Then why are bombs not falling on Damascus, Tehran and dare I say, Pyongyang?
Damascus isn't threaten the US overtly. Tehran actually has a moderate as the elected Prime Minister so there is hope, and Pyongyang has two major problems associated with it: nukes and China
Because if America would buy oil in euros instead of dollars, it would lose billions of dollars, that's why.
What?! If America was to buy oil in Euros, it would first change dollars into euros, and pay. How are we losing anything?
The profit in Vietnam and Korea would have been to stop the communists. A totally different matter in a way, but it was too, in the interest of America.
When did I say this wasn't about America's interests. We have more interests than oil you know? Power, for one (actually the main interest in this case).
So "The 'War for Oil' mantra is a mindless slogan? Then what are the american soldiers doing in the Gulf? Not now in Iraq, but generally speaking? Hmm? Everything that's happening in the Gulf has to do with oil.
Are you one of those people that think buying drugs helps FARC kill people? Yes, everything in the ME can be linked to oil in SOME way. In this war, however, it would take many steps until you get there.
These people are not thinking short-term. They are thinking long term, and this war will benefit them tremendously.
Why? How would having more oil on the world market beneficial, when it would drive down prices by shifting the supply curve? And actually they don't think the long term, really. Most American companies are short term thinkers.