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German Columbine

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  • Originally posted by OzzyKP

    My point wasn't that he was an outcast. Being an outcast doesn't necessarily have to do with it (it certainly makes things worse) but just being young does. The system (for the most part) oppresses all young people equally. I think the popularity of this murderer is shown by the targets he chose. In Columbine the murderers were outcasts so they shot the popular students they felt bullied them. In this case he wasn't bullied or oppressed by his fellow students but more directly by the system, so he almost exclusively murdered teachers.

    Oppression has a way of acting in a chain. If you look at the American South pre-civil rights, the most racist whites were poor whites. They had less respect and ability than wealthy whites so sought to better their position by putting down blacks. This is how it always works, Group A oppressed Group B, so Group B finds a scapegoat to oppress. This is how it works in schools among youth. The 'system' (teachers, parents, government, etc) oppresses all youth, rather than settle with just being oppressed the jocks, preps, whoever, seek to alieviate their situation somewhat by manuevering themselves into the middle of the chain rather than the bottom, so they start bullying their fellow students, the outcasts.

    This chain gets even more complex than this. In middle school my friends and I were in the middle spot among students, we would get picked on by certain groups of students and we would pick on other groups of students. It is a shameful thing I have done, but it is what happens when you are in a system of oppression.

    When someone is in this system of oppression every once in a while they will snap and have enough of it and they will strike back against their oppressors. In Columbine they struck back against the popular kids, in Germany he struck back at his teachers.
    In Columbine the killers were neo-Nazis who had their own web "hate page". There were times that they "goose stepped" down the hallway while giving the Nazis salute. They had their own little following. They lamented the absence of black and Jewish targets at their school. They picked Hitler's birthday as their attack day. They didn't just attack the popular kids. In fact they tried to blow up the whole school. One of the girls was shot in the face point blank for refusing to denounce her religion. This particular girl was overweight and had been a sort of "party girl" in order to compensate. She had found religion some time before the massacre because she felt guilty over having been part of the cause of one of her mother's suicide attempts. But these poor oppressed kids killed her because she had made herslf unavailable sexually. Jeez, Ozzie, are we just oppressing the heck out of Nazis? Perhaps the other kids at Columbine should have been forced to kiss their Nazis a**?
    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


    • "The system (for the most part) oppresses all young people equally"

      No it doesn't. Your description of the world of high schoolers as a windowless prison is just untrue. Most parents give their kids a great deal of choice in their lives. The popular people are in the upper tier of society- the jocks in particular get the best girls, the greatest glory, and the ability to do what they want to.

      "In this case he wasn't bullied or oppressed by his fellow students but more directly by the system, so he almost exclusively murdered teachers."

      He was expelled, he was not being opressed.

      "In middle school my friends and I were in the middle spot among students, we would get picked on by certain groups of students and we would pick on other groups of students."

      The problem with your theory is that the people who are at the highest levels are not being picked on at all, but instead are treated as ubermensch. Just as in the South, the Rich Whites were not being opressed but that did not stop them from opression.

      The fact is, most kids know and accept their parents authority. They know they will have their independence eventually, and are too concerned with their daily lives to become depressed over the authority of their lives, except in extreme cases.

      "When someone is in this system of oppression every once in a while they will snap and have enough of it and they will strike back against their oppressors"

      And the common theme of this is people who are severe cases. The German comitted his massacre because he was expelled. At Columbine there was a massacre because Harris and Klebold were treated like human scum all their life. People do not go and commit massacres because parents and teachers can tell them what to do.

      "Perhaps the other kids at Columbine should have been forced to kiss their Nazis a**?"

      It is not natural for people to adopt these ways. People who generally feel accepted tend not to become members of hate organizations. These weren't popular people who suddenly decided to become outcasts. Had they been treated with basic human dignity, they would never have become Nazis.
      "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

      "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


      • Anyone seen on German TV "Presseclub" today?
        The conclusion of these guys: This guy played CS, obviously that is the reason for the shooting
        If it is no fun why do it?
        Live happy or die


        • The only interesting Presseclub I've ever seen was that one about new world order, Americans being arses on the international scene, there being 'good guys' and 'bad guys' out of themouth of Germans (damn conservatives, RAUS!) and so on... it was sort of entertaining, especially since they had the Spiegel-Chefredakteur there.

          Now I hate how people claim 3D shooter games and metal music cause that. I play shooter games. I listen to the most violent death metal ever produced. Do I go about shooting people?

          90% of all school shooters play such games? Oh well, 99% of them wear underpanties... ban 'em!

