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EU to Recommend 10 New Members

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  • #46
    Originally posted by DanS
    "It's not in our interest to have a half-democracy with no working legal system as a member. If it's so fantastic, the US can always admit Turkey as state 51."

    I wouldn't mind doing so. We had the South during slavery and Jim Crow. DC was a segregated town 40 years ago, even though majority black.

    Point is, things can change quickly when encouraged.

    The U.S. has been very consistent on this. We encouraged the reunification of Germany immediately after the fall of communism, remember!
    Just out of intrest: If Mexico asked you to join the US would the US then allow it to join,


    • #47
      "So you're telling me that it takes but a year from the fall of the communist system to be invited into the fold?"

      As west germany took up the tap and guaranteed political and economic stability, yes. Technically it was not even an EU accession but a change in territorial borders - you may have noticed that the DDR has never been an EU member.

      If you find someone doing that for Turkey, tell me.... the other reform states will have waited 15 years at least.

      "10 years? It took at least 40 years from the reindustrialization of the South for it to start adding significantly to our bottom line."

      The starting position was slightly different.

      "Could you expand on what you see as policy failures?"

      The two biggies are the 1:1 conversion of the Ostmark, and the excessive wage rises.


      • #48
        Originally posted by kolpo
        Why aren't Malta and Cyprus already member they already meet the criteria for years?

        I can't think of one reason to not allow Malta.

        About the rest: a confederation has the right to accept or rejects who ever they want, on whatever way they want for whatever reason they want, even for no reason.
        One good reason is suddenly my taxes get sent to them,

        no thanks
        Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
        Douglas Adams (Influential author)


        • #49
          Originally posted by Roland
          Malta was stalled when they had a leftie government that was opposed to EU membership.
          Oh they themself refused, that's a different story. Rather stupid of them: being in EU and especially using the euro would most likely boost there toeristic industry(one of there biggest economic activities I think).


          • #50
            The more loony wing of Malta's lefties was always more sympathetic to Ghaddafi than the EU.


            • #51
              has not idiot learned from mistakes on the past of not empire? why has eu come now in is waste jobs leave now in last decade. eu not good idea i think not


              • #52
                "Just out of intrest: If Mexico asked you to join the US would the US then allow it to join,"

                It's not been discussed, but the biggest barrier might be Mexico's wishes. You don't want to join a country where such barbaric practices as the death penalty are practiced, do you?

                Practically and politically speaking it would be possible from the US side. I think it would depend on whether Puerto Rico decides to become a state, because the compromise on the recognition of a dual-language citizenry would already have been made. If Puerto Rico asks to become a state, I think it would be offered to them. A concensus of Puerto Ricans hasn't been reached yet, however. Indeed, if you want three opposing opinions on the subject, ask a Puerto Rican.
                Last edited by DanS; October 9, 2002, 12:31.
                I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


                • #53
                  Would you accept Mexico as a US state BEFORE it sorted out such things as not being democratic, using tortures, violating all sorts of human rights, having hostile relations with virtually all his neighboors and having a crap economy which would collapse if left wityhout HUGE aid and huge povery in its population?

                  I think not.

                  BTW Greece has lifted its veto for Turkey's assession. The others of our european counterparts are the ones who really don't want her in. A democratic, humane Turkey would be a great neighboor for Greece.
                  And the EU is trying to get her to be that. But it is not easy, and maybe it is not do-able, at all.

                  as for stinger, Greece consistently has had one of the highest GDP growth of the EU the last years.

                  Interesting chart BTW, Germany is the biggest benefactor.


                  • #54
                    To be more specific Greece's GDP growth in 2003 is estimated at 4% of which 1.3% will be the result of EU subsidies.


                    • #55
                      "Germany is the biggest benefactor"

                      Huh ?


                      • #56
                        Germany is the bigest net contributor.

                        Is your sig line from some movie or something mein kleine bavariani?


                        • #57

                          The Sig line is a quote from I think Goethe. "Siehe mein Sohn, mit wie wenig Weisheit die Welt regiert wird..."


                          • #58
                            "bavariani".. sounds like it's from Babylon5....


                            • #59
                              eu not a good idea.. i tell you one more time. this as not truth but warning. i has lost my brake making job to canida yester day. if you not keep it in eu west and if you make it east you would see things move to lower cost araes like poland and then labor has made cheep and they will leaf west factorys to east


                              • #60
                                bavariani".. sounds like it's from Babylon5

                                could be, could be.

