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GDNES2 - The Age of War

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  • To American Alliance:
    We declare war on you.

    To All Nations of World:
    We must stop the growing threat of the American Alliance, we must stop them now before it is too late.

    To United States:
    We already have our navy in the region protecting your mechant ships, once our allies jion in the war and we can from a joint task force of ships, we will directly ingage the American Alliance navy. Our troops are being molobilzed and transporting over. We are also begining mass production of tanks to help in the effort.

    All reserves have been called back to active duty, raising Army to Huge. All factories in Austria are being geared towards total war, thus the standard of living of the people will suffure, but all most everyone will have a job. THe Government has begun a draft and tanks are now pouring our of Austrian factiers. Also in response to Brazil efforts to produce a more advance tank, tank designers in Austria have been ordered to look at ways to improve the existing design of the A-1 tank(the name I have given the Austrain tank).

    A force of 3,000,000 men have broaded transports for America. Armed with German rifles and mechine guns and tanks the troops are heading for America.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • Internal affairs: The Czar flees! Communism has taken over Moscow, and red flags featuring a hammer and sickle fly over the Capital.

      To all nations: Our stance is as before. Our allies are as they were.


      • To Japan: We will not join the alliance. Sorry but the people are weary of your past record with the U.S. We do not want to be drag in a conflict with the U.S or anyone with South America.

        The Cheng Ho project was completed 6 months ago. Your navy is now Large.
        Golden Sword project to make the world's largest artillery. 1 year till completion.
        Modernization of all China is complete.
        Lenin project to increase steel output 2 years till completion.
        Army training of peasant that enter the army from the conflict with france is in process. These man will be trained and merged with the army in 3 years. Raises army status to Hugh.

        To Russia: We have been constructing ships for you that you have requested. 6 months more and all the ships you requested will be complete. (ooc: Enough to raise naval status one up.) Please notify us if the deal is still on for Mongolia.

        To Austria, Ottomans: We are willing to supply you with what ever you need for your conflict overseas but we will not enter the conflict unless your countries are threatened.

        Army: Medium to Huge (3 years)
        Navy: Large
        Air Force: tiny
        Economy: Growing

        UK: Normal
        France: Very, Very Cold
        Italy: Normal
        Germany: Normal
        Russia: Normal
        Ottoman Empire: Friendly (Allied)
        Austria: Friendly (Trade, Allied)
        Japan: Friendly
        USA: Cold
        Brazil: UH?
        Argentinia: UH?
        Cuba: UH?
        Mexico: UH?


        • The New Trans-Atlantic Alliance, with the United States Army has been starting to push the American Alliance from all directions. The US Army has landed in Chilie, quickly taking the city of Santiago, once again proclaiming the independent state of Chilie.

          In Mexico the city of Mnterrey has fallen to massed attacks. In the Carrabean with Austrian Naval support the Cuban and Braziliuan forces on the Carrabean Islands have been forced to surrender, Cuba is the only island still flying the Cuban Fl;ag, the Carrabean Fedeartion is whole again.

          The United States presents the follwing peace terms for the American Alliance

          All nations in South America are to go back to their pre-1900 borders. Reperations are to be paid to all nations other than the United States. The states of Venezula, Argentina and Brazil are to recognise their sovereignty and their integrity is to be secured by the Trans-Atlantic Alliance and the United States nominally.

          Mexico is to become a republic and the states of Sonora, Baja California and Chihuaha are to be annexed to the United States. The Mexican Republic can either retain its independence or join as as states in the UCA.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • To: Emporers Alliance, America
            America please don't try to take parts of mexico it makes you like them, we do support the redivsion of south america giving the countries there independance. Should america be admited? We would like your support in this war to save america.

            To: AA
            We declare war on you.

            The Ottoman navy moves over to assist the other navy in acheaving naval supperiority, while ottoman troops pour in to help.

            OCC: I'll be gone till sunday most likely so I'm giving giovanni my country to control till I get back all ask is that he do nothing that will cost me land.
            Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
            Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
            President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


            • Cuba to the world: Realize that Cuba's conquest in the carribean, with the exception of parts of the isle of dominica, Aruba (which was granted freedom after protest, and was subsequently invaded by the U.S.) and the keys (which were destroyed by the U.S. before they could be rebuilt and returned), All other conquests were peaceful votes of the people who just wanted a democracy. The United States is bitter because Cuba is no longer a chihuahua in it's lap, the United States is evil, the United States is wrong, and until the leader of the United States is gone, war will continue until he controls all the American nations.

              To the European Nations getting involved in the conflict: Why do you speak out of both your front and backsides? First you say you support United Cuba and the Carribean, then you give the Americans food and military equipment, that you told Cuba you could not spare?? Is Cuba some sort of joke to you? If so, the world is truly sad, for when Cuba is gone, and Argentina is gone, and Brazil is gone, and Venesuela is gone, and Mexico is gone, and the UCA is gone, The United States will, like the amoeba it's brain mass rivals, surround and destroy nations one by one. This nation, is not out for peace, it is out for conquest in the name of establishing democracies where democracies ALREADY EXIST!! THIS VIOLENCE IS SENSELESS!! The people of Jamaica were free to choose the man that represented their neighborhood in the government, now they live in fear of American mortar shells. If America thinks Cuba will attack it's own people, it is sorely mistaken. CUBAN FORCES JOIN IN THE INVASION OF THE UNITED STATES!! They were able to capture the virtually unguarded ports of the gulf, and these have been converted into refugee shipment camps. American citizens are being transported to an undisclosed location somewhere in the world. These citizens outnumber the captured Cuban territory's citizens 10 to one. And thusly, every citizen who is killed defending their land from the US as a Carribean or Cuban, will die happy, knowing that their death led to the deaths of 10 American people.

              Cuba's terms: The location will be revealed if the US signs a treaty of non aggression with ALL american states.

              US will be given it's continental borders back, and be allowed to have it's people returned unharmed.

              Cuba's prewar territory, minus the keys and Aruba, of course, will return to the United Cuba and Carribean.

              All American Nations must sign a pact with the world that says another war in America between Americans is the equivalent to free dibs on land in the nation of the aggressor. Meaning, the first nation to attack, WILL not have the return of captured territory except via the good graces of the superior force.


              Portugal is stunned at the French taking the side of the USA. An ally of Portugal has done the same as declaring war upon Portugal. Portugese citizens demand an explaination.

              To Spain: Whether you like it or not, we founded the nations in conflict with the U.S. and like the parents of rebellious youngsters, we must put an end to the squabbling.

              To the U.S.: Your ceaseless warmongering has enfuriated the Portugese congress enough for a declaration of war. Know that if you attack Portugese vessels, by the terms of the BENEDEFRA alliance, you are declaring war on a large portion of Europe, regardless of what the French may have told you, aggression against Portugal on your part would negate any such alliance agreement you had with the french.

              ((OOC: Giovanni, Sheep's navy has been destroyed 3 times now, how was he able to invade Cuba without a navy?? I'm going to request that you handle the fighting for the United States, as the player seems unable to account for military losses. I also am noting that I do NOT want Sheep to leave, he's the catalyst that makes me think in this NES, and without a pig-headed warmonger, all NESes die.))
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


              • To China: 'tis.


                • To United States(secret):
                  Our general are shortly coming to the United States. We would like to start joint planing to stop the advances of the American Alliance once and for all. Our navy is now preparing for a major assualt as well. Most of Europe is on your side, we must stop this alliance and are commited to defending the United States.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • Germany - Diplomacy:

                    To Austria (secret): Perfect. How many fo your tanks would you be willing to sell? We hope you don't mind if we use them to help set up our own tank factories, but we would much prefer to have our own independant production lines.

                    To Czar, and his remaining Russian supporters (secret): If you will accept our help, we are prepared to intervene against the Bolshevik uprising and restore you to power. Our army is being moved into position to this end right now.

                    Germany - Projects:

                    Equip German army with much heavier artillery (0.5 years (1 day))

                    Begin setting up tank units within the German army (0.5 years (1 day))

                    Air Force upgrades to Small.

                    Air force being upgraded to Medium, with better aircraft (2 years (4 days))

                    Germany - Military Actions:

                    German reserves are being mobilized and sent to the Russian, border where they are building a line of fortifications. The Kaiser has denounced the Bolshevik uprising, and urged the Russian army and people to overthrow the new government.

                    Germany - Statistics (late 1918):

                    Army: Huge (upgrades to Gigantic in 0.5 years (1 day))
                    Navy: Medium (upgrades to Very Large in 0.5 years (1 day))
                    Air Force: Small (upgrades to Meidum in 2 years (4 days))
                    Space Fleet: N/A
                    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                    Economy: Prosperous (upgrades to Booming within 1 year (2 days))
                    Other Projects:
                    Colony Industrialization: 0.5 years (1 day)
                    Tank development: 0.5 years (1 day) (1 year if the Austrian deal doesn't go ahead)
                    Formation of tank units: 0.5 years (1 day)
                    Better aircraft: 2 years (4 days)


                    • TO Germany(secret):
                      Due to the war that we are involved with now, we cant sell you the tanks as we need the factories for the war effort. BUt we can sell you the plans, but we would require a large price for it, since we really need the money for the war.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • To Austria (secret): We can pay pretty much whatever price you ask.


                        • TO Portugal:
                          We sugest you watch what you say and who you back. We know that you have fought against our nation and do not put it past you to use this war to attack us again. No one in Europe listens to our idiotic statements.

                          To Germany(secret):
                          We would like to charge a small fee for each tank you make, 250 marks for the first 5 years of production of the tanks. WOuld this be an ok deal?
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • To the world: Cuban fanaticsm will no longer be tolerated, we will not dicker a peace with them until the unconditonally surrender.

                            To Austria (secret): Twice we have been at war with these nations in twenty years, I cannot allow the United States to be put through this ordeal and not to be rewarded for its effort. Mexico is a rotting carcass hpwever so I shall allow these states to have votes to join the USA. Actually allow the whole of Mexico to have votes, all 27 states.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • To Portugal: (secret) You see how Austria threatens you? This is why we did not join on the side of the AA, as Austria would undoubtably have resumed their invasion of us. Also, we have genuine fear of the AA becoming the dominant power in the world, and they must be stopped before it is too late. As for Mexico, I do not intend to invade them. As for Cuba, I have not declared war on them, and do not intend to.

                              To BENEDEFRA (secret): Alright, we'll have a vote. Each country gets one vote, with the vote of the Belgian state being the tie-breaker in case of tie.
                              Giovanni, please resolve for Denmark and Netherlands.
                              1. Support America as France has.
                              2. Remain Neutral, or support Cuba.
                              3. Support the AA, Vene, Mex. This will most likely lead to us fighting against the Balkan Alliance again in Europe.

                              France aims for the following goals in the war:
                              1. The creation of the CA.
                              2. The continued soverigenty of Mexico and the UCA.
                              3. Cessation of hostilites around Cuba.
                              4. The reduction of the military of both the AA and the USA, and particularly Brazil, with no territorial losses or gains on either side.

                              To BENEDEFRA, The World: It is the position of France that both sides are unjustified in the Cuban war (with America being the unjustified aggressor), and that every involved nation there should simply be required to withdraw. It is the opinion of France that the AA cannot be allowed to expand any further. On the other hand, America can also not be allowed to expand unjustly.

                              French troops are taking positions along the Rio Grande, with the objective of preventing an Mexican counter-attack. The fleet defends the Californian and Gulf coast of the United States. France does not participate in any aggression beyond these points for the time being, and does not support the invasion of Mexico or aggression against Cuba.
                              "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                              Former President, C3SPDGI


                              • To France(secret):
                                We have had many difficulties in the past and will set those aside for the sake of the war we both are enaged in. We believe the only way to stop the American Alliance is striking into their homeland. This is the only way to end the war. If we were to take up defensive postions only the war would drag on for years and they would sooner or latter break through the defenses. We must go on the offensive and remove the leaders that are behind the past two wars in the Americas. Then we can set up new government in South America and Mexico, ones with more sane leaders.

                                To United States(secret):
                                We will soon begin the offensive, as our troops are almost in postion to attack. (ooc: I will send you a pm for the plan of attack.) We are confident that we will be able to beat back the American Alliance all the way into South America. We sugest that Mexico remain indepent. We are here to restore the blance of power, not make one side stronger then the other. We sugest that you let Mexico remain indepent, or risk losing the suport of Europe.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

