Originally posted by Havak
You are right - the Cup is perhaps now one competition too many. It does give teams other than Glaws and Tigers a chance at silver and a visit to HQ however - so on the whole I think I would like to see it stay.
Rotherham should have come up to the top flight last season but shameful politics kept them down. They are again dominating their league this year and must come up. Exeter have nowhere near the same resources so they have done exceptionally well to have a good run.
You are right - the Cup is perhaps now one competition too many. It does give teams other than Glaws and Tigers a chance at silver and a visit to HQ however - so on the whole I think I would like to see it stay.
Rotherham should have come up to the top flight last season but shameful politics kept them down. They are again dominating their league this year and must come up. Exeter have nowhere near the same resources so they have done exceptionally well to have a good run.
The top flight clubs come in in the fourth round proper - and that was the last round in December.

One of the appeals of the FA Cup is the ongoing possibility - and it happens often - that an early round match can see a minnow knock out a shark. It would be unlikely to happen in the Powergen Cup - if it were all in from the outset - because of the fundamental differences between rugby and s*****. One freak split-second resulting in a goal can decide a s***** match. Not so in rugby.