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  • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

    Jesus! Is Heresson the Polish David Floyd or something?
    Yes, even a bit worse

    (Only a bit David, you still share the first place)


    • Originally posted by Saras
      I have an unpacked CD of EU2... Should I unpack it? Is it a good game?
      Unpack it immidietly.
      Perhaps you could find it a bit boring at the beggining, but if you'll explore the tutorial and as long as you'll understand the rules, you'll be addicted. It's a GREAT game, just GREAT.


      • My English have totally defeated the French, April 2, 1450.

        I'm keeping Isle de France as a pathetic vassal, just so the french can be reminded how pathetic they are.

        Also, north america is (mostly) mine.

        Of course, the AI Muscovites continue to crap away, wedged between the cheap cavalry of the Horde and the superior manpower of the pol-lith alliance.

        And I've been obeying my need to send state gifts to the Teutonic Order, in order to punish the Russians for their Orthodoxy and general folly.

        How did the Order ever get defeated in real life, I'll never understand.
        "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
        "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
        "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


        • Because of Russian winter of course, as always.
          In 1242 Aleksander Nevsky had meeting with them on ice of Chudskoe lake and those silly knights just forget to took off their heavy metal stuff and sunk when ice was broken under their weight.

          Well, other (Rusian propaganda) sources tells that he just ****ed them with brilliant maneuvre.

          Oh in my game there is no such order. anymore.


          • Originally posted by Heresson

            Of course. It must be much worse.
            Oh sure you are an expert. How in the hell an image created during cold war and for an enemy in this war could be true? Esp. consider it was created in Hollywood- the place which create movies full of innacuracies or pure lie.

            You are biased prejudiced.
            Look at yourself first. You are absolutely biased.

            Again, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps some... But not all,probably not most. Your army is said to do exactly the same.
            Said by whom? By murders, slavers and terrorists. (Who admited themselves that they are terrorists) Great source of knowledge. When Russian officials show a tape created by those "freedom fighters" themselves where those "heroes" torute people or just cut off their heads, you just don't notice it.

            So why don't You let Tchechenia free and evacuate everyone that doesn't want to live there? Anyway, Dudajew wasn't at all religiously biased. It's new generation that is. That You created.
            We made it in 1996, but there were no much people to evacuate they cutted-off throats to majority of non-Cehchen population before Russian army arrived in first campaign. How it ended? Thousands of kidnaped citizens of Russian Federation, exploded houses in Russian cities, hundreds of bombs explosions in Russian cities and attack of Dagestan- the Russian territory in 1999. And you want to convince me that we should make it again? No thanks.
            We created a generation of religious fantics and religious extremists? Perhaps, we shouldn't left Chechnya in 1996. If we would controled this territory, this disease would never spread there.

            Perhaps because they are Tchechenians too, because they disappear when your army calls for them, because
            when -if- they come back, they tell stories about Russian
            army, not slavers, and if it was about slaves, who needs a crippled slave? WHy would they cripple their own fellowmen, or even their own posessity?
            As for their posessity, I don't know. But perhaps it is you don't know that there was genocide not only against Christains who remained there, but also against Muslims who didn't supported their corrupted and fantical Vahhabite teaching. They burned alive a couple of very old Muslim preachers. I guess you don't have any idea about a scale of slavery there it was very profitable source for them and personaly I don't think that such "people" could have any moral principles which would prevent them from selling their own countrymans.

            That's your info. Anyway, Tchechenia never had a chance to live in peace in last years.
            That's pure statistics.
            Perhaps. But You treat everyone that fights for freedom of Tchechenia this way.
            The head of current Chechen leadership Akhmad Kadyrov is former freedom fighter. He fought with arms in his hands against Russian army during first war. Major of Grozny- Gantamirov is former freedom fighter too. They are just tiny part of people who fought for freedom of Chechnya in first war, the war which in fact made Chechnya a slave and nowhere near more opressed (if only you could count life in accordance with Russian constitution as opression) state than before the first war.
            Konajacy brzytwy sie chwyta. If they experienced no help from anyone, they did accept help from people as Hattab.
            Do you know other saying?
            Tell me who is your freind and I will tell you who you are.
            They didn't accept help from terrorist organizations. They were part of this global terrorist organization.

            Again, don't offend shari'a.
            Why? In accordance with you I shouldn't offend Inqusition or nazi inhumans laws too.
            If I see that in modern society some people have laws which consider as physical punishment, amputations and most horrible ways to kill another human being as beaten by stones to death for example, torture during interrogations etc. I don't see why I shouldn't offend such laws by saying that such laws are inhuman and sadists.
            Another question you (Westerners) are pretty hypocritical bastards. You've pushed on Russian government and called us barbarians because we had death penalty untill mid of 90s. Now you screaming "don't offend Sharia law" (where theifs are handless, where homosexual are beaten to death by stones, where women treaten as complete crap and should be slain in accordance with this "law" if they had sex with other men, except their husbant) nice hypocricity.

            Even if that would be true, and I do not believe it, and probably it is a lie of your services, tell me what are they supposed to do?
            Sure, I guess you never saw Maskhadov's interview to Al-Jazira chanel. Where he said (on Russian) "we are planing a unique military operation in near future, I guess you'll hear about it soon" This interview was shown at night when his "soldiers" took hundreds of hostages in Moscow's theater. I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. Bareev- the leader of terrorists said that we are act in accordance of the order of our president- Maskhadov. I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears too. How in the hell Al-Jazeera could be a Russian propaganda is beyond me. It's the favorite chanel of ObL.

            Usama-bn-Laadin isn't a state. And He attacked USA,
            Maskhadov and his gang isn't a state too and HE attacked Russian Federation, not otherwise.

            Yet, You didn't manage to prove to the world that it was all inscited of Tchechen gouverment.

            From what I know, Tchechen gouverment cut off from this.
            Let's see. The so-called defense minister of this so-called government lead this invasion PERSONALY. When invaders faced hard resistance from local population of Dagestan their so-called president Maskhadov send a reinforcement into Dagestan, to his so-called minister. What else evidences do you need?

            Did I? A mistake. Petersburg should be Finnish.
            Please continue, I really wish to know why. It's very entertaining to hear your fantasies, the are so...paranoid
            I do not recall.
            How you pissed of your pants? Are you become old? You should smell terribly Heresson

            But they will... When I realise them...
            Wait... they won't.
            Good Catholic. Pope the conqurer, right? You should visit the doctor dude, until it's too late
            [QUOTE]Yet, in my game, Russia was limiteb by my Venetians to Petersburg and Wlodzimierz only. I would like to finish it off, but have no time. China is more important.
            But if You keep on making me angry...
            In my game. Whe I;ve almost fininshed Turkey and almost finished liberation of Balkans (last two Turkish fortresses were seige, in 1480 btw) and had war wearines +8, uprisings everywhere and almost no forces in Europe, your pathetic state (together with its Lithuanian cousines of course (don't have balls to attack Russia alone, even in the game)) declared war on me and bringed huge army into Russian territory. I thought, that's the end- this war wearines would kill me( iirc it was 4th war in a row), and I have to abondon the idea of liberation of Balkans, but then I said- "wait a minute it's Poles right? " I've offered 50 GP to them and their accepted peace, about one year later I return this debt with %. Sorry Heresson, no Poland in my game anymore

            Next game I'll play as Denmark I think. Be sure that I will conquer your drunken cities anyway.
            You mean this vassal state of Novgorod republic? Don't make me laugh.
            Sorry for short comments. I have no time for anything longer.
            There is a typo in your last line.
            You should have said- "I have no time for be annoying longer"


            • What a mess full of grammar errors
              Unfortunately it's too long and I can't edit it.


              • Originally posted by Serb

                Oh sure you are an expert. How in the hell an image created during cold war and for an enemy in this war could be true? Esp. consider it was created in Hollywood- the place which create movies full of innacuracies or pure lie.
                Of course. But it has no impact on image of Russians in media today.

                Look at yourself first. You are absolutely biased.
                Not quite. I do not claim that Russians are generally bandits, rapers etc. I just inform people that some of your soldiers are. And You cry out in repsonse that all Tchechenians fighting against Russia is a criminal, murderer, slaver etc...

                Said by whom? By murders, slavers and terrorists. (Who admited themselves that they are terrorists) Great source of knowledge. When Russian officials show a tape created by those "freedom fighters" themselves where those "heroes" torute people or just cut off their heads, you just don't notice it.
       is an example.

                We made it in 1996, but there were no much people to evacuate they cutted-off throats to majority of non-Cehchen population before Russian army arrived in first campaign. How it ended? Thousands of kidnaped citizens of Russian Federation, exploded houses in Russian cities, hundreds of bombs explosions in Russian cities and attack of Dagestan- the Russian territory in 1999. And you want to convince me that we should make it again? No thanks.
                We created a generation of religious fantics and religious extremists? Perhaps, we shouldn't left Chechnya in 1996. If we would controled this territory, this disease would never spread there.
                Again I repeat: You pushed Tchechenians in hands of fanatics.

                As for their posessity, I don't know. But perhaps it is you don't know that there was genocide not only against Christains who remained there, but also against Muslims who didn't supported their corrupted and fantical Vahhabite teaching.
                first of all, it is Wahhabite. Secondly, it wasn't spread there from the start and I'm not quite sure if it is official doctrine of Tchechenian gouverment even today.

                They burned alive a couple of very old Muslim preachers. I guess you don't have any idea about a scale of slavery there it was very profitable source for them and personaly I don't think that such "people" could have any moral principles which would prevent them from selling their own countrymans.
                I know about examples of kidnapping foreigners -simply for money. But that wasn't done by the Tchechen gouverment.

                That's pure statistics.

                The head of current Chechen leadership Akhmad Kadyrov
                You mean a puppet-gouverment created by Russians.
                I can't say how did He get there. Perhaps You convinced Him by money. Perhaps by blackmail. Perhaps by force.

                Do you know other saying?
                Tell me who is your freind and I will tell you who you are.
                They didn't accept help from terrorist organizations. They were part of this global terrorist organization.
                That's a lie. Is everyone who fights against You a part of
                global terroristic organisation? Perhaps some are. those that were/are fighting for ultrafundamentalistic state. But not all.

                Why? In accordance with you I shouldn't offend Inqusition or nazi inhumans laws too.
                If I see that in modern society some people have laws which consider as physical punishment, amputations and most horrible ways to kill another human being as beaten by stones to death for example, torture during interrogations etc. I don't see why I shouldn't offend such laws by saying that such laws are inhuman and sadists.
                Another question you (Westerners) are pretty hypocritical bastards. You've pushed on Russian government and called us barbarians because we had death penalty untill mid of 90s. Now you screaming "don't offend Sharia law" (where theifs are handless, where homosexual are beaten to death by stones, where women treaten as complete crap and should be slain in accordance with this "law" if they had sex with other men, except their husbant) nice hypocricity.

                I personally know shari'a much better than You.
                I think that it was based on false fundaments.
                But not every school of shari'a treats all things the same. Shari'a is spreaded all across the Muslim word,
                and not everywhere everything is treated the same.
                There are movements in Islam which are very very tolerantial towards homosexuality, like alawits
                for example. Much more than Christian churches today except for some protestants.

                Sure, I guess you never saw Maskhadov's interview to Al-Jazira chanel. Where he said (on Russian) "we are planing a unique military operation in near future, I guess you'll hear about it soon" This interview was shown at night when his "soldiers" took hundreds of hostages in Moscow's theater.
                First of all, You can't be sure if He ment that or was that simple threatening. Secundly, Russia is so strong militarily in comparison to Tchechenia... What do You expect them to do? they didn't mean to kill the people in the theater.

                I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. Bareev- the leader of terrorists said that we are act in accordance of the order of our president- Maskhadov.
                But did Maschadow say the same?

                Maskhadov and his gang isn't a state too and HE attacked Russian Federation, not otherwise.
                Then, fight with him, not with all Tchechenians.

                Let's see. The so-called defense minister of this so-called government lead this invasion PERSONALY. When invaders faced hard resistance from local population of Dagestan their so-called president Maskhadov send a reinforcement into Dagestan, to his so-called minister. What else evidences do you need?
                I didn't hear about these reinforcements. I think it may be Russian propaganda.

                Please continue, I really wish to know why. It's very entertaining to hear your fantasies, the are so...paranoid
                I'm learning from the master... I'm learning from You...

                How you pissed of your pants? Are you become old? You should smell terribly Heresson
                Very funny Serb. Typically Russian sence of humour
                "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                Middle East!


                • I've come to a conclusion, Your both Crazy (Serb and Herrison).


                  • I'm not. I just like Serb and am having fun making Him angry.
                    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                    Middle East!


                    • I haven't written anything all that bad anyway
                      "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                      I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                      Middle East!

