If everyone could do what they wanted there would be complete anarchy. Social control is necessary. If everyone could do what they wanted, nobody would clean sh!t. But somebody has to do it for the better of society.
I agree with the cleaning up part

That one is for practical reasons. But having laws on (controvers) Moral stuff is only opressive to ppl. that dont share the same Morals as you. The USA is seen as the land of Freedom, moral laws is one of the things where it goes of the track.
Moral is personal and should stay that way. Everyone can believe in whatever morals he likes, as long as he dont force others to believe the same.
For the teenage pregnancy rate:
Countrys with resitrictive laws on sexual themes have also a restrictive society. From my (admited very short) experience in the UK (was there in a exchange family about 6 years ago), its a big tabu to speak with his parents about sex. It is an issue to buy condoms as a minor. And if you do the shopowner is very unfriendly and looks at you, like you did a big sin or whatever. That happend both 2 times I went there on diffrent places for condoms. The info about sex comes from hearsay.
So I think its save to say that its easier in the netherlands for teens to get: a) the info and knowledge and b) the possibilties for pregnancy prevention.
And that links to the general, sex laws and atitude in these countrys.