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The World Cup Excellent Adventure!!

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    Originally posted by Sirotnikov(ozzy, while you predate me on the forums, i hardly know you, therefore it's tough for me to write you in, since i know little about you.

    perhaps you could write yourself in? )
    Thats cause I stay away from Mid-East threads.
    And dispite my best efforts you OT folks never seem to acknowledge my presence.

    And I already wrote myself in, didn't you read my post about the Libertarian Hordes?

    I'm the Youth Rights, Metalhead, Libertarian, CNN Appearing fella.

    Uhhh, I'll say it again, but my presence still won't be acknowledged. (keeping with the tradition of making the best out of double posts). The Civ2 Multiplayer guys know me at least.... I hope....
    Last edited by OzzyKP; June 17, 2002, 23:05.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • The Fight...

      Imran barely managed to deflect the sudden assault from Boris. The air revereberated with the sound of steel clashing against steel. Sparks lit up the Stadium corridor as Boris unleashed an onslaught of blows that Imran had to struggle to defend against.

      Realizing he was on the defensive, Imran dove to his left, did a somersault, ran towards the wall, bounded off the wall at a 45 degree angle, did a backflip over Boris's head and ended up on the other side of him.

      Boris: Show off.

      Imran: It's from dodging gunfire from Israeli soldiers.

      Boris: Have at you!

      Boris swung again, and Imran had to duck to escape the strike. Boris surged forward, his steel slicing the air furiously. With a deft move, he dropped to a crouch, swung out his leg and performed a fabulous spin kick in order to knock Imran's legs out from under him. Imran leapt over Boris's leg agilely, however, and went on the attack, swinging his scimitar down towards Boris's head. Boris blocked the attack with his broadsword, and for a moment he and Imran we're face to face.

      Boris: I will make curtains out of your entrails!

      Imran: You're just mad because Bush won fair and square!


      With that, Boris pushed forward, striking out wildly. Imran could barely keep up with horrific onslaught.

      Siro: I have to say, the both have dazzling form, by jove.

      Reismark: Yes, yes. Jolly good, pip pip.

      Boris had Imran almost backed into a corner now. In a desperate attempt to break free, Imran lunged at Boris, but Boris was too quick, and took advantage of Imran's unsteady balance to knock him back against the wall with a kick. Imran, winded, dropped the scimitar.

      Siro and Reisemark: GASP!

      Boris: (holding tip of sword to Imran's adam's apple) Now, at last, you're doom is sealed!

      Imran: You won't do it, Boris!

      Boris: (laughing) Oh no? And why not?

      Imran: Because...I know in reality you're a Social Democrat, not a Communist, and has no real problem with a disparity in wealth so long as the lowest strata of society is protected from abject poverty, given universal healthcare and has equality of opportunity. That may be leftist by my standards, but it's not Communist!

      Boris paused. Blinked.

      Boris: Well...I mean, it's SILLY to be a total Communist. Who would want that? I mean...

      Imran: AHA!

      Imran sprang forward, knocking Boris's sword out of his grasp with one hand and using the other to deliver a solid sucker punch to Boris's well-defined abdomen. Boris doubled over in pain, gasping.

      Boris: *Wheez* Mother f*cker! That hurt...

      Siro and Reisemark sprung forward, each seizing one of Boris's arms.

      Imran: You're now under arrest!

      Boris: I mean, jesus Imran, that really hurt...

      Imran: Shut up. Take him away, boys!

      Siro: Take him where?

      Imran:, tie his hands and bring him with us, then.

      Boris: Careful, I chaffe.
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • Originally posted by OzzyKP
        Thats cause I stay away from Mid-East threads.
        Smart move
        I would if I could.

        And dispite my best efforts you OT folks never seem to acknowledge my presence.

        I do.
        I noticed you around in the last few weeks.

        Still, exactly because you never participate in such discussions as mid-east or ... infact any discussions which I seem to remember, I don't know what you stand for.

        More importantly - i don't know your quircks and personality.

        And I already wrote myself in, didn't you read my post about the Libertarian Hordes?

        You wrote suggestions, not actual plot.

        EDIT: I was wrong. See next post.

        I'm the Youth Rights, Metalhead, Libertarian, CNN Appearing fella.

        You appear on CNN?

        Can I slip you with some Israeli propoganda

        Uhhh, I'll say it again, but my presence still won't be acknowledged. (keeping with the tradition of making the best out of double posts). The Civ2 Multiplayer guys know me at least.... I hope....


        we should do that some day.
        Last edited by Sirotnikov; June 18, 2002, 00:15.


        • Siro: I think I know what to do with him.

          Imran: How?

          Siro: I cheated and read the plot.


          Siro: Anyway, we should put him in the same room as MrFun and ... alot of... small cute kitties!!! And lock the door and throw away the key.


          reismark: YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!

          Everyobdy stare at reismark.
          (excluding himself obviously, as that would be stoopid)

          reismark: what? sorry.

          Siro: Now we just gotta find MrFun...


          • Ozzy - ooooooooppps I now remembered where you wrote yourself in. It was very funny too.

            Imran: You know what, we should probably call Ozzy, David and Ramo.

            Siro: Naaah.

            Imran: But I promised.

            Siro: Say you forgot.

            Imran: They'll be disapponted.

            Siro: Ah.

            Imran: They'll get angry.

            Siro: And what? Protect my rights to death?

            Imran: No, they'll all begin replying to every post you make, arguing with you, talking about 'natural rights', 'natural situation' and all sorts of dumb things John Loke invented.

            Siro: But I'm a hobbes fan.

            Hobbes: Oooh, I got a line

            Siro: No, I meant the rock group.

            Hobbes: oh

            Siro: Come on, silly, there's no such rock band. I meant the phisolopher, and this worked great as I managed to both continue the plot and give you a mention.

            Hobbes: Thanks. But there really is such a band.

            Siro: Oh sh it, take cover.

            MikeH: oooh, I have a band.

            Imran: Now that's just spam.

            reismark: go away.

            MikeH: This thread is funnier if you only read the HTML code...

            Siro: sure what ever.

            Imran: Hey, look, there's Iain Lindley on BBC!

            MikeH: Where?

            Imran : (smack)

            MikeH falls unconcious.

            Imran: He should have known better.

            Siro: Let's go on with the story then?

            Imran: Ok. You were saying?

            Siro: So I think we could stick with moral support from them.

            Imran: But if they won't be on our side... We'd have to fight them too....

            (to be continued)


            • During the above conversation, none of the three noticed Boris slowly backing away from them, even though his hands were bound behind him. He activated the Invisihomo, and vanished, running off down a corridor unseen.

              Boris: *Cackle*
              Tutto nel mondo è burla


              • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                Ozzy - ooooooooppps I now remembered where you wrote yourself in. It was very funny too.
                See what I mean? Even my good, funny posts don't get acknowledged. Grrr.

                *in Troy McLuer voice from Simpsons*
                You may remember me from such Apolyton Off-Topic hits as "Damn US Police State" or "The USA is the only Democratic Country in the World. Discuss.", " Nambla" or ""Natural rights"?" also known for starting music polls.

                Go to I'm around, I swear!
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • Boris: ah.. I'm safely away from those bozos. If only I had used my InvisiHomo while I was fighting Imran, I would have sliced that rightist bastard to pieces.

                  Boris walks along the coridor wondering how he will get out of these ropes. He realizes he has wandered back past the promotional booths.... oh no, too late!

                  Ozzy: Hey! Boris! You never got a chance to take the World's Smallest Political Quiz, you should take it now.

                  Boris: Well...uh...sure, I'll take it, except I'm kinda tied up at the moment, would you mind freeing my hands?

                  David: Why are your hands tied?

                  Boris: The uh... guards, I was just minding my own business, freely strolling down the aisle and this fascist jack-booted government thug demanded I show him ID. I refused to submit to their unjust authority and they arrested me. Thankfully I was able to escape.

                  Ramo: Those bastard fascist police. Here I'll untie you.

                  David: You sound like a Libertarian, you should take this short quiz to identify you politically.

                  Boris: Uhhh, sure.... Just keep an eye out for the guards, they were undercover too. One looked Israeli and the other Pakistani-American.

                  Ozzy to himself: he doesn't seem like a libertarian to me, he is a pinko, homosexual. This looks suspicious, I better call Imran and let him know....

                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • ....Meanwhile, on a jet over the Pacific. The man leaned back in his chair and took the expected incoming phone call. According to his source, the events occuring around the world were unfolding as planned. He had spent months perfecting his nefarious plan (and without disturbance, since no one ever notices anything in Montana anyways), and it was wonderful to hear that everything was proceeding smoothly. ixnay37 chuckled as he realized that for his plan to work, he only needed to lurk in the background as usual, while the pawns did all the dirty work. He reclined his seat and attempted to enjoy his tiny bag of peanuts as he flew across the Pacific...


                    • his peanuts bag was tiny, because as Jon Miller said, the truck of peanuts got stuck, so the price of peanuts worldwide has gone waaay up, and in some places in the world, such as over the pacific, and in it, and under it, there were no peanuts to be found!


                      • The second Ramo untied Boris's bonds, however, he laughed and winked out of vision. They were only able to hear the echos of his footsteps receding in the distance, coupled with an eerie giggle.

                        (Shortly followed by the sound of someone tripping and falling and hitting the floor)

                        Boris: Ow! Mother f*cker!

                        (Followed by sound of him getting up and running off, with perhaps a slight limp...)
                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • *Boris vanishes into thin air with another B-Movie shimer*

                          Ozzy, being the clever (and often self-centered) manipulator he is, decides at this moment that he must more forcefully interject himself into the storyline before certain Israelis cut him out.

                          Ozzy, in his deep urge to accomodate others, figures he should drop personality hints to others to compensate for his lack of notoriety among Apolyton OTers, so using his highly developed leadership skills and tendency to take over situations decides that Imran and the gang just aren't doing a stand up job with this mission of theirs and takes off in pursuit of Boris.

                          While Ozzy doesn't have the most accute hearing, he is a fast runner and he attempts to track down the invisable, fleeing Boris.

                          Because he is a quick thinker under pressure Ozzy grabbed the cell phone from the table before he left and now places a call to Imran to let him know he is in pursuit.

                          Being rather arrogant and mistrustful of others Ozzy also places a call to his secret cache of Youth Rights Knights and Liberty Commandos and instructs them to get to South Korea on the double. Clearly Imran and Siro aren't doing the job, and clearer minds need to take over.

                          Clearer minds don't translate to clearer ears, and Ozzy looses Boris in the shuffle.

                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • ROFL


                            • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                              Once again, I am ignored when the gay posters are mentioned. Am I the Invisible Homo?! And here I thought I was one of the most prominent.
                              You should be happy, I've found my part to be insulting.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • Do you see them, Dolph?

                                Yes, it looks like they spotted DanQ, but they're not doing anything.

                                I don't care about DanQ, Dolph. How many times must I tell you, he's not the target. Give me those binocs.

                                Ok Vito, Who is the target. I tortured that cat on the plane, but she wouldn't say anything.

                                That's because cat's can't talk you idiot. No need for you to know now, RAH said to wait for the signal. Untill then we're just supposed to keep an eye on the three of them. Especially the one that keeps fading in and out and never seems to do anything, ML.

                                Where is RAH anyway?...........................................
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

