Captain Nemo:
I think occupying Le Havre is for better than for worse. Attacking units can be paradropped back to the main battlefiled in part 1 once the city is occupied. Besides, since I'm not suppose to take Caen until part 4, use the heavy artillaries to another area will not cause severe problems in offense. Le Havre gives a free wall in every city, so I can sell walls to get cash. There is a chance that I'll be able to keep the airbase in Le Havre AFB so I can airlift units back and force. The gliders will be able to capture German cities near Le Havre after I have defeated the few German Armors (use air forces to kill the defending units inside cities). One bad thing: Several German airplanes attacked the first city I used gliders to occupy and got killed, thus I could not get bonus for killing them with my airforce.
At the beginning I set tax 100%, and hired all but 3 citizens as taxmen. No happiness problem. The two cities producing infantry units were changed to capitalization. For the air force I also set tax 100%, and sold MP post and two of the cathedrals. I hired all citizens as taxmen in two cities, but the other two with high shield production I only hired two taxmen.
My planes wiped out all shore mines in turns 2 and 3, no losses to shore mine at all. I lost some ships to shells, not because I did not disarm the coastal batteries, but because that some of the shells moved to cities before I attack.
I figured out a way to switch units from different transports. Very handy. Two ships carrying 3 rangers/commandos and a combat engineer can kill a battery easily without any loss.
I think occupying Le Havre is for better than for worse. Attacking units can be paradropped back to the main battlefiled in part 1 once the city is occupied. Besides, since I'm not suppose to take Caen until part 4, use the heavy artillaries to another area will not cause severe problems in offense. Le Havre gives a free wall in every city, so I can sell walls to get cash. There is a chance that I'll be able to keep the airbase in Le Havre AFB so I can airlift units back and force. The gliders will be able to capture German cities near Le Havre after I have defeated the few German Armors (use air forces to kill the defending units inside cities). One bad thing: Several German airplanes attacked the first city I used gliders to occupy and got killed, thus I could not get bonus for killing them with my airforce.
At the beginning I set tax 100%, and hired all but 3 citizens as taxmen. No happiness problem. The two cities producing infantry units were changed to capitalization. For the air force I also set tax 100%, and sold MP post and two of the cathedrals. I hired all citizens as taxmen in two cities, but the other two with high shield production I only hired two taxmen.
My planes wiped out all shore mines in turns 2 and 3, no losses to shore mine at all. I lost some ships to shells, not because I did not disarm the coastal batteries, but because that some of the shells moved to cities before I attack.
I figured out a way to switch units from different transports. Very handy. Two ships carrying 3 rangers/commandos and a combat engineer can kill a battery easily without any loss.