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Why I believe capitalism is morally wrong and evil...

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  • why anti-capitalist advocates have computers, own cars, work for corporations, etc.?
    Why shouldn't we? The world is capitalistic. It isn't practical to divorce ourselves from the system.

    We can take Ramo as an example. His chosen profession has a very high likelyhood of him working for the government. I find that strange.
    That's true.
    I'd prefer working at a private university over working for a state university or a government research lab. One of these days we might see a faculty-owned university, you never know.

    businesses, they could get very wealthy.
    Yes... And most of those businesses aren't very lucrative.

    B.S. An anarchist would find without government the barter system, ie CAPITALISM, would find itself a home very nicely.
    That shows a huge amount of ignorance regarding what anarchism is. First off, anarchism is a rejection of authority and hierarchy, which is precisely what capitalism is.

    You are what one would call a communo-anarchist.
    Actually, I'd be roughly classified as an individulist anarcho-syndicalist. Anarcho-communists are more statist than I prefer.

    Socialism is poor at addressing the problem of essential servises.
    No... Maybe certain kinds of socialism (for instance, communism).

    A septic pumper gets paid the same as a restaraunt server.
    Huh? Again, you reveal your ignorance wrt anarchism.

    Another Arm. They aren't constitutionally another arm.
    Never said they were.

    Why have we allowed it?
    Capitalism. Large wealth disparities lead to government abuse to preserve these disparities.

    Answer in short, Political Parties.
    Our government whored ourselves to businesses before political parties started. Note Hamilton's mercantilist and Southerners' pro-slavery policies, for instance.

    Because their entire philosophy is all for me and nothing for you, even though they spout equality.
    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


    • Originally posted by Ramo

      Yes... And most of those businesses aren't very lucrative.
      That statement right there shows you know nothing about the real world or capitalism. Take any one of these businesses, put your soul into it, and you WILL retire a millionaire.

      Originally posted by Ramo
      Why shouldn't we? The world is capitalistic. It isn't practical to divorce ourselves from the system.
      Because you are a hippocrite. What have you done to move America towards Anarchy beside moan and b****? If you truly believe in it, make it happen.

      And peacefully, because once one life is shed for your vision of utopia, the vision is ruined, utopia cannot have murder.
      Pentagenesis for Civ III
      Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
      Pentagenesis Gallery


      • Originally posted by monkspider
        Well if that were true Calc, that would be an indictment of the entire taxation system as we know it! After all, what are taxes, but pooling together wealth for the various collective good.

        In any event, reducing state-sponsered christian principles to "extortion" or even "evil" simply because it is sponsored by the state is a rather strange premise.
        While it is true that sharing would be, to a degree, "mandated" (ooooh, such a spooky word) it doesn't change the fact that this mandated sharing would take place in a system built on christian principles. Certainly it would be better to support a system where christan values are virtually "mandated" rather than a system where unchristan values are virtually "mandated", no?

        I politely ask that you join us commies today Dino D, and throw off the shackles of sinful capitalism.
        you pay taxes because as christians you are to abide by the law of the land as long as it does not conflict with christian beliefs. I said as christians you must do charity out of freewill not as a requirement, but if law requires it there no need to fight over it. In addition, tax is not communistic. It is based off your salary and taxed money is used for public which you are part of.

        BTW Lets leave religion outta this.


        • I fell from one amazement in another in this thread. I didn't know there were that many people with warped views on reality.

          Hasn't it occurred to any of you that both greed and sharing are natural human traits, and that both greed and sharing are encouraged by society?

          We are individuals by nature (greed), but our evolution has also turned us into social group animals by nature (sharing). I don't think you need a PhD in economy, sociology or anything else to realize that...
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • That statement right there shows you know nothing about the real world or capitalism. Take any one of these businesses, put your soul into it, and you WILL retire a millionaire.
            Sorry, but I don't know too many millionare hotdog stand operators. Perhaps you can point them out.

            Because you are a hippocrite.
            You would be a jack ass. Where exactly the hypocrisy?

            What have you done to move America towards Anarchy beside moan and b****? If you truly believe in it, make it happen.
            How would not using computers possibly move American an inch towards anarchism? Frankly, the idea that it could is totally idiotic.

            [qote]And peacefully, because once one life is shed for your vision of utopia, the vision is ruined, utopia cannot have murder.[/quote]

            "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


            • Originally posted by Ramo

              Sorry, but I don't know too many millionare hotdog stand operators. Perhaps you can point them out.

              >>>I wonder how the Frankfurter's chain started? Or any other chain of hot dog stands. I wonder if a hot dog stand owner, instead of putting his kids through college, instead franchised, how incredibly successful he would be by the time he was 65?

              You would be a jack ass.

              >>>I don't think it was me who resorted to name calling you names out of an inability to defend my point of view. Unless, of course, you are suggesting I am the one donkey in the world who has learned to communicate in the English language.

              Where exactly the hypocrisy?
              How would not using computers possibly move American an inch towards anarchism? Frankly, the idea that it could is totally idiotic.

              >>>Here is your hypocrisy, you want anarchy, but you want everyone else to start first. Get off your computer, get rid off all your goods acquired through capitalism, go find yourself a commune, and become an Anarchist. Fact is, you know deep down your "anarchy" is just as "idiotic"
              Pentagenesis for Civ III
              Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
              Pentagenesis Gallery


              • Capitalism is a good servant, and a bad master. That's my current view.


                • Originally posted by Sava:

                  non-profit corporations

                  Originally posted by Sava:

                  the oil industry is a collection of monopolies that collectively set the market on oil. They pay off automakers to not introduce fuel efficient, or alternative fuel vehicles.
                  As originally said: If prices get to high then people will go without or go elsewhere. We have started to go elsewhere. We are at this moment looking for new energy sources. I believe GM has a new car coming out soon that runs on hydrogen fuel cells. Under communism GM wouldn't be able to do that.

                  Originally posted by NeOmega:
                  When I get back from looking for my second job....(something that wouldn't happen in communism) I'll tell you why you are so misguided.

                  I do not work yet but when I start it is these evil corporations that I plan to work for sava. These corporations will provide food for me and my family. They will allow me to get housing. I am able to think about what my future will be like because I haven't been told what will and will not happen. My food will not be rationed and my housing will not be assigned. This is something that I truly thank god for everyday. Capitalism is something I am very grateful for and I think most Americans feel the same way.
                  For your photo needs:

                  Sell your photos


                  • Are you sure sheik? Maybe they will just rape you as a resource and move to mexico with all your ideas and work in hand...
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • Hello people.
                      I wasn´t able to read the whole thread since it seems to grow fastar that i am able to read...
                      Well, anyway, I have captured some excerpts that I wanted to discuss with you.

                      "Greed is part of the human nature"
                      Is there a real fact of this? Could we be able to build communities of selfish people? And suppose the answer is truly positive, shouldn´t we strive to change it? The human being has a very compelling quality over other life beings: it's knowledge come most from it´s own experience rather than it´s genetic memory (i.e., instincts). Why can´t we change this supposed "selfishness" in human beings with experience rather that estimulate it?
                      I don´t know, I find that using the expression "Greed is part of the human nature" is just a simplistic answer for a difficult problem.

                      My second excerpt is, how could we say, a little bit less "abstract".
                      "Capitalism has shown to be the best way of organizing societes, it has promoted the biggest increase in quality of life" (or something like that).
                      Well, I don´t know. As a matter of fact, I don´t live in USA, Canada or Europe. I live in a simple third world country which earned, up until last year, the status of being "the predilect child of the IMF", then all hell break loose.
                      In these 20 years we tried real hard to implement a pure capitalistic system. We privatized everything, we opened our trade barriers and deregulated everything.
                      In these 20 years, the GNP increased in a 7 % while in the 20 years before that it increased 70 %. Now the country is submerged in a complete recession that has consumed 21% of the GNP in four years, left 25% of people unemployed and with 57 % of people under the line of poverty, growing in a propotion of something like 2 % per month.
                      What are you talking me about?? Could you really say that capitalism has really proven itself?
                      Some people attack the communism because they argue that it does induce state-corruption. And with neoliberalism? There can´t be much state-corruption because there shouldn´t be, under its doctrines, a big state. Instead, what we will get is corporate-corruption.

                      I am sorry but I can´t buy this bull**** anymore. I can´t stand capitalism anymore, I want to try something different!


                      • I agree Sava,
                        the only way out of the current economic deathtrap is for a liberal socialist government, with true democracies.
                        Another problem the americans have is their failed political system, as demonstrated by the Bush election which can barely be called an election.

                        The constitution of the USA has some useful points though, but it needs to be redone and its points made a lot clearer and less generalised.. IE a right to bear arms is used by rightwing gun fanatics to sell guns for millions whereupon they end up in the hands of schoolchildren who kill each other.

                        The main problem is the world is still fragmented, with minority parties / groups greed spoiling the vast majority of the planet.. this can be solved by having a unified world government, with national governments subserviant to this, but power still shared.
                        This would end most millitary conflict and terrorsism, with every earth citizen equal and treated with equal rights. Hunger would be abolished as the starving would be part of the world nation and the rich west would be obliged to feed them.

                        The first step is to strictly regulate trade and companies, perhaps under a global Industry regulation authority.

                        See you in paradise

                        As to americas terrorist problems, I don't think its as simple as someone hates the US. In some ways you would think there would be more terrorism on the US from foreign sources, as its been the main superpower so long, but no one will really know the reasons and how it could have been stoppped till 20 years time when this episode has finished.


                        • Are you sure sheik? Maybe they will just rape you as a resource and move to mexico with all your ideas and work in hand...
                          For your photo needs:

                          Sell your photos


                          • Originally posted by Admiral PJ
                            I agree Sava,
                            the only way out of the current economic deathtrap is for a liberal socialist government, with true democracies.
                            Another problem the americans have is their failed political system, as demonstrated by the Bush election which can barely be called an election.

                            The constitution of the USA has some useful points though, but it needs to be redone and its points made a lot clearer and less generalised.. IE a right to bear arms is used by rightwing gun fanatics to sell guns for millions whereupon they end up in the hands of schoolchildren who kill each other.

                            The main problem is the world is still fragmented, with minority parties / groups greed spoiling the vast majority of the planet.. this can be solved by having a unified world government, with national governments subserviant to this, but power still shared.
                            This would end most millitary conflict and terrorsism, with every earth citizen equal and treated with equal rights. Hunger would be abolished as the starving would be part of the world nation and the rich west would be obliged to feed them.

                            The first step is to strictly regulate trade and companies, perhaps under a global Industry regulation authority.

                            See you in paradise
                            I just highlighted the more scary parts of your post. I would rather fight to the death than ever adhere to this Statist garbage. I really find it disturbing people think like this.
                            Pentagenesis for Civ III
                            Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                            Pentagenesis Gallery


                            • Originally posted by alofatti

                              "Greed is part of the human nature"
                              Is there a real fact of this? Could we be able to build communities of selfish people? And suppose the answer is truly positive, shouldn´t we strive to change it? The human being has a very compelling quality over other life beings: it's knowledge come most from it´s own experience rather than it´s genetic memory (i.e., instincts). Why can´t we change this supposed "selfishness" in human beings with experience rather that estimulate it?
                              I don´t know, I find that using the expression "Greed is part of the human nature" is just a simplistic answer for a difficult problem.
                              There is no right or wrong in this merely opinion. If you subscribe to the opinion that I hold that man is inherently driven by base instincts that amongst these are a need for survival. The survival instinct carries with it a need for greed and want.

                              This is a base instinct clearly observable in small developing children, as well as other primates.

                              Yes these desires can be held in check by a thin veneer of civilization but ultimately just as every other base instinct the most instinctual become the stongest drivers (after all the internet prolly wouldn't be here if not for the porn).

                              Can we hope for a better human nature, certainly. Are we anywhere close to demonstrating that? No way IMHO. As a consequence any system of government economics that asks the individual to put first and foremost the greater good and the potential sacrifice of the "me", I think is destined to fail.

                              I know many have used the arguement before to say why Communism will always fail. Point is it just comes down to what you believe human nature is. Some are young idealists full of book learning who think people have an inherent goodness. Other like me are jaded old farts who think people in general are in it all for themselves. Neither are prolly right and neither can be proven. But as long as people continue to amaze me with their uncanny ability to be shmucks, I'll stick to my position that folks are normally looking out for number 1.
                              "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                              “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                              • Originally posted by Ogie Oglethorpe

                                There is no right or wrong in this merely opinion. If you subscribe to the opinion that I hold that man is inherently driven by base instincts that amongst these are a need for survival. The survival instinct carries with it a need for greed and want.

                                This is a base instinct clearly observable in small developing children, as well as other primates.

                                Yes these desires can be held in check by a thin veneer of civilization but ultimately just as every other base instinct the most instinctual become the stongest drivers (after all the internet prolly wouldn't be here if not for the porn).

                                Can we hope for a better human nature, certainly. Are we anywhere close to demonstrating that? No way IMHO. As a consequence any system of government economics that asks the individual to put first and foremost the greater good and the potential sacrifice of the "me", I think is destined to fail.

                                I know many have used the arguement before to say why Communism will always fail. Point is it just comes down to what you believe human nature is. Some are young idealists full of book learning who think people have an inherent goodness. Other like me are jaded old farts who think people in general are in it all for themselves. Neither are prolly right and neither can be proven. But as long as people continue to amaze me with their uncanny ability to be shmucks, I'll stick to my position that folks are normally looking out for number 1.
                                Ogie, eloquently written and right on spot. Do you write for a living?

