Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
It is not!! Find for me one professional biologist who would agree with that statement!
An organism is an intact autonomous living entity which has the ability to consume energy and reproduce within the proper environment. Sperm do not reproduce, they are part of an organism's reproductive system. They can in fact be considered part of an organ, in the same manner that a nerve cell is not the brain, but it certainly is part of it.
An embryo is part of which organ? Whose organ is it part of?
Unfertilized eggs die at the end of the menestrual cycle. Sperm also die after a period of time.
It is not!! Find for me one professional biologist who would agree with that statement!
An organism is an intact autonomous living entity which has the ability to consume energy and reproduce within the proper environment. Sperm do not reproduce, they are part of an organism's reproductive system. They can in fact be considered part of an organ, in the same manner that a nerve cell is not the brain, but it certainly is part of it.
An embryo is part of which organ? Whose organ is it part of?
Unfertilized eggs die at the end of the menestrual cycle. Sperm also die after a period of time.
Use a bacteria then. Or a virus. Given enough time, I'm pretty sure they can evolve in an intelligent species.
Oh well, after all, consider I'm wrong on this one. Then we can stop the red herring and goes back to were the true debate is : it's not because something as the POTENTIAL to become something else that it can be considered like if it's already the "else".