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Poles burn Jews alive - Nazi's blamed.

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  • dang... I was hoping a Pole would make the first reply... well Ned, that's one point for you!


    • Sorry for pre-empting your fun. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • well, it might have been some if Heresson had been first.. this way, it wasn't worth the effort to be typed.

        but don't you think this discussion has gone a rather abstract course, with all those weird exchanges?


        • It seems to me that the Slavic nations are each trying to prove to the other that they are the "best." It is also clear that each seems to have its own "view" of history.

          BTW, how is Poland's application to join the EU coming?


          • IT looks like they're joining in 2004, alongside with all the other East Central guys... it'll be the end of the EU.


            • It will be the new beginning of the European Union. Poland and other countries will add new vital power to the EU. We will all be building Great Europe of Great Nations. Of course I see Poland as a leader of East Europe, and a important partner for big countries in Europe as Germany, France, GB, Spain, Italy. Poland will have as much botes in EU Council as Spain, and only 2 less then Germany
              "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


              • Oh I wouldn't be angry, Ecthelion. The truth is obvious here
                and any act done by a band of robbers and murderers won't change that, especially that it were the Germans to instruct them what to do...
                Oh, Poles don't have to prove we are the best. We just are.

                And it won't be the end of EU... There's no difference who'll
                suck German money, a Spanish or a Polish peasant. Anyway,
                yet You sell a lot of stuff here so our membership is perhaps even more profitable for You than for us...
                "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                Middle East!


                • Oh, and Poles do have their vision of history, however we got out of mideuropean nationalistic epoch and are made it more objective. Unfortunatelly, our neighbours haven't done that, even Germans (in one German schoolbook it is written that Hitler started the war because Versailles treaty was unfair...).... Notice that I'm not saying; We, Poles, have the one and only true rights to Wilno, Grodno and Lwów etc,
                  while my dear Russian and Lithuanian friends here (it's about Sonic rather than Saras, though) do say things like that. If I'm talking about Poles as the chosen nation,
                  take it with a smile.
                  "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                  I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                  Middle East!


                  • lol

                    East Central Europe is so poor we will all get dragged down, your chauvinism can't change that


                    • Originally posted by Heresson
                      Oh, and Poles do have their vision of history, however we got out of mideuropean nationalistic epoch and are made it more objective.
                      Oh really?? Poles objective?? LOL! You are too much under the influence of various historic resentments and complexes to be objective.

                      One of the first steps towards objectivity, Heresson, is to be objective enough to recognize that you are not objective enough.

                      From the Russian perspective, you Poles can't be truly objective as long as a primitive russophobia remains so deep-seeded in your society.

                      Unfortunatelly, our neighbours haven't done that, even Germans (in one German schoolbook it is written that Hitler started the war because Versailles treaty was unfair...)....
                      Do you want to say that the treaty was fair?

                      Notice that I'm not saying; We, Poles, have the one and only true rights to Wilno, Grodno and Lwów etc,
                      while my dear Russian and Lithuanian friends here (it's about Sonic rather than Saras, though) do say things like that.
                      LOL, of course you are not saying that, be it simply because the mentioned cities are all outside the internationally recognized Polish borders. But don't you think that the Lithuanians who actually have Vilnius as their capital are entitled to stronger expressions in what concerns their rights to the city?
                      Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


                      • Originally posted by Ecthelion

                        East Central Europe is so poor we will all get dragged down, your chauvinism can't change that
                        Well welcome to the club, bub! People have been dragging us down for nearly 50 years. You're about to find out how thankless responsibility really is.
                        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                        • Originally posted by Heresson
                          I am the only true one here.
                          So, if you are the only one true commie here, then you don't have any problem with the idea of Worldwide revolution?

                          I am generally against nationalism and stuff, but it's like with nukes
                          Sure. That's why we have them.
                          So You helped him to do it with us... Though You cared about Poles in what nowdays is Byelorussia and Ukraine... You moved them to Syberia and central Russia to protect them from Germans I guess...
                          It was preparation for future war. For the most terrible and most difficult war in our history. The war that we finnaly won. Sure, Stalin's actions in 1939 doesn't look so good and fair, but who knows what could happen if Hitler started war vs. SU from previous frontier?
                          he he he Our gouverment was supported by majority of population for sure. When it comes to the SOviet one, I wouldn't be so sure, but communism doesn't need that, though. Soviet gouverment wasn't recognised by world opinion - so it was no different than Polish in your opinion.
                          1) So, it was local showdowns of unrecognised governments.
                          They didn't belong to Ukraine or Byelorussia as -once again- borders weren't settled, and we had the same right as them to those lands.
                          2) And you decided to took those lands by "right of the strongest", while Russia was in chaos. And you took those lands, becouse it was very good moment to do so. So, what's the problem? In 1939 SU done exactly the same. We have the same right for those lands as you do, becouse borders weren't settled or at least weren't accepted as true borders by SU.
                          It was. Russian souvereignity was accepted by everyone, while Polish wans't accepted by germany.
                          Blah, our souvereignity was accepted by everyone? That's why all those countries intervented our country? To help us to maintain our souvereignity? That's why French and Brits signed a secret deal about devision of Russia on zones of influence? Not so long ago, I heard how one Canadian said that their forces were part of "international peacekeeping forces" sent to Russia after revolution. PEACEKEEPING.
                          We knew.
                          Really? Oops, I forget that God is speaking with you all the time.
                          OK, though I had a vision. Arch. Gabriel came to me and told me the truth and ordered to say it.
                          When you took your medications last time? Perhaps it's time to visit a doctor?
                          We never do anything that isn't nice.
                          What about invasion in Russia in XVII century? What about Polish vodka or Polish jeans?
                          That would be nice. That's what I mean - Russia in chaos.
                          Oh sure, you like times when Russia in chaos:" Hell, why not? While those guys in chaos we can always torn a part of their territory or grab them a little." Right?
                          And even in the hell, You'll always speak Russian I guess...
                          Like you'll always speak Polish.
                          I think it's all Russian fault ;P
                          Oh sure, it's all our fault. Which else it could be? But, aside you we at least made a try.
                          I used to know a song in it but was too lazy to attend a course later.
                          Good choice, you saved a lot of time.
                          Oh we are your friends. You aren't ours, though.
                          I could say the same about you.
                          The result is the same.
                          No it is not the same. And anyway, the means are very imortant too.
                          Unlike You, bear-lovers.
                          You made a mistake in that line, you should typed beer-lovers, not bear.
                          That just means that You are all evil, not that that was good.
                          The World is a cruel place.
                          They aren't, but that's another case; those lands/states aren't state representations of some nations.
                          Oh sure, Russia is not a free country, USA is not a free country, Germany is not a free country, only Poland is the last fortress of freedom and last hope of humanity.
                          Of course I won't... i can't lie, already told You that.
                          I'm sure you can., becouse you are lie when you saying this.


                          • Anyway You misunderstood me; What I ment is that subduing Nowogród by moscow wouldn't have been so easy it it hadn't been Russian as well, and I didn't mean that subduing Moskwa/Nowogród wasn't easy because they were Russian.
                            Our modern state started from one single city- Moscow, who conquered nearby cities one by one.It prooves that Russians at least, great warriors. The thing that those cities were Russians, prooves nothing except that Russians are at least great expantionists who build a lot of cities. All your claims about huge Russian base, is at least a mistake. Everything has its beggining. Just remember how you start a Civ game- with one SINGLE settler. None gives you a dozen of cities at the beggining.
                            Oh, Ukrainian evoluated, but not into Russian direction. Eastern Ukraine (and central is heading that way too) is Russian-speaking.
                            Ok. They are an independant country and have right to move in any direction they want. You can't say that Russian are pushing them into this direction. We are not live in one state with them anymore. So, if their language evoluate into Russian direction, fine it's their choice. As I already said they are independant country. But why it buthering you so hard?HHHMMMM IDEA Perhaps becouse you want them to evoluate in Polish direction?
                            Oh, that means that Russian believe that all great thinkers of all times were Russians...
                            No, of course not. Every one knows that all great thinkers of all times were Poles.
                            I guess no-one wants to sink his money in Russia now... But it's true that Russia is going right way (for itself).
                            Oh, thank you, thank you, thatk you so... much. Thank you for your kind words, thank you for understanding, thank you for support, thank you for your deep analysis of our situation. Thank you very, very, very much.
                            Or do You know this one; (of Brezniew times); This day in Moscow the general secretary decided on manifestation of strenght. He climbed the speaking-platform.

                            At least she knows magic! In the times of NATO bombardement, I saw in a reportage from Russia a drawing representing Polish politics; a sexy nice and young blond girl giving old ugly and slimy uncle sam a blow-job. You see? You think Poland is a (deprived) cutie.
                            It's too bad that I didn't saw this picture. Doing blow-job to ugly uncle Sam? It descibes you politic very good. But how do you suggest an author should draw Poland? An old and ugly as uncle Sam? In this case this picture could be called "sexual pleasures of old freaks".
                            -count how many times did they have to run through Russia...
                            Evil, evil peasant.
                            If You didn't, American would do it, and we would be much better off, and wouldn't loose half of our territory.
                            Oh sure. For price of blow-job.
                            They didn't moved a finger until Hitler declared war on them. And even after that they started to fight only after 3 YEARS of waiting. They weren't in rush to save you. (Next thing that you'll say will be: "you did exactly the same". No, we didn't. At least we started to fight immediately. Sure, we have no choice like Americans, but it doesn't change anything. Sure we fought to save ourselves at first place, but in this fight we save you too.)
                            Do you really think that they ever could sacrifice millions of their soldiers (notice, AMERICAN soldiers, supreme human beings ) to liberate somebody? They prefered to wait until we done all dirty work, and appeared as knights in shining armors, only when everything was almost done. They always acting like this. If we didn't done all dirty work, I bet they were still seating beyond the ocean and waiting for landing of Hitler's army on coast of USA.


                            • Now, You admitted that we are brothers too. So why should You take the side of Byelorussian bros, not ours?
                              Becouse, Byelorussian bros is our favorite bros. You forget about your family and disapointed us very much. The family should leave in one big house, should take care about each other and about common house. First you started to play games with cultists who converted you in their unholy faith. And then you leaved our common house completely. Leaved it with scandal and even tried to took some common property with you. The Byelorussian bros is different, no cultists, no scandals, never leave our house for long time, sure he leaved not so long ago, but he want to return now. We like him more then you, but you are our bros too. We only hope that someday you'll grow up and return to your family...... .........please?

                              I don't call You parszywa owca... I guess You surmised that...
                              Ok, ok I exxagerated a bit.
                              Russian dominate in gubernias and local languages will finally die
                              We could heard this 300 years ago, and I guess will heard this 300 years after, but languages still alive.


                              • Originally posted by Luk
                                Heresson... I wonder why do you disscus with Russians...
                                Perhaps, becouse until you apeared we found this conversation funy and perhaps becouse he hasn't such big "small penis problem" as you have.

                                Serb is a typical Russian boy, who has a many complexes and he is arguing, arguing, and argiung, and he even can not notice that you "drzesz sobie z niego lacha" (laugh sometimes with his texts).
                                Yes I'm typical Russian and my complexes, (of course, if I have any) it's not of your concern. You should better do something about your small "penis complex" toward Russia.
                                I laughed many times when I read that texts with Russian Mongols It is not polite, but very accurate...
                                And I laugh long enough when I read your magnificent work, which ends something like this "I would like to apologise that we let this underintelligent, militaristic Russian civilization to grow." The biggest pile of bullsh!t I read in my whole lifetime.
                                So, Luk zahlopni svoi Luk. (Luk- Fèck off It is not polite, but very accurate... )

                                C'mon Serb - talk to us... You are so naive that it is very funny to hear you... Like all Russians... And tell me... Did you drink vodka on breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper? Or film "Banditen Petersburg" is wrong?
                                Sure, I drink vodka all the time, even when I'm sleep. ( Who is naive and brainwashed here?) But, I don't remember that I played in "Banditskii Perburg".

