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Should there be a Kurdish State?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Ubergeek
    Turkey would be against it, as well as Syria, Iran and the rest of Iraq. In other words, every neighbor Kurdistan would have.
    i'm not too sure, but I don't think Bush would like another "istan" to deal with either.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #62
      how much say should these countries have? Turkey is allied with the US... well in a twisted kinda way.

      Iran... they are already on Bush's hit list. Syria is taking some big risks. I dont think the US would get rid of them also but we are right there with all the weapons in place. I think the US should attack them now - but hey, I'm MWHC and I understand my views may be considered somewhat harsh.

      Perhaps only the US/Brits and Iraq should have a say in it?


      • #63
        What religion do the Kurds follow!?
        To who are they allied and whom are thier enemies?
        Up The Millers


        • #64
          My historical memory is a little fuzzy, MWHC, but I'm pretty sure it was westerners unilaterally drawing lines on maps that got us into this mess in the first place. I doubt very strongly that more westerners unilaterally drawing different lines on maps will get us out of it, or indeed do anything but crate a mass of new problems for future generations to deal with.
          Better living through tyranny


          • #65
            Originally posted by Rothy
            What religion do the Kurds follow!?
            To who are they allied and whom are thier enemies?
            I would guess they like the US a little better now. If they didnt already.


            • #66
              The Kurds are majority Muslim and have no historical friends. For several hundred years they were ruled by Rome, then for several hundred years by Byzantium, and then for several hundred years by the Ottomans. They have not much intruded upon the wider consciousness of the world and have only had any appreciable nationalist identity since the mid-1920s. They have no historical enemies, per se, but rather have traditionally been a subject people of their more powerful neighbors.
              Better living through tyranny


              • #67
                Ali Baba was kurd...

                hardly a 1920 creation


                • #68
                  The Kurds are severly split amongst themselves. They are muslim while some christians exist. There are marxist fighting fractions, national fighting fractions ect all aiming at their independance.

                  they are a distinct nationality with their own customs, language and culture.

                  they unfortunately participated in the genocide of armenians by turkey in 1920 since they were promised a state.

                  they have been persecuted brutally by a number of people and countries... even some which are by some people now considered as WW2 heroes...


                  • #69
                    There has been Kurdish "national identity" only since the mid-1920's. The ethnic group has, of course, been around much longer than that, Paitkis, but that's irrelevant to the topic. I was not suggesting that the Kurds sprang from the earth in the middle of the third decade of the last century.
                    Better living through tyranny


                    • #70
                      there's a reason ethnicity and nation have the same word in greek.

                      althiough i understand what youre trying to say


                      • #71
                        i kind of think that if you want your own state you have to get it and not have it handed to you by someone else. if they are given their own state what are the chances that they would keep it?


                        • #72
                          if thats the case then you shouldnt impede them from getting one either....

                          works both ways
                          if you support those who stop them then you stop them

                          either completel neutrality or


                          • #73
                            It's an Interesting situation, but like Israel, the Kurds should probably be given thier own State. Of course the silly idiots from that area will all kick off and probably start wars but let them riot among themselves.
                            The Creation of Israel was one of the most just things to happen in History - It's a great thing that Hummanity can overcome the racism of arabs and let the good Jewish people have thier own deserved land.

                            Consistant rulings should now be applied, and if the Kurds revolt strong enough we should not stand in thier way.
                            Up The Millers


                            • #74
                              i think they revolt strong enough,

                              id guess any kindof revolt s theirs would be enough in other parts of the world, but there in turkey iraq and iran, if you revolt and cant keep it up (for many rasons other than your own) youre genocided pretty quickly

                              just ask the armenians or the kurds of both turkey and iraq (not sure about iran)


                              • #75
                                The only Kurd I know is Iraqi, and his family lives in Baghdad. He often shows a national, Iraqi pride. Probably, most Kurds want to be independent, but we shouldn't draw conclusions too fast.
                                "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                                "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                                "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis

