Originally posted by BlackStone
Again another exaggeration and more emotive language. Asylum seekers will not be deported, turned away, or in anyway affected by their lack of spoken English. The proposal was, as I understand it, that those who are seeking refuge in this country will be asked to take English speaking lessons. Now I would have thought that this would be of immense help to them. Making settling in easier, and giving them a better start in their new country.
Again another exaggeration and more emotive language. Asylum seekers will not be deported, turned away, or in anyway affected by their lack of spoken English. The proposal was, as I understand it, that those who are seeking refuge in this country will be asked to take English speaking lessons. Now I would have thought that this would be of immense help to them. Making settling in easier, and giving them a better start in their new country.

Again, you're confusing policy with media. Again, I'll point out that our current policy with asylum seekers is one I have no problem with. Again, I'll repeat that it's media representation and ceratain threads that have appeared here that I'm addressing.
Hint- try reading the thread. It'll help.