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  • Originally posted by Boris Godunov

    Read the whole thread I cited. MrFun was not being hypocritical at all. He was simply stating that he does not want to date bisexuals. He's gay, not bisexual. He does not hate bisexuals at all or think they are bad or wrong. He just doesn't want to date one. And he doesn't have to justify it any more than you have to justify who you would or wouldn't date. Nobody has to justify that, ever.
    Homosexuality means his sexual taste is in men, not homosexuals. To discriminate against bisexuals is still an act of hypocrisy.
    Speaking of Erith:

    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


    • Originally posted by Provost Harrison

      Homosexuality means his sexual taste is in men, not homosexuals. To discriminate against bisexuals is still an act of hypocrisy.
      Absolutely not. This is utterly offensive to me.

      First, being attracted to someone and choosing to date someone are two ENTIRELY different things. I find plenty of straight men pleasing to look at, but I have no desire to date them.

      Judging anyone's choice on who they choose to date is 100% hypocritical coming from someone who supposedly supports gay rights. Such thinking is EXACTLY what gay rights is trying to combat.

      Choosing not to date someone isn't discriminating against them, not hiring them for a job is. Choosing whom you date is a personal, private and sacred choice. How dare you accuse someone of hypocrisy on such grounds.
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • Choosing not to date someone isn't discriminating against them, not hiring them for a job is. Choosing whom you date is a personal, private and sacred choice. How dare you accuse someone of hypocrisy on such grounds.

        Choosing who you hire can also be a personal, private, and sacred choice .
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • Choosing who you hire can also be a personal, private, and sacred choice .
          No it isn't and stop threadjacking.
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • Originally posted by Provost Harrison

            Homosexuality means his sexual taste is in men, not homosexuals. To discriminate against bisexuals is still an act of hypocrisy.

            Gee, you never met me in person, and you already know me inside and out.

            Look -- bisexuals are as deserving of legitimacy as homosexuals and heterosexuals.

            As I have said, what --- THREE OR FOUR TIMES already, I am willing to have casual sex with bisexuals -- just not monogamous relationships with them.

            Would you accuse a white person for preferring to have a long-term relationship with only another white person, as being racist??

            No, of course not -- mono-racial relationships in of themselves does not indicate racism.
            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


            • I have to agree with MrFun and Boris on this one.
              Respecting someone for what they are, and considering someone as a potential partner are two seperate issues.
              Assuming you are looking for a monagamous relationship, you must by definition be picky in choosing your partner out of a potential 6 billion other people. Making a judgement like that, even seemingly trivial things make a huge difference.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • Originally posted by MrFun

                As I have said, what --- THREE OR FOUR TIMES already, I am willing to have casual sex with bisexuals -- just not monogamous relationships with them.

                Would you accuse a white person for preferring to have a long-term relationship with only another white person, as being racist??

                No, of course not -- mono-racial relationships in of themselves does not indicate racism.
                Why are bisexuals ok to screw but not to date? Why would someone's bi status make them anymore likely to be a snarky slut than anyone else? i'm not saying bi's can't be sluts but so can st8's and gays, but somehow people still seem to keep having long term relationships w/each other. i remember a time not so long ago, gay men were considered to be hyperpromiscuos and incapable of loving relationships.


                • As Boris said earlier in this thread, Mrfun has the right to date or not date whoever he wants, and without apologizing for it. That is at the heart of the gay rights movement and he doesn't need to write a thesis on exactly why he does or doesn't choose to date bis.


                  • Bis get the problem of being stuck in the middle.

                    Gays often don't want relationships with bisexuals because of insecurity reasons with theirselves, and some straights don't want bisexuals because of insecurity reasons with theirselves.

                    It honestly defies all logic completely, and I do find it offensive that some posters here who pretend to be champions for equal rights and opportunties have stated that they'd prefer not to have relationships with a bisexual person.

                    There's absolutely no reason for this, and I find it offensive to be honest.

                    Bisexual doesn't mean you see two people at once.
                    Bisexual people are just as capable of monogamous relationships as everyone else, and when they're in a monogamous relationship they're effectively gay or straight (depending on the sex of the partner) so it's a complete nonissue.

                    Those who try to say otherwise are just being shallow and a tad bit immature.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • Aww, Ashie it's not about disrespect for bis, honest! Me, Boris, Fun, Jonmiller, and a number of extremely liberal minded individuals have no problem with bis as people, or in having equal rights as heteros.
                      Essentially it comes down to this, I will happily fight for your rights to equality, but as a matter of personal preference, I and others in this thread simply don't want to date bis. It's really nothing too overly complex or with sinister undertones, it's just a matter of preference.


                      • Still shallow, regardless.
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • I can see why you might think that Ashie, but it's not really any more shallow than the guy who doesn't want to date red-head chicks, and certainly those guys don't get much attention in these threads.
                          I know there are some subtle differences between guys who won't date bi chicks and guys who won't date red-heads but the underlying principle is still the same: it's nothing more than a matter of preference. Certainly all of us, straight, gay or bi should be able to date whomever we prefer without question, no?


                          • Only it's not like a redhead.

                            Bisexuals effectively become straight or gay depending who they are partners with.

                            It's like as soon as you enter a monogamous relationship with someone who originally had redhair, and the second you started the relationship their hair turned to blond.

                            At that point I can't see why it's an issue, or why anyone would care to have a preference either way, because their hair is certainly not red anymore.

                            So it is disturbing that even the liberal thinkers on both sides of the fence don't want to date bi people for superficial and shallow reasons. What does that leave bi people to? A life of casual sex with people like MrFun?
                            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                            • Well you must understand that relationships are a two-way street ashie, and that not all people, gay or straight, think the same way fun, boris, and I think. It is just happens to be the preference of us three, by whatever random forces determine the sexual prefences of an individual.
                              So just because we three think this way doesnt mean the world does, and that you are destined to a life of brief sexual encounters. It just happens to be the particular preference of us three, not out of a spite for bis or anything of that nature, but out of a simple preference. So don't worry, we have no sinster intentions here, we just have a preference as simple as any preferences you may have toward certain types of people. So don't take our personal feelings too seriously, please.


                              • How would the contributors to this thread feel if I said that I would never marry a [fill in the blank race] because they can never be trusted to behave?

                                Isn't Asher's point that sexual preference is not relevant to monogomy?
                                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

