I think true atheists are just the same as believers, you can't really confirm that god doesn't exist, just that most evidence points in the other direction.
Do I really need to post something about the non-existence of invisible and intangible pink dragons for the umpteenth time?
I question the existance of God, am I agnostic even though I follow an established religion?
Yes, you are. Most agnostics are agnostics because they approach the problem by assuming that God exists, intuiting that it doesn't, and then failing pathetically to prove the second while still assuming the first and being left in a mental limbo.
Do I really need to post something about the non-existence of invisible and intangible pink dragons for the umpteenth time?
I question the existance of God, am I agnostic even though I follow an established religion?
Yes, you are. Most agnostics are agnostics because they approach the problem by assuming that God exists, intuiting that it doesn't, and then failing pathetically to prove the second while still assuming the first and being left in a mental limbo.