Harry Potter evil and satanic, promoting witchcraft?
Not quite. 'Tis but a very nice series of books.
If thou art really interested in fighting the instruments of the Evil One, where are the attacks on Sylvester Stallone and Pauly Shore?
I echo those who say actually read the books before condemning them.
They are as harmless as a NAMBLA* meeting in an elementary school.
* = National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. The only danger is they might eat a few of the more appetizing kiddies.

Not quite. 'Tis but a very nice series of books.
If thou art really interested in fighting the instruments of the Evil One, where are the attacks on Sylvester Stallone and Pauly Shore?

I echo those who say actually read the books before condemning them.
They are as harmless as a NAMBLA* meeting in an elementary school.

* = National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. The only danger is they might eat a few of the more appetizing kiddies.