Originally posted by Havak
I had to say thanks despite Finbar getting frictional with the bonhomie
I had to say thanks despite Finbar getting frictional with the bonhomie

Not at all. He never really rises to any of my teasing anyway, he just plays along.

Strewth - what a line to read whilst drinking my morning coffee!!!
I had a mad taxi driver in Cairns who explained that whilst Queenslanders and NSW residents would take the p*** mercilessly out of each other both would actually stop to rip into a Tasmanian who entered the room – true?
It definitely stirs the blood more than dirges like the Aussie and UK anthems but, related solely to rugby, I think the Irish rugby anthem is the best I’ve ever heard – because the team is unified they use neither the Republic or UK anthems but instead use a rousing little number that really stirs the blood – have you heard it? “Ireland, Ireland, together standing tall…”

I’ve done a simple analysis of the last ten Bok-NZ fixtures and weighted it by current world rankings and the surprising result is that NZ should expect to win by only 7 points based on it – or in other words the Boks get a 7 point start. How do you guys feel about that?
League is in big trouble here, and that massive loss by the pseudo-Lions didn’t help. My own club has poached two league players this close season and that’s the tip of the iceberg.