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Nov 30th 1939 - A Date which will live in Infamy

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  • #31
    No we don't want round 3 you silly man. We want what's ours. That's all.. I mean, you don't even want Karelia that bad, but we want it. So why should we fight over it? We give you.. mm.. let's say few contracts of co-operation in business stuff, and .. let's say .. name your price?
    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


    • #32
      Anyhow he won this war, and gained what he wanted- 1)new territory for protection of Leningrad, which he was trying to trade peacefully before his proposals were refused.
      Stalin wanted to conquer Finland and make it a part of Soviet Union, either de facto or de jure. SU's true goals should have been made abundantly clear by upgrade of "Karelo-Finnish" SSR to a republic status in 1940, clearly in preparation for the Finnish part of the equation to join Karelia, and by Soviet Union's attempt at constructing a puppet regime in form of Otto Wille Kuusinen's Terijoki government. Then there was that marching guide, detailing the pleasant little stroll Russians were supposed to have to Helsinki...

      Leningrad protection was a smokescreen at most. If Finland had capitulated on Soviet demands then and there, our fate would have been the same as of the Baltic republics.
      "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
      "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


      • #33
        3) Japan didn't declared war on USSR.
        Really? They did have many skirmishes... during the war...

        Nice joke. It comes from an American a citizen whose country is world's heavy weight champion of hypocrisy and switching sides.
        Well at least the Americans know how to fight a war... because the Russians... hah! They suck. They march off millions of poorly armed men into machine gun fire... it was only when the Germans were overrunned with Russian troops was when they pulled out of Stalingrad. The Russians were probably the most incompetent fighting force at the time.

        And to even show more incompetence look at Afghanistan. The Russian fought there for ten years using C-grade troops and terrible reserves, and they were finally defeated by a rag-tag militias. And then suddenly, the US goes in there and pushes the taliban out. That is a clear answer for who is more competent.
        For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


        • #34
          Originally posted by Pekka
          No we don't want round 3 you silly man. We want what's ours. That's all.. I mean, you don't even want Karelia that bad, but we want it. So why should we fight over it? We give you.. mm.. let's say few contracts of co-operation in business stuff, and .. let's say .. name your price?
          You silly man, entire Finland rightfully belongs to Russia. We want wat's ours, no more, no less.
          That's it. I'm going to return Ingremainlandia to Novgorod and take some more right now.
          In my EU2 game of course.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Stefu

            Stalin wanted to conquer Finland and make it a part of Soviet Union, either de facto or de jure. SU's true goals should have been made abundantly clear by upgrade of "Karelo-Finnish" SSR to a republic status in 1940, clearly in preparation for the Finnish part of the equation to join Karelia, and by Soviet Union's attempt at constructing a puppet regime in form of Otto Wille Kuusinen's Terijoki government. Then there was that marching guide, detailing the pleasant little stroll Russians were supposed to have to Helsinki...

            Leningrad protection was a smokescreen at most. If Finland had capitulated on Soviet demands then and there, our fate would have been the same as of the Baltic republics.

            Fine, fine, answer one question then- if so, then why he ordered his forces to stop when they finnaly BROKEN the Manerheim line and the road for comlete occupation was clear? Why he agree to took only territories he wanted to trade before the war?


            • #36
              Feb. 20, 1938 - Hitler announces support for Japan
              August 1938 - Korean border skirmish between Japan and Soviet troops
              Aug. 20 - Zhukov defeats Japan at Nomonhan on Mongolian border
              Aug. 23 - Nazi-Soviet Pact

              Sep. 17 - Russia invades Poland, Baltics, (Finland on Nov. 30)
              Sep. 29 - German-Russian treaty partitions Poland


              June 22. Operation BARBAROSSA begins.
              Dec 7 US attacked by Japan
              Dec 11 Germany declares War on US

              Aug. 6 - Hiroshima - 20 kiloton Little Boy killed 80,000
              Aug. 8 - Russia declared war on Japan
              Aug. 9 - Nagasaki - 22 kiloton Fat Man kills 70,000
              Aug. 15 - Emperor surrender broadcast - VJ Day

              Japanese Occupation

              Stalin kept 376,000 Japan soldiers of Kwantung army, put in Siberian gulags

              Stalin refused to return 4 islands in the Kuriles that he called the Northern Territories, seized from Japan in the closing days of the war - no peace treaty signed between USSR and Japan

              Fact it Serb. The Soviet Union collaborated with the Nazis until they turned on the SU and invaded. You go around calling everyone Nazis when your own country signed treaties with them. And about the Japanese, how brave of the Soviet Union to declare war on an enemy that had just been bombed with an atomic weapon.
              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


              • #37
                Broke the Mannerheim Line? In which game or movie or fantasy? .

                I guess he didn't want to continue the war that was costing so much? We were getting troops of Britain and so (though not sure if it would have happened, but Stalin didn't know that).

                Besides, we don't belong to you.. how do you figure that?

                Buuut.. you're welcomed here, again, like last time .
                In da butt.
                "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                • #38
                  Do you know that Mannerheim didn't also inflict the most destruction that he could of? He didn't cut your supply lines for Stalingrad. It would have helped Nazis very very much, but he didn't do it. He didn't think we were going to invade you guys, so why did he settle for not doing it?
                  Because it would have pissed the other countries, allied.

                  If Stalin were to invade us, and not settle for Karelia, do you think allied would have loved it?
                  In da butt.
                  "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                  THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                  "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Fez
                    Really? They did have many skirmishes... during the war...
                    Oh really... Tell us more. It's a new word in historical science.
                    1938 and 1939 gave good lessons to Japanese. After those two scirmishes they signed non-agression pact and turned in direction of USA as new (MUCH easier as the thought) victim for their attack. Since 1939 Japanese never attacked Soviets, because Zhukov kicked their asses so hard in 1939, that they didn't want to expirience it again, even when Hitler was several kilomiters away from Moscow and many thought that Soviets are history, even then they didn't dare to attack SU.
                    Well at least the Americans know how to fight a war... because the Russians... hah! They suck. They march off millions of poorly armed men into machine gun fire... it was only when the Germans were overrunned with Russian troops was when they pulled out of Stalingrad. The Russians were probably the most incompetent fighting force at the time.
                    You &*&^@#$%@ ***** (*^*&%%#$ ***** (*^(*&% Spanish *@#(*^*^&**** *****ng, **#$**$%*$*, *#$)*&$*, *@&$***$@* and %)@#&%#$*@#$*. Typical: 1) %$#*#^#$%*
                    2) **$%^*(*#$ 3)
                    3) Fu@*$# Franco **%$#%$ admier.
                    4)EDIT: allright I was a bit drunk yesterday and a bit over-agressive. I withdraw this statement as silly and unnecessary.
                    5) and *%*#&
                    6) it is you who suck.
                    This incompetent force destroyed- overall 80% of German manpower and 75 % of tanks, planes, artilery and any other military vihecals. The Wermmach- conquerors of Europe, the guys who crushed France (I guess much more competent military in your eyes) within 40 days.

                    You just a #*@**$* *!**.(self-censored)

                    And to even show more incompetence look at Afghanistan. The Russian fought there for ten years using C-grade troops and terrible reserves, and they were finally defeated by a rag-tag militias. And then suddenly, the US goes in there and pushes the taliban out. That is a clear answer for who is more competent.
                    1) We weren't defeated
                    2) When we left because of our internal problems we left pro-Russian government.
                    3) To owerthrow this government Americans used Taliban, not to mention they spend millions $$$ to ObL PERSONALY, when he fought vs. Soviets.
                    4) They weren't rag-tag militias, but guys trained by American instructors and supplied by American weapons.
                    5) We controled this MUCH larger then Vietnam country for ten years and lost less then 14 500 soldiers.
                    6) Americans lost about 60 000 in Vietnam, and when they withdrawn from there a Communist government was established.
                    7) Americans didn't conquered Afghanistan. Northern Alliance did it.
                    8) Without Russian who gave its contacts with Northern Alliance leaders it would be much difficult for USA to did, what they done.
                    Sure it's news for you, but while Afghanistan was under embargo (initiated by USA iirc, not sure about this) WE supplied Northern Alliance- our former enemies. Because in modern conditions we had common enemy- the Taliban. We started to supply it 2 years before Sept 11. Northern Alliance done the job, Americans just bombed the Taliban- THEY FORMER ALLIES IN WAR VS SOVIETS. Their favorite tactic- to bomb enemy from safe distance and let somebody else to risk their necks (N.A.) and after proxy army lost a lot of people in fight for victory, claim that its American victory. Very honest I bet after 30 years no one will remember about Northern Alliance and how many those people lost, only anout American super-mega-warriors.
                    Have a nice ****ing day
                    I'm out of here.
                    Last edited by Serb; December 2, 2002, 05:35.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sprayber
                      Feb. 20, 1938 - Hitler announces support for Japan
                      August 1938 - Korean border skirmish between Japan and Soviet troops
                      Aug. 20 - Zhukov defeats Japan at Nomonhan on Mongolian border
                      Aug. 23 - Nazi-Soviet Pact

                      Sep. 17 - Russia invades Poland, Baltics, (Finland on Nov. 30)
                      Sep. 29 - German-Russian treaty partitions Poland


                      June 22. Operation BARBAROSSA begins.
                      Dec 7 US attacked by Japan
                      Dec 11 Germany declares War on US

                      Aug. 6 - Hiroshima - 20 kiloton Little Boy killed 80,000
                      Aug. 8 - Russia declared war on Japan
                      Aug. 9 - Nagasaki - 22 kiloton Fat Man kills 70,000
                      Aug. 15 - Emperor surrender broadcast - VJ Day

                      Japanese Occupation

                      Stalin kept 376,000 Japan soldiers of Kwantung army, put in Siberian gulags

                      Stalin refused to return 4 islands in the Kuriles that he called the Northern Territories, seized from Japan in the closing days of the war - no peace treaty signed between USSR and Japan

                      Fact it Serb. The Soviet Union collaborated with the Nazis until they turned on the SU and invaded. You go around calling everyone Nazis when your own country signed treaties with them. And about the Japanese, how brave of the Soviet Union to declare war on an enemy that had just been bombed with an atomic weapon.
                      Excuse me, are you nuts?
                      Do you think army could be teleported from Europe to Far East within TWO DAYS?
                      We ahd an agreement with USA, after the war vs. Germany will be over, SU should declare war vs. Japan within 90 days. All this time since end of war in Europe Soviets re-located their forces to Far-East, considring how much was done, how many people and machines were re-located in less then 90 I'm really surprised. You think Soviets could defeat 900 000 Quantun army using forces of Far East district?
                      You are damn ignorant people Americans, first you sign agreement and demand, D E M A N D help, then when we fullfill terms of agreement you call as cowards. Nice.

                      Fact it Serb. The Soviet Union collaborated with
                      the Nazis until they turned on the SU and invaded.
                      Every majore power in Europe collaborated with
                      the nazis, at the same scale then. Read about foreign policy of GB and France in 30s more, then we'll talk. Stalin was the winner of this diplomatic match, but far not the single player.


                      • #41
                        Pekka, later. I'm really have to go now. Sorry men.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Serb
                          Every majore power in Europe collaborated with
                          the nazis, at the same scale then. Read about foreign policy of GB and France in 30s more, then we'll talk. Stalin was the winner of this diplomatic match, but far not the single player.
                          Then quit your *****ing and be more careful about who you call a Nazi in the future. And get over this need to defend Russia against every little thing. Just admit that the SU was wrong to invade Finland.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • #43
                            War which was ment to last 2 weeks, but continued 105 days.
                            Stalin shifted the Finnish foreign policy radically towards Germany by his attack.

                            Sad and unnecessary war, IMO.


                            • #44
                              Sigh, this is pointless...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Sultan Bhargash
                                Mita kuluu, ystava!
                                I'm fine, thank you. how are you?
                                My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!

