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  • He didn't claim anything, except that spaceflights are possible, he just worked and created the idea of manned space flight and theorethical basis for space exploration. He created a theory- the theoretical basis for space exploration. In his works, he decribed a spaceship and all its systems.
    How he could created a theory without practice is beyond me. I'm sure he should had launch some small rockets and made any other needed experiments, but I can't find the link about this.
    However I found a couple of links about him, his life and his works. If you wish:
    english, английский, topics, exams, экзамены, темы, группы, музыка, школа, язык, английский язык, хобби, статьи, грамматика, articles, grammatics

    Главные новости Москвы, события и мнения - с 1930 года. Куда сходить, что посмотреть, где отдохнуть, о чем подумать и на что обратить внимание.

    I'm too lazy to continue my search.
    And btw, this topic is about Kaliningrad, not about geniuos Russian scientist.
    Last edited by Serb; December 10, 2002, 06:43.


    • At least this discussion added some valuable content to Heressons dumb troll thread. My opinion on the matter: Did Tsiolkovsky create the theoretical base of space flight (or at least contribute to it)? Yes. Did Tsiolkovsky invent the space ship? No.


      • Interesting. From the third link, it appears that he collaborated with Goddard.

        I wouldn't provide the second link to someone I wanted to impress, however.

        This is the link I've been using:
        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


        • At least this discussion added some valuable content to Heressons dumb troll thread. My opinion on the matter: Did Tsiolkovsky create the theoretical base of space flight (or at least contribute to it)? Yes. Did Tsiolkovsky invent the space ship? No.
          Somehow I knew you will show up here
          Look perhaps we (Germans and Russians) as most probable victims of Heresson's attacks should create some kind of alliance or mutal protection pact?

          And about Tsiolkovsky...if he didn't invented spaceship, then who did it? All links says (sure on Russian mostly) that he in his book "Space exploration vis reactive devices" (I don't know how to translate it) he described spaceship with life support systems and made all needed calculations.

          P.S. Who is that moron on your avatar and why he is there? Are you a fan of his?
          EDIT: I see- he is the big fan of yours, right?


          • Sir Ralph is God?
            No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


            • Originally posted by Serb
              Look perhaps we (Germans and Russians) as most probable victims of Heresson's attacks should create some kind of alliance or mutal protection pact?
              I'm at your side most time, but I would be a poor ally. I don't tend to argue with trolls, but stay aside and lurk the threads rather amused.

              P.S. Who is that moron on your avatar and why he is there? Are you a fan of his?
              He's Satan.


              • He's Satan.

                Indeed he is.

                I'm at your side most time, but I would be a poor ally.
                Quite unorthodox and unpopular views you hold sir.


                • Originally posted by The Mad Monk
                  Sir Ralph is God?
                  The King.


                  • Originally posted by The Mad Monk
                    Interesting. From the third link, it appears that he collaborated with Goddard.

                    I wouldn't provide the second link to someone I wanted to impress, however.

                    This is the link I've been using:
                    Good link. At least now I know how to translate his book on English.

                    "Since around 1896, Tsiolkovsky studied extensively the theory of jet propulsion. In 1903, he succeeded in publishing a manuscript titled "Exploration of the Universe with Reaction Machines" in Nauchnoe Obozrenie (Scientific Review) magazine.

                    Today this work and several follow-on articles written in 1911, 1912 and 1914 are universally recognized as the world's first scientifically sound proposals to use rockets for exploring space. For decades afterward the work would stun readers with the completeness and level of detail with which Tsiolkovsky designed his spaceship. The mathematical relation he formulated between the changing mass of a rocket as it burns fuel, the velocity of exhaust gases, and the rocket’s final speed has since become known as Tsiolkovsky’s formula, and is considered one of the foundations of the science of astronautics."


                    • I don't think Lithuania should give cheaper visas for Russians unless Russia would demilitarise Kaliningrad...

                      Actually Stalin offered Kalinigrad to Lithuania (Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic under USSR) once - after WW2. It was so because Lithuanian SSR was the only SSR to border Kaliningrad (Russian-occupied part of Eastern Prussia) and also because it was easier to create stories of Kalinigrad's historical belonging to Lithuania (one of USSR nations at a time) then one's of Kaliningrad's belonging to Russia. But government of Lithuanian SSR refused to take Kaliningrad as it was run down by war almost completely and it would have required many funds from Lithuanian SSR budget to repair and settle it. Lithuania was itself very damaged by war thus it couldn't have afforded that.


                      • Give it back to Germany! It's the last remanant of Prussia! What could be more German than Prussia!
                        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                        • No thanks. It's ruined and economically bankrupt. We don't want it anymore. Even though my father was born there.


                          • Heh, you could always give it to America, they'll take anything. Is it just me or is the American Military always in REX mode?

                            "Hey, check it out. There's a 1 square mile piece of blank field over there."

                            "Great, let's put a military base there. It can protect the chicken farm...."


                            • Just out of interest, what is the ethnicity of Kallingrad?

                              Also, didn't Poland get south-east Prussia, and Russia North-East Prussia as part of the end of WW2 ?
                              Res ipsa loquitur


                              • The German majority that lived in Eastern Prussia was expelled after the war. There live Russians now.

                                Poland got Pommerania and Silesia as compensation for their eastern territories, which were occupied by the Soviet Union 1939 and not given back after the war. The Poles also expelled the German civilians completely. Who refused to go, was murdered.

