Originally posted by finbar
It hadn't occurred to me - and it should've, because they're the middle men - but the centres could well be a key to the dislocation. You can get centres thinking and playing more like forwards, you can get centres doing the same as backs. Our best centres in recent times - Timmy Horan and Jason Little - were out and out backs. Stirling Mortlock - our best centre now - is another pure back. Umaga of the ABs is yet another. Indeed, Kafer and Howard think and play like backs. Very interesting food for thought.
It hadn't occurred to me - and it should've, because they're the middle men - but the centres could well be a key to the dislocation. You can get centres thinking and playing more like forwards, you can get centres doing the same as backs. Our best centres in recent times - Timmy Horan and Jason Little - were out and out backs. Stirling Mortlock - our best centre now - is another pure back. Umaga of the ABs is yet another. Indeed, Kafer and Howard think and play like backs. Very interesting food for thought.
