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Official Star Wars Kicks Arse Thread

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  • #61
    Bah. Did You notice that the A-wing rammed into the bridge of the Executer causing the ship to lose control? the ship wasn't that badly damaged until it crashed into the death star. It wasnt the A-wing that destroyed the ship it was the collision with the death star.

    You mentioned "lasers" Refer to this page and I'm sure you will come to the realization that what Imperial ships use are not lasers.

    as compared to puny federation "phaser"

    And Dino, should I mention the fact that imperial ships far out pace any federation ship when it comes to FTL travel? A fleet of imperial ships can jump into a system devastate any planet and starbase and be gone before StarFleet even knows that it happened.
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


    • #62
      Originally posted by Sprayber
      Bah. Did You notice that the A-wing rammed into the bridge of the Executer causing the ship to lose control? the ship wasn't that badly damaged until it crashed into the death star. It wasnt the A-wing that destroyed the ship it was the collision with the death star.
      Akbar's orders to concentrate all firepower on the SSD were what did it. All the rebel cruisers pummelled it, and for a brief moment the Executor's shields were overloaded and went down. This is when the sensor array exploded over the bridge (those big globes, which are NOT shield generators, despite what the RPG and computer games say). The A-wing crashing into the bridge was a freak occurence. And as Sprayber points out, had the SSD not been too close to the Death Star, thereby getting sucked in by her gravity, she would likely have been salvagable (as there undoubtedly would be a backup bridge for control of the ship).

      God, do I feel like a dork now...
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #63
        Originally posted by Sprayber
        the ship wasn't that badly damaged until it crashed into the death star.
        Are you telling me that you don't call a complete and total loss of control over the movement of a ship being badly damaged?

        It wasnt the A-wing that destroyed the ship it was the collision with the death star.

        It wasn't the iceberg that sunk the Titanic, it was the water that rushed in the hole afterwards.

        You mentioned "lasers" Refer to this page and I'm sure you will come to the realization that what Imperial ships use are not lasers.

        Give me a cannon source and I just might.

        A fleet of imperial ships can jump into a system devastate any planet and starbase and be gone before StarFleet even knows that it happened.

        You are going to make me break out canon sources, aren't you?
        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


        • #64
          The Hoth Battle.
          Yes that was quite cool ( Also Luke wrapping up in entrails to keep warm )but the movie slowed down alot after that.
          Die-Bin Laden-die


          • #65
            Three words: Yoda, lightsaber, pimp.

            The movie could have cut out the first couple hours, and just started with the final battle. Yoda kicked ass though, no question.

            It is slightly disturbing though when the best character is CG. Doesn't say too much for Lucas' direction of actors. Although Ms. Portman was spankably fine.
            John Brown did nothing wrong.


            • #66
              Just saw it. Loved it. The attention to some details were amazing. But, for some reason, my fave was......
              Was the Stormtrooper army. In the episodes 4-6, they seemed so alien, so stupid, so unrealistic. In this, you clearly hear them talk, they have chains of command, and realistic functions (artillery spotters, troop transports, gunships....did anyone feel like they were watching a Vietnam sequence?) as well as those seismic sounds...WOW.
              And finally...Yoda. Nuff Said
              "Dave, if medicine tasted good, I'd be pouring cough syrup on my pancakes." -Jimmy James, Newsradio

              "Your plans to find love, fortune, and happiness utterly ignore the Second Law Of Thermodynamics."-Horiscope from The Onion


              • #67
                Dude, when those stormtroopers were on the transports going off to face the droid army, it felt like it was the first of the ninth's assault from Apocalypse Now on acid.
                John Brown did nothing wrong.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Tingkai
                  What would have made sense would be for the Clones to arrive, Dooku responding with glee (thinking that they're re-inforcements), the Jedi reacting with dispair and then everyone getting shocked when the clones (led by yoda) attack the droids. That would have added a nice twist to the story.
                  It would have really echoed The Return of the King a great deal, when Aragorn and his company come to rescue Gondor, and everybody thinks it's bad guys until the King's flag is seen. But then, it was cool in RotK, so it would be cool in AotC.
                  John Brown did nothing wrong.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Tingkai
                    I missed the part in the movie where they tell the audience to refer to the Star Wars RPG mailing list in order to understand the movie.
                    The Incredible Cross Sections book, actually. And I really didn't think that was an issue - I just assumed that it *was* some sort of a package deal. After all, the clone troopers were shown with their armor and weapons on Kamino. If it wouldn't have been a package deal of some sort, they'd just have been naked.

                    That doesn't make sense either. The clones are being made for the rebellion side. So the allies would expect them. What would be surprising is that the clones are being used by the empire rather than Jett, Dooku, et al.
                    Umm, no. The clones were made for the Repulic. As Sidious said in the end "everything is going as planned". Thus the events in the movie were planned by him. So it goes:

                    Jango's assistant goes to assasinate Amidala, but fails and gets the Jedi after her. If this wasn't supposed to happen, the probe she sent obviously wouldn't have returned to her, but would have self-destructed or done something else other than lead the Jedi to her.

                    She's captured by the Jedi, but Jango, who has been following the chase, kills her with a poisoned arrow designed to lead the Jedi to Kamino. Note that he didn't shoot either of the Jedi even though he could have - instead he just shot his assistant.

                    Obi-Wan goes to Kamino, where he finds Jango again. Jango escapes and leads him to the next planet (which I forgot what it was called). The way how Jango tries to kill him suggests that he was unaware of his mission to lead Obi-Wan there, but Sidious, knowing that they would send a Jedi after Jango, figured correctly that the Jedi would survive and follow Jango.

                    Obi-Wan finds out about the plan to attack the Republic, and is left alone just in time to transmit a message to Coruscant (notice how somebody noticed Obi-Wan already when he was making his way back to his fighter? A considerable amount of time passed before R2 informed Anakin about the message and it was relayed to Coruscant - enough time for Dooku's men to capture Obi-Wan. Instead they waited until he had said what needed to be said).

                    Obi-Wan is captured. Again, it is obvious that a considerable amount of time passes between his capture and his execution - they were waiting for the Jedi to arrive, knowing that they'd take action after witnessing Obi-Wan's capture. Palpatine had just previously been given emergency powers and authorized the creation of an Army of the Republic, so they knew that the Jedi would take advantage of the clones that the Kaminoans had been told were for the Republic.

                    The execution was precisely timed so that the Jedi arrived to the rescue at the last possible minute. After the Jedi were surrounded, Dooku stalled long enough for the clones to arrive. After they had done so, he escaped the scene, his mission being completed. The Republic had given Palpatine emergency powers and resorted to the use of clones in the first battle in a thousand years. The negotiations with the Trade Federation and other separatists had been completed before the attack, so the Republic was pushed into a civil war, not one where the separatists would overwhelmingly crush the Republic, but one where the Palpatine-led Republic had an army of clone troops on their side, making the fight much more equal. This is a perfect opportunity for Palpatine to take more emergency measures to use and further consolidate his own power base, eventually declaring himself the Emperor.

                    Everything went according to plan, as Sidious/Palpatine said himself.
                    The breakfast of champions is the opposition.

                    "A japaneze warrior once destroyed one of my modern armours.i nuked the warrior" -- philippe666


                    • #70
                      The funny thing is, that the Jedi are now fighting with the Storm Troopers against the (soon to be) rebels.
                      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Xuenay
                        Umm, no. The clones were made for the Repulic. As Sidious said in the end "everything is going as planned". Thus the events in the movie were planned by him. So it goes:
                        Uhm, no. The clones are based on the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter escapes and goes to join his compatriots - Doofu and the seperatists. So the clones were built for the rebels.

                        Your explanation is quite a stretch, a desperate attempt to make Lucus' flawed simple story look more intelligent that it is. Your whole theory rests on a single statement that can be interpreted in many ways. There is no indication in any other part of the movie to back up your rather elaborate theory.

                        I'd say the simple answer is the right one: Lucus created a flawed story and failed to see all the gigantic holes in the plot.
                        Golfing since 67


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Saint Marcus
                          The funny thing is, that the Jedi are now fighting with the Storm Troopers against the (soon to be) rebels.
                          The funnier thing is that Jar Jar was the one who proposed Palpatine's power grab.

                          billions, if not trillions of deaths, entire worlds destroyed, species wiped out, and the GDP of an entire galaxy were turned to war because of one idiot with a carribean accent.


                          • #73
                            No offence Tingkai, but I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening. So what that Fett knew about the clones. He works for whoever pays him, no set loyalties. The dark jedi too have no set loyalties and backstab whenever they feel the need. You are viewing them too much as just "part of the enemy's side".

                            And don't we even see the Emperor and some senators talking about using the clone army? And then giving him dictator power to use that clone army?
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #74
                              And the funniest thing was that the stormtroopers were all Maori/New Zealanders.

                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by DinoDoc

                                You are going to make me break out canon sources, aren't you?
                                What, the Tech Manuels? Not even those are considered "Canon" by Paramount anymore!

                                :: Does the dance of a Warsie ::

                                Besides, unlike the the Star Trek Tech Manuels, in which there is much pulling of numbers out of asses and no screen evidence, the SW figures were first caluclated by loyal fanes (mostly by using the ole Iron-nickel vaporization technique) and then made official when LucasFilm hired the main dude who did all these calcualtions ( Aussie with a Ph.D in Astrophysics, IIRC) to write the ICS.

                                Hence, the ICS reads more like Janes defense guide than a kiddie book.

                                Don't even get me started on the relative Industrial capacity of the Federation vs. The Empire.
                                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

