Originally posted by Guynemer
Christ on a pogo stick, people! Isn't it a little early to start scoring little political points with this, pro-gun or anti-gun, zero-tolerance or not zero-tolerance, ad naseum? Honestly, I expected better out of some of you.
Christ on a pogo stick, people! Isn't it a little early to start scoring little political points with this, pro-gun or anti-gun, zero-tolerance or not zero-tolerance, ad naseum? Honestly, I expected better out of some of you.
I didn't know you at the time of the Columbine Shooting, so I don't know what you would have done on this forum.
Anyway, the danger these killings pose are overblown. There are so many more things that pose a greater danger-- Car accidents, alcohol, drugs, gangs and others kill far more. While these killings are done in a much more spectacular and dramatic fashion, that does not warrant further opression against an already opressed group of people.