Xin Ju:
Don't research anything! The techs are all given by events. Cash on the other hand is great. Speedbuilding units in English cities that cannot finish them in one turn is a good idea as is building USMV repair facilities in France to repair damaged units. As new units arrive in the next turns they will start taking the production away from the British cities so ultimately those units should be relocated and re-homed in French cities... 4 Fuel-trucks per turn should fill the Fuel depots in French cities.
Do Fuel convoys deliver more if the sending city is big or the receiving city is big? I thought it was 5 rows in the receiving city no matter how big the city?
The two types of shells are designed to target different types of units. With this scenario I think I have established that missile attacks are ONLY controlled by the relative cost of the units.
The 15cm and 210mm shells target different cost units. The 15cm WILL go after LCVPs when you put some of the more expensive units in them. The LCTs are so expensive they get attacked whether full or empty. Later in the game (I will give this away, you can look up the date in any WWII history book) the Germans start attacking the British cities with V-1s and they actually do attack the cities which I never was able to do with my Desert Storm scenario (SCUDs against Patriots) because I didn't understand the mechanics of missile attacks.
Regarding the missiles being blocked, watch out. The AI cheats and will move missiles through walls of planes. I tried to surround a ship with a chain of planes leaving no openings but leaving one square inside the circle open... Well the missiles appeared in there!
Regarding the DD tanks you should have gotten a message? "DD tanks launched too far from coast sink in rough seas" I have tried to make this scenario EXTREMELY historical so many messages are there to report historical facts. All but 2 of the 30-some DD tanks launched to support the Omaha Beach landings sank at sea. On Utah beach the DDs were launched closer to the shore and made it to the beach (The small island of St Marcouf should provide protection against the dreaded Trireme syndrome)
You got a good idea about the hedgerows. Attacking the Germans there will not be very successful but using them to your advantage is the right approach.
1. On the Air Force joining the Land Forces I am dead set against it. Landing in small villages on the coast is completely unrealistic. Also the Air Force is deadly once you get into a groove. It is not just attack the nearest unit or try to empty a city. It is more of a tool to deplete the German reinforcements, block their advances and prevent them from bringing tanks up... The Airforce will eventually get places to land in France
2. Beach mines are not subs, because if they were they would give you a chance not to attack them when you attempt to move into their square. They are simply naval missiles drawn as a piece of ocean. You can detect them one way... and also guarantee that you don't run into them. You might figure it out.
3. More of the Map should be revealed to the Airforce and the idea of the Allies and Airforce exchanging maps sounds good. Need to look into it to avoid creating other problems.
4. The B/W stripes were the hallmark of the entire Normandy Campaign... But B-26s were used on D-Day. Of course. My experience is that the entire challenge of getting past the beaches on D-Day dissappears if you get any more help from the Air Force. Also the amount of air attacks you would be able to deliver on a 11 turn D-Day is the same as you get in the following 11 days... (Because after part 1 the game timeline becomes 1 turn = 1 day) Too much.
A good book? D-Day by Stephen Ambrose and Citizen Soldiers (June 7-May 1945) by the same author. Excellent books on the American Army in Europe.
D-Day objectives besides the ones you got:
Pointe du Hoc (That tech comes with the destruction of the 240mm battery on the cliff)
Arromanches (VERY IMPORTANT, that's where the second Mulberry was built)
Bayeux (Can be captured on D-Day or early in part II)
Le Hamel
Lion s/Mer
The achievable techs are:
-5 beaches (Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, Juno)
-Pointe du Hoc
-Mulberry Design
-Coleville Draw
-US-British Link-up
-Omaha-Utah Link-up (Not likely on D-Day)
You should get at least 7, the Mulberry & Colleville are probably the most important.
Don't research anything! The techs are all given by events. Cash on the other hand is great. Speedbuilding units in English cities that cannot finish them in one turn is a good idea as is building USMV repair facilities in France to repair damaged units. As new units arrive in the next turns they will start taking the production away from the British cities so ultimately those units should be relocated and re-homed in French cities... 4 Fuel-trucks per turn should fill the Fuel depots in French cities.
Do Fuel convoys deliver more if the sending city is big or the receiving city is big? I thought it was 5 rows in the receiving city no matter how big the city?
The two types of shells are designed to target different types of units. With this scenario I think I have established that missile attacks are ONLY controlled by the relative cost of the units.
The 15cm and 210mm shells target different cost units. The 15cm WILL go after LCVPs when you put some of the more expensive units in them. The LCTs are so expensive they get attacked whether full or empty. Later in the game (I will give this away, you can look up the date in any WWII history book) the Germans start attacking the British cities with V-1s and they actually do attack the cities which I never was able to do with my Desert Storm scenario (SCUDs against Patriots) because I didn't understand the mechanics of missile attacks.
Regarding the missiles being blocked, watch out. The AI cheats and will move missiles through walls of planes. I tried to surround a ship with a chain of planes leaving no openings but leaving one square inside the circle open... Well the missiles appeared in there!
Regarding the DD tanks you should have gotten a message? "DD tanks launched too far from coast sink in rough seas" I have tried to make this scenario EXTREMELY historical so many messages are there to report historical facts. All but 2 of the 30-some DD tanks launched to support the Omaha Beach landings sank at sea. On Utah beach the DDs were launched closer to the shore and made it to the beach (The small island of St Marcouf should provide protection against the dreaded Trireme syndrome)
You got a good idea about the hedgerows. Attacking the Germans there will not be very successful but using them to your advantage is the right approach.
1. On the Air Force joining the Land Forces I am dead set against it. Landing in small villages on the coast is completely unrealistic. Also the Air Force is deadly once you get into a groove. It is not just attack the nearest unit or try to empty a city. It is more of a tool to deplete the German reinforcements, block their advances and prevent them from bringing tanks up... The Airforce will eventually get places to land in France

2. Beach mines are not subs, because if they were they would give you a chance not to attack them when you attempt to move into their square. They are simply naval missiles drawn as a piece of ocean. You can detect them one way... and also guarantee that you don't run into them. You might figure it out.

3. More of the Map should be revealed to the Airforce and the idea of the Allies and Airforce exchanging maps sounds good. Need to look into it to avoid creating other problems.
4. The B/W stripes were the hallmark of the entire Normandy Campaign... But B-26s were used on D-Day. Of course. My experience is that the entire challenge of getting past the beaches on D-Day dissappears if you get any more help from the Air Force. Also the amount of air attacks you would be able to deliver on a 11 turn D-Day is the same as you get in the following 11 days... (Because after part 1 the game timeline becomes 1 turn = 1 day) Too much.
A good book? D-Day by Stephen Ambrose and Citizen Soldiers (June 7-May 1945) by the same author. Excellent books on the American Army in Europe.
D-Day objectives besides the ones you got:
Pointe du Hoc (That tech comes with the destruction of the 240mm battery on the cliff)
Arromanches (VERY IMPORTANT, that's where the second Mulberry was built)
Bayeux (Can be captured on D-Day or early in part II)
Le Hamel
Lion s/Mer
The achievable techs are:
-5 beaches (Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, Juno)
-Pointe du Hoc
-Mulberry Design
-Coleville Draw
-US-British Link-up
-Omaha-Utah Link-up (Not likely on D-Day)
You should get at least 7, the Mulberry & Colleville are probably the most important.