who misuses the word "fulsome" as he does in the fifth paragraph

cheap journalistic trick by including unsubstantiated speculation
when someone suggested locking the Lions supporters out of the ground.

Australian sporting crowds are legendary for supporting an underdog team against their own team.
The Irish and Australians have much in common

Socially I agree - very welcoming people both. Outside the grounds I had no aggro whatsoever in Aus - even in rough local bars. The same holds true for my times in Ireland (in fact I'm doing Dublin again next six nations).
But okay I've got side-tracked. I said I'd give my verdict on the guy.
Okay - he is Welsh right, Xenophobia aside, and he seems to have a problem with we Anglo's. He has never had a good word to say about England or Tigers, or any other English champion club side.
His current tactic is to build up the English club Sale (a minor Manchester side receiving massive funding from the RFU and a sugar daddy - it's in League heartland) as the 'virtuous' team to topple Tigers. He can be merciless against the WRU (who deserve it frankly) but will also big up minor Welsh sides beyond all reason (Llanelli who?).
He gloats when France beat England

In short he is what we refer to here as a **** stirrer.

I don't dismiss everything he says, sometimes he strikes on valid points, but I always approach him with a pinch of salt handy.
Bizarrely I prefer Eddie Butler as a columnist - but you might not like them as he was the ghost writer behind the comments a certain mouthy English back made last year. ;-)
My god - it's almost a year since the Melbourne test!