Re: It's funny because it's true! 
I can tell you've been with the same woman for too long.

BTW you nailed something. Why does everythin have to end w/ "I'm sorry"? It really feels like Im giving in and not able to voice my own opinion. I'm afraid Im spoiling her and just end up cauing even more friction later after I cant take anymore of it. Of course I ALWAYS choose the wrong timing and argue when my position is bad...

Originally posted by JohnT
Of course, we are forgetting the one things females are congenital geniuses at, and that is the remembrance of past transgressions, no matter how minor or trivial. It turns even the most innocent of coversations into a penance ritual:
"No, really. I like Moonlighting. I've been catching it on A&E at nights, after you go to bed."
"When did this happen? I thought you always hated the show?"
"Hated it? Where did you get that impression?"
"When we were first dating, about 8 years ago. You were going on about "stupid TV shows your parents like" or something and you mentioned that you thought Moonlighting was dumb. Considering how you freaked out about the fact that I liked Beauty and the Beast, I never brought it up again."
"I freaked out about you watching BatB?"
"Yeah, you got all upset and called it "stupid" - a very common word with you, by the way. I felt so bad for so long."
"... I'm sorry."
or their ability to read deep emotional crises' into the most mundane and involuntary of body motions:
"What What?"
"You snorted. You're thinking about something. What?"
"I didn't know that I snorted."
"Yeah, you did. You make that sound you make when you're thinking about something that is exasperating you. What is it?"
"I don't recall making any sound"
"There was soundage. Don't deny it.... So, what were you thinking? What's bothering you?"
"Honey, I don't know. Just random, stream-of-consciousness stuff. I don't even remember right now."
"Oh yeah? Then why did you're eye twitch when you said that? You do remember!"
eventually you just make up some **** to satisfy her, ending with:
"... I'm sorry."
Of course, we are forgetting the one things females are congenital geniuses at, and that is the remembrance of past transgressions, no matter how minor or trivial. It turns even the most innocent of coversations into a penance ritual:
"No, really. I like Moonlighting. I've been catching it on A&E at nights, after you go to bed."
"When did this happen? I thought you always hated the show?"
"Hated it? Where did you get that impression?"
"When we were first dating, about 8 years ago. You were going on about "stupid TV shows your parents like" or something and you mentioned that you thought Moonlighting was dumb. Considering how you freaked out about the fact that I liked Beauty and the Beast, I never brought it up again."
"I freaked out about you watching BatB?"
"Yeah, you got all upset and called it "stupid" - a very common word with you, by the way. I felt so bad for so long."
"... I'm sorry."
or their ability to read deep emotional crises' into the most mundane and involuntary of body motions:
"What What?"
"You snorted. You're thinking about something. What?"
"I didn't know that I snorted."
"Yeah, you did. You make that sound you make when you're thinking about something that is exasperating you. What is it?"
"I don't recall making any sound"
"There was soundage. Don't deny it.... So, what were you thinking? What's bothering you?"
"Honey, I don't know. Just random, stream-of-consciousness stuff. I don't even remember right now."
"Oh yeah? Then why did you're eye twitch when you said that? You do remember!"
eventually you just make up some **** to satisfy her, ending with:
"... I'm sorry."

BTW you nailed something. Why does everythin have to end w/ "I'm sorry"? It really feels like Im giving in and not able to voice my own opinion. I'm afraid Im spoiling her and just end up cauing even more friction later after I cant take anymore of it. Of course I ALWAYS choose the wrong timing and argue when my position is bad...
