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US Congress lobbies for the return of the marbles of Parthenon to Greece.

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  • Originally posted by Faeelin
    No. I don't know what you've been brainwashed with, but nonbiased sources agree that, in 1570, when they took Cyprus, the Turks were preferred over the current rulers.

    Same thing happened in Crete and Athens, btw.
    I wonder what you've been brainwashed with. Could it be that the Byzantines decided that the Pope's cap was more sneaky that the muslim's turban?

    hmmm better go read some more.

    The Armenian Genocide was atrocious, of course. But it's a bit unfair to condemn an entire 500 year history for the last 20 years, isn't it?

    no comment.

    Regarding Janissaries: Bad, yes. But at the same time, were their future's going to have a greater chance of success with the janissaries, in the empire's state-run schools, and in which they had the potential to be ministers of the sultan himself, or as a greek farmer?
    You got to be kidding me. They were snatched from the embrace of their mothers to be raised as warriors mostly.

    And how much worse was this than the rest of europe, which was busy slaughtering people by the million over religion?
    We are talking about Greece.

    And you're making a really, really, big mistake for calling the Turkish culture of the ottoman empire barbaric.
    It was barbaric in comparison with the European rennaiscance.

    It was a real struggle to dish out a lethargic islamic culture.

    I'm amazed you fail to recognize this.


    • BTW, the armenian genocide, yes it was bad...

      man, you're gone!


      • Also, you use every trick in the book of the turkish propaganda.
        I think you better come off clean about this.

        1) Jenisares. One of the most vulgar and barbaric practises in human kind and you think it was some form of scholarship

        2) armenian genocide...yes.. it was bad... Jesus!

        3) turks as liberators

        4) the golden century of the ottomans a dark oppresive and uninovating culture if there ever was one

        these are the things that turkish little children are learning in turkish schools.

        In case you didn't know.

        And the hits just keep on coming if you care to read on the murders and tortures the MODERN turksih state commits. Hey it's not greek propaganda. It's all over the EU's declarations.

        Unless of course the EU is ALSO biased.

        Sure, this must be it.... the EU is also biased as well as anyone that says anything against Turkey.... especially if he is a right wing Greek.

        you're pathetic man


        • I think this is a good idea.

          Next Egyptian artifacts to Egypt.

          Then the edfices of Saint Marks to Constantinople - or, perhaps, to Athens until the empire's capital is once again free.


          • "It has become an obsession for you

            I think it has to do with your hatred towards your own turkish heritage otherwise, it can not be explained."

            First, I'm not Turkish at all, I'm Irish. Second, I don't hate Greeks, there are reasonable ones such as MarkG. Third, I make my anti-Greece posts because your reactions to them are so hilarious!

            "Athens was in the process of getting liberated. And they got the Egyptians, we go the Russians. We won."

            Athens would have been crushed without foreign intervention, the Turks would simply be too big for you. And you still have not provided sources for your hellenic claims.

            And had Britain wanted to stop Russia, they most certainly could have. Just watched what happened in the Crimean war.

            "And the Allies laughed at her face
            It joined them when the war was already won. Bravo to the bravery of Turkey


            You said the Turks were out of the war. I was merely correcting your historical ignorance.

            "Nice try but no cookie. "

            No cookie!? Oh, Paitkis, your rebuttals you use to defend the reliability of your sources are so great. Were you taught debate by the descenats of Socrates?

            No, wait, he couldn't be. He is in Greece, where the people are the descendants of slavs.

            A fascist supporter of murders, rapes and tortures which are conducted in Turkey deserves no happiness."

            Your posts bring me plenty of happiness. It is funny to see racists like you get so angry.

            Does that make me a right winger?"

            No, you are a right winger because you are an anti-turk racist, and because you support other right-wingers such as Bin Laden!

            "Go read on the jenisars."

            The Janissaries were actually the elites of the Ottoman Empire who held privileged positions. Is granting the children of peasants the highest positions your idea of barbarism?

            Comeon, pattycakes, another response!
            "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

            "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


            • Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
              First, I'm not Turkish at all, I'm Irish. Second, I don't hate Greeks, there are reasonable ones such as MarkG. Third, I make my anti-Greece posts because your reactions to them are so hilarious!

              You have made anti-Greek posts since day one! You are just pissed because you got slammed dunk hard and fast by me over each and every confrontation we ever had.

              Athens would have been crushed without foreign intervention, the Turks would simply be too big for you. And you still have not provided sources for your hellenic claims.

              And had Britain wanted to stop Russia, they most certainly could have. Just watched what happened in the Crimean war.
              The ottoman empire was crumbling anyway. There was a free Greece (which was increased 3 fold during the Balkan wars without any kind of intervention) already.
              Theonly positive intervention there ever was was the battle of navarino which was carried out mainly by Russians my little turk.

              You said the Turks were out of the war. I was merely correcting your historical ignorance.
              You wouldn;t know "ignorance" if it bited you in the ass Shi! That's why you support a military regime of tortures instead of pushing for its demoxritiation.

              Turkey hurried to join the allies when the war was already won while the Greeks contributed immensly to the effort. As a result, the Dodecanese were once again part of Greece after WW2.

              Pathetic Turkey... It even asked for rewards for "joining" the war The Allies told her to piss off.

              No cookie!? Oh, Paitkis, your rebuttals you use to defend the reliability of your sources are so great. Were you taught debate by the descenats of Socrates?

              No, wait, he couldn't be. He is in Greece, where the people are the descendants of slavs.
              The only "proof" you have for that is Fulmaier. A discredite theory that was taken up by the "literary" nazis. I merely provided an article which poimts that out amongst other things. For the full refutal you'll have to do your own research. Greeks are descendants of ancient Greeks. Blood, language, customs, civilization..

              For more details read the article and commence your search.

              Your posts bring me plenty of happiness. It is funny to see racists like you get so angry.
              I have to apologize if I seem angry. It's just that supporters of fascism and tirtures as well as genocide and murders of political prisoners turn my stomach.

              But, that's the way I am... I guess.

              No, you are a right winger because you are an anti-turk racist, and because you support other right-wingers such as Bin Laden!
              You have lost it completely. You hate Greeks with a passion. And you're not very good at covering it up.

              meanwhile you keep supporting a murderous regime, namely that of Turkey. That does not change. So yes you are qualified for being called a murderer of peoples.

              As for Bin Laden. it's you he has a beef with :shrugs:


              • Plus, i think it pisses you off BIG TIME that Turkey is in shreds both economically as well as socially and politically while Greece is going forward at full speed.

                Maybe your father is turk, or your mother or even maybe you have a turkish girlfriend or turkish friends like little Gianni does.

                Whatever the reason I have observed that you go off the wall when this is brough up (not by me).

                The fact that you dedicate all this time at spewing propaganda which cannot be sustained by any means shows that

                _I have pissed you off big time (which is good since you're a fascist)

                _you really love Turkey (which would be good if it didnt cloud your grasp of reality).

                Which is it?


                • actually, jenisaries (janjicari) were not only a greek-turkish phenomenon, turks stole children from mothers in the entire balkans. later, they would become a significant force in turkish politics, but their initial purpose was to be fanatical soldiers. and they were.

                  but it was a very very cruel practice. it fits to modern definition of genocide.


                  • yes vetlegion, what you say is true.
                    sorry for not pointing this out as well but i cant think of everything


                    • I didnt mean to threadjack your flame war. carry on


                      • hmmm, I dont know.. Shi looks pretty roasted

                        Of course, I never give up.


                        • Here's the most recent news about your beloved Turkey's "democracy" murderer of peoples, Shi

                          Enjoy it as I know you will before you go to bed

                          Meanwhile, Greece will have one of the two higest GDP growths in the EU in 2002 and 2003.

                          try not to take it too hard oh, paragon of humanism...

                          and there's plenty more, my poor little Shi.

                          Turkey loses another case at the European Court of Human Rights

                          London - The European Court of Human Rights has decided that Turkey pay
                          compensation to relatives of Kurdish villagers who disappeared after a
                          raid on a village by the Turkish army in 1994. Turkey is to pay 150
                          thousand euros in compensation.

                          On the 6th of May 1994, the Turkish army raided the village of Adrok
                          (Deveboyu) near the city of Amed. During the raid all villagers were
                          given an hour to collect their belongings before their village was to be
                          burned down.

                          Salih Orhan, who took the Turkish state to the court, told in his
                          statement that after the order, the soldiers burned down the whole
                          village, including his own house. The next day, the two brothers of
                          Salih Orhan, Selim and Hasan Orhan, and his son Cezayir Orhan and other
                          villagers, asked the Kulp Gendarme Headquarters for permission to stay
                          in the village until the end of the harvest season. The Gendarme
                          Headquarters accepted the request and allowed some families to return to
                          the destroyed village. On the 24th of May, Selim, Hasan and Cezayir
                          Orhan were detained by soldiers and were last seen alive in the
                          Gumussuyu arrest house. Since than no one has heard from the three
                          members of the Orhan family.

                          The court decided that Turkey had violated Orhan family's right to life
                          and freedom, protection of property, protection against torture and the
                          right to privacy. Thus, through its actions, Turkey had breached
                          articles 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 14, 34 and 1st Protocol's 1st article of the
                          European Convention of Human Rights. The prosecutors of the court also
                          put emphasis on the superficial approach of Turkey throughout the trial.
                          The prosecutors found no reason for the destruction of the houses.


                          • you are a scribomaniac how many pages does your newspaper have? must be humdreds


                            • and ahem, a Greek speaks about human rights?
                              what would you know about that?

                              Greece has the worst human rights record in EU

                              (just so I troll you a little too. I m bored )


                              • If there's one thing Greeks are known for is writing

                                It is like second nature seeing Shi packing up and leaving in a hurry. And I was just getting warmed up

