Originally posted by Akka le Vil
Ned, to answer your question : yes Le Pen is quite antisemitic. Sympathizer of his party has been involved in jews graves desecration, and he was the one that said that gaz chambers were "a detail".
Hearing that you see more antisemitism to the left is quite surprising for me, 'cause AFAIK, I only encountered racism from right-winged people. Though it was a right-only turn of mind.
Ned, to answer your question : yes Le Pen is quite antisemitic. Sympathizer of his party has been involved in jews graves desecration, and he was the one that said that gaz chambers were "a detail".
Hearing that you see more antisemitism to the left is quite surprising for me, 'cause AFAIK, I only encountered racism from right-winged people. Though it was a right-only turn of mind.
In contrast, the conservatives here in the U.S. are now the loudest and strongest supporters of Israel. Christians, particularly fundamentalist Christians, have declared "solidarity."
If you see an American here on the boards arguing in favor of Israel, that American probably is not a liberal. And vis-a-versa if the argument is made in favor of the Palestinians.
But if I understand you correctly, anti-Semitism in Europe is coming from the right. Le Pen and his ilk would like to see the Israeli's driven into the sea, or at least given a taste of what they "deserve."
I don't get it.