Well your opinion is noted, for what it's worth. Would you impose criminal sanctions on pregnant women who fail to use folic acid?
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Good question, I was just thinking about that. I heard somewhere that a glass of wine every now and then can be healthy for a pregancy due to the Folic acid. Yet, folic acid can be gotten elsewhere.
IMO live begins when a cell is able to reproduce. Thus, life begins a conception. When a cell stops reproducing, or is no longer able to, and can no longer accept nutrition in any form than that cell would now be considered dead. When a cell is hindered from receiving proper nutrition or is given improper feeding (alcohol and nicotine) to a point where it cannot mature properly than that cell is considered "harmed".
A pregnant mother that "harms" their unborn child is irresponsible (I think we all agree on that). Yet, one should not always be held accountable for their irresponsibility. I would encourage pregnant mother's to consult a physician prior to becoming pregnant to ensure a healthy baby. While using folic acid assits a babies health not using it is an option for the mother and may not adversly harm the child. Folic acid should be used prior to conception by the mother, and should be used by women in general through out their lives since it is known to reduce certain types of cancer predominant in women, and can help reduce the effects of menopause.
To respond to your question directly: Should criminal charges be brought up on women who do not use folic acid? No. Should criminal charges be brought up on women who smoke and drink excesivly? Yes.
And here is why: Folic acid acts like "vitamin" while cigs and alcohol act like a "poison". An mother need not give their child "vitamins" but they must not give them poison.
I see where you are going with depriving a right to live..
Most women who learn about the reason for folic acid, use it.
Instead of criminalization, why not give education to the masses? Sure classes cost money, why not make them free? Give folic acid to pregnant women for free?
If the women still doesn't oblige, then when the baby is born, if their are any problems I suggest the woman is treated as any person who commits abuse against a child.
The woman chooses to give up some of her rights when she chooses to keep the child. Same goes for any parents.What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"
Classes? All a women needs to do is have prenatal doctor vists, something every pregnant women should do and the doctor will let them know. Heck, every women should have regular visits to an OB/GYN any way and they will let them know. I think the most important thing they should do is listen, and act. My wife takes multi-vitamins every day with Folic acid. She will most likely live a lot longer than I do...
Sure classes, this would add more depth to the education in that it would also create positive peer pressure. As I'm sure it is negative peer presure that increases the likeliness that these women are drinking in the first place. As to smoking its likely due to the chemical addiction they have, which I hear is hard to kick.What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"
I guess you could offer classes, but I doubt most would be responsible enough to even attend. Good idea though, and I bet planned parenthood even offers some.
As with monoliths comment a case is proven; mothers who love their children will do anything to keep harm from reaching their children (born or unborn). Those who perpitrate harm and inflict harm on their children obviously do not love their children and should be properly dealt with for doing so.
Originally posted by monolith94
Just curious abotu what exactly pholic acid actually DOES… anyone?
There are many ways a pregnant woman can harm an unborn child. Here are a few.
Not taking enough exercise.
Over-exertion, particularly if suffering from high blood pressure.
Not eating properly.
Having health conditions related to obesity.
Being old.
Being exposed to environmental pollutants, such as passive smoking or car exhast fumes.
Working through pregnancy.
Being exposed to stress.
A whole slew of prescribed medications for pre-existing medical conditions.
Using quite a few homeopathic medications.
Using certain essential oils.
The list goes on and on. The question remains- how much of a Nazi should we be?The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
Ron, the same question can be asked about after the child is actually born. We don't arrest mothers for not breastfeeding, we do for not feeding at all. There's a basic standard we hold people to. Drinking heavily while pregnant is over that line.12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
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