The NPC Final - Waikato -v- Auckland
Anyone else interested in betting on the NPC final? Unless some independent third party with knowledge can come up with a margin, it will have to be straight out win/lose betting.
Andydog 171
Caligastia 27-20 = 7
finbar 143.5-20 = 123.5
Havak 55
LDiCesares 111
Mickeyj 143.5
NeoStar 114
ravagon 94
Tamerlin 49
The pool currently stands at 40 Civ gold.
Broken down as follows:
Caligastia 20
finbar 20
Anyone else interested in betting on the NPC final? Unless some independent third party with knowledge can come up with a margin, it will have to be straight out win/lose betting.
Andydog 171
Caligastia 27-20 = 7
finbar 143.5-20 = 123.5
Havak 55
LDiCesares 111
Mickeyj 143.5
NeoStar 114
ravagon 94
Tamerlin 49
The pool currently stands at 40 Civ gold.
Broken down as follows:
Caligastia 20
finbar 20