why anti-capitalist advocates have computers, own cars, work for corporations, etc.?
We can take Ramo as an example. His chosen profession has a very high likelyhood of him working for the government. I find that strange.

I'd prefer working at a private university over working for a state university or a government research lab. One of these days we might see a faculty-owned university, you never know.

businesses, they could get very wealthy.
B.S. An anarchist would find without government the barter system, ie CAPITALISM, would find itself a home very nicely.
You are what one would call a communo-anarchist.
Socialism is poor at addressing the problem of essential servises.
A septic pumper gets paid the same as a restaraunt server.
Another Arm. They aren't constitutionally another arm.
Why have we allowed it?
Answer in short, Political Parties.
Because their entire philosophy is all for me and nothing for you, even though they spout equality.
