It's a longish article so I'll let you click the link.
[rant]Sony's really getting on my nerves lately. They keep saying the console wars are over despite soaring Gamecube and Xbox sales and slowing PS2 sales. It seems they want to try to drill it into people's heads that all the other consoles are going to die off and Sony will be the only one left standing.

News of this comes 1 day after Microsoft announces it's spending $1B on Xbox Live and $2B on Xbox alone within the next five years.
It also comes 1 day after it was revealed that during the first five months of the PS2's life, it compares unfavourably with the Xbox. Xbox sold 1.8M consoles in the first five month in North America, PS2 sold 1.6M. The Xbox also sold 70% more software than the PS2 did in those first five months.
It sounds like Sony finally woke up and sounded the alarms internally that they're in trouble. They really think they can get away with charging people $40 extra to go online, and $80 to get the HD -- all of which are included in the Xbox (which is the same price as the PS2).
Yesterday it was confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 2 (you know, the game all the PS2 fanatics claim as the reason to buy the PS2) will be coming to the Xbox in a significantly updated version called MGS2: Substance.
And today it was confirmed that Rockstar has abandonded its nearly complete Xbox port of GTA3 (announced back in January 2001) as Sony threw an undisclosed pile of money at them to keep GTA3 exclusive to the PS2 until October 2004.

Now that the hardware in the PS2 is two years old, lacks integral online components, how does Sony honestly think the console wars are over? As more time passes, the PS2 games look worse and worse compared to the cheaper Gamecube and same-priced Xbox.
The only advantage Sony had, game library, is slowly shrinking as well with over 200 Xbox games due out before the holiday season this year.
Sony's living in their own dreamworld, and I really hope it nips them hard in the ass.