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Russian Forces Enter Theatre, End Hostage Situation

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  • #16
    Lets keep the language nice and polite folks. Especially you Serb. No more willy references please - my Mrs often reads over my shoulder. Don't be so nekulturniy.


    • #17
      THIS is what the BBC had to say on the subject.

      But 67 hostages were also killed during the rescue operation, Russian Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Vasilyev has acknowledged. He said more than 750 had been saved
      Not fantastic but certainly better than them all dying which would have been inevitable if the Russians had done nothing about it.

      How much of a hit has Putin taken over this I wonder?


      • #18
        I just spoke to my friend at Lithuanian Special forces - he was speachless about how SUCCESSFUL an operation this was, given the unprecedented circumstances, explosives and a huge number of both terrorists and hostages - and he said Alfa really kicked arse. So you have a "competitor" praising this op...

        Of course, it won't seem that successful to the relatives of 67 victims
        Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
        Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
        Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Taz
          Not fantastic but certainly better than them all dying which would have been inevitable if the Russians had done nothing about it.
          Exactly. The good news is that the complete overkill didn´t happen and this is certainly a success. OTOH, 67 dead civilians (if those numbers are right) give this success a bitter taste...


          • #20
            To be honest i can't see how the bodybag count could have been any better than that.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Taz
              Lets keep the language nice and polite folks. Especially you Serb. No more willy references please - my Mrs often reads over my shoulder. Don't be so nekulturniy.
              What did I said? this thread?
              And why do you know word "nekulturniy?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Serb

                What did I said? this thread?
                And why do you know word "nekulturniy?

                You know which two words I am refering to, and they are widely know to many non-Russian speakers but since I speak a little and my wife is Russian and drawn to threads about Russia, I would ask you to display a little common sense and use less rude language.

                Have you worked out how I know the word nekulturniy yet? Are you really a drunk dvornik? Or do you just talk like one? Given your standard of English, I always assumed you were slighly more educated than that!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Sn00py
                  If it's this easy to cause terrorism, won't this encourage other terrorists around the world to terrorize?
                  Actually I think that under the circumstances the Russians came out of this rather well - rushing to save the hostages as they began to be slaughtered like animals in an abbatoir...

                  This will backfire badly on Chechen Independence claims - even if it is not the will of the majority of it's peoples. The will of the many has been terribly dashed by the actions of a motley band of murderous scum...

                  So no, this action in the eyes of the (sane) World will be seen as a complete disaster for terrorism in general - with a clear message that they will not succeed in their ultimate goals and that most likely they will die trying...

                  Originally posted by St Marcus Russians and their overkill...gas poinoing the hostages...I can tell they never played Counter Strike.
                  Geez Sparky...

                  Shut your cakehole and stop with the verbal diarhoea already - you're stinking up the forum...

                  You have eyes - use them to R-E-A-D!

                  Some pertinent excerpts...

                  The BBC's Jonathan Charles, who is at the scene, says this was not a planned operation but one which was triggered by events
                  The rescue operation began when some of the hostages tried to escape after the rebels shot two of their captives and injured at least two others.
                  Russian special forces then rushed to their aid, engaging in a pitched gun battle which lasted more than an hour.
                  Troops had released sleeping gas into the theatre to subdue the rebels before they stormed the complex at about 0600 local time (0200 GMT).
                  It is possible that some of the hostages had allergic reactions to the effects of sleeping gas - as can happen with tear gas or mace (hey let's call that 'poison gas' for Sparky's benefit!)...

                  It is also possible that the Chechens brought poison gas with them as part of their 'final solution'.

                  It would however seem rather counter-productive that the Russians themselves had used the poison gas themselves with the intention of killing the terrorists due to the obvious collateral damage...

                  Get with the programme, Sparky!


                  Whilst the deaths of 67 hostages is indeed a huge tragedy - I think that such a relatively low loss of civilian life is the best we could have hoped for once the Terrorists had force the hand of the security services...
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #24
                    I wonder what punishment Russia will dish out to the terrorists? If it's the death penalty will the EU complain?
                    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MOBIUS
                      Whilst the deaths of 67 hostages is indeed a huge tragedy - I think that such a relatively low loss of civilian life is the best we could have hoped for once the Terrorists had force the hand of the security services...
                      Absolutely agreed. Those guys risked their lives and saved hundrends of people. Just think about it, whole place could be destroyed in blast every second and about 1000 people (including specnaz) could be dead now. Now only it didn't happen, but even explosives carried by kamikadzes weren't triggered. Could you imagine what harm could be done by 2 kg of highly devastating explosive in room where 700 hostages are held? And every kamikadze carried such bomb on himself. 30 bombs were disabled.
                      Specnaz did they best and even a bit more. No one should blame them. Of course loss of 67 people lives it's a terrible tragedy for all our people. We will never forget this day. And will get those bastards who send those terrorists. But no one should blame specnaz they are real heroes. They are the best.
                      But unfortunately, I predict that there will be a lot of blaiming here, more probably some morons on TV will start to shout- which gas? was it necessary? who gave the order? Tell us, we need to know. etc. They do not need to know. Such things should be keep in secret. Otherwise it will be very usefull for next terrorists.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                        I wonder what punishment Russia will dish out to the terrorists? If it's the death penalty will the EU complain?
                        No doubt they will.
                        We have maratorium (spelling?) for death penalty. There was no single execution during last 7-8 years, iirc the date.
                        Last edited by Serb; October 26, 2002, 08:45.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Serb

                          No doubt they will.
                          We have maratorium (spelling?) for death penalty. There was no single executions during last 7-8 years, iirc the date.
                          So will the Russian Federation make an exception for these guys?
                          "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Taz

                            You know which two words I am refering to, and they are widely know to many non-Russian speakers but since I speak a little and my wife is Russian and drawn to threads about Russia, I would ask you to display a little common sense and use less rude language.

                            Are you really a drunk dvornik? Or do you just talk like one?
                            Oh.. you really don't know how those guys are talking.
                            I could provide you with couple of examples... later, if you wish, the funniest examples. j/k and I'm not one of them of course, don't get me wrong. My sister is linguist student and she made research about Russian "mat".


                            • #29
                              The death penalty would only make martyrs of the survivors - exactly what they want now that their mission has failed...

                              No, far better to pack them off somewhere to break rocks for the rest of their lives and forget about them!

                              I hear Siberia is just coming into it's 'tourist' season about this time of year...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #30
                                Yep. Send them here, too many people here want to say a couple of words to those guys.

