        This is the post in case someone doesn't want to dig it out.

                        Yes Easthaven, you are indeed right, I have forgot about this.

                        MOD Action

                        Knowing this, we would still have much fighting in the carrabeans, and no Carrabean Federation was formed.

                        But, because of heavy fighting between the country involved, the Cubans merchant vessels could not make it out or in the island, so Cuban trade got locked and the country is suffering from famine.

                        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                        The trick is the doing something else."
                        — Leonardo da Vinci
                        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                        • OOC: wait wait, I meant the post on page 28, its more direct and the one I intended. But the one you picked is good too.

                          Brazillian bases on all Cuban islands remain reinforced and fortified.

                          To US:
                          Your illegitimate invasion of Aruba will not be tolerated. Withdraw from this independent nation or Brazil will intervene. Brazillian forces occupy these Cuban islands, any landings from your troops will be considered a threat to Brazillian troops and an act of war. There is no reason for your pointless conquest! You have your Keys back, now stop this nonsense or Brazil will declare war! This is pointless, the Cubans haven't even retaliated! At first, you had our full support and understanding, now you just don't know when to stop. These islands which are under Brazillian supervision will be defended from invaders.

                          All Brazillian troops ordered to open fire and defend their islands and bases from any foreign invaders. Hundreds of thousands of troops reinforce every island and Cuba. Millions of military equipment resupplies all Brazillian forces. Bases and beachheads refortified and continue to improve their defenses. 100% of the Brazillian Navy locate themselves in the Carribean, blockading their own islands, they are under orders not to allow any American ship or submarine or unauthorized vessels to enter any of these islands. Military strategists dish out battleplans for every scenario possible in a war in Carribean.

                          To US:
                          Why do you pursue war instead of peace? End this through diplomacy. Brazil will not allow you to attempt any takeover of any Cuban island. We want peace damnitt.

                          To American Alliance:
                          I hope I have your support. The Americans are attempting another conquest campaign, we must not allow it. Cuba was wrong, but the US is beginning to be committing an even more wrong activity.

                          To World:
                          Please demand that the US stop their military operations. Objectives have been met, why do they continue? They invaded a sovereign nation for no reason, evidence to their change in objective. They have gotten back their Keys, they have destroyed many Cuban ships and killed many Cuban soldiers, now is time to end this. Peace can be achieved through diplomacy yet they insist on war. I understand war is necessary but when diplomacy is an oppurtunity one must not throw it aside. They have thrown it aside...why?...because they don't want peace...they want land.

                          To Venezuela:
                          Brazillian engineers are en route to begin constructing oil refineries.

                          TO AA and Central America:
                          Let us all open our borders to each other, complete free trade!


                          • Britain to Germany:

                            Sure, we can send some advisors, but the only ships we have that we want to sell aren't really worth buying, we doubt you would want them, unless you require obselete sailing vessels that are about to be decomissioned and replaced by more modern vessles.

                            To japan:

                            yes, we will renew the trade alliance

                            The British military has been upgraded to very large and the air force to medium. Due to the extra support combined with suffering trade from the tensions created by the war, British economy has fallen to Prosperous, but is expected to recover at least partially shortly.

                            British forces are moving in to rout the rebels that are known of in British territory. Once captured, they will be turned over to the Ottomans.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • Well, if me playing cuba is no conflict of interest, alrighty then

                              The Cuban Navy, which has been more or less hiding from American Forces in a high-risk cat and mouse game, join the Brazillians in destroying the United States navy, even though Cuba has suffered 50% casualties, the addition of the advanced Portugese ships have made the losses almost neglegible. THE U.S. Navy is no more in the Carribean. The US Navy would be tiny at best right now, and the blocade is lifted. ((giovanni, tell me if this is too much))

                              Cuban ships capture American supply and recon ships as well in the attack, and have evidence that Argentina is plotting to invade Brazil

                              To Brazil: We found papers, certainly you did as well, Argentina is planning on invading your nation.

                              To Argentina: We back Brazil, Cuba thought you were better than the Americans, we will brood no aggression If and only if you lead the rest of the retalitory attacks in North America... With Argentinian troops on the front lines.

                              To American Nations: (all the stuff about argentina and the US)

                              To England: We request aid now that the blocade has been lifted, so that we can rebuild our industries and give you 20% of your economy back.


                              Portugal is glad to see the Cubans fighting back. Although they cannot reasonably declare war yet, the Portugese congress is waiting for America to return.

                              After some prominent eyeballing of her colonies, Portugal has increased military buildup there.

                              Portugal would like the BENEDEFRA alliance to join in the ultimatum set by portugal, hopefully the threat of war will be more effective than war itself.

                              Portugese army upgraded to medium via conscription efforts. Troops will be fully trained in 6 mos.
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • oh, due to the famine, 5% population loss in cuban isles, disdain for the warhawk government ensues, bladeeblah
                                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

