For all you pi freaks, there is a link to a pi page
You'll find a proof for the irrationality of pi, based on showing that there are no integers p and q such that pi = p/q. It requires some calculus (integration, differentiation). I won't reproduce it here, because it requires more prerequisites and is less interesting than the infinity things.
I didn't find any proof on the web regarding "any finite sequence of digits can be found in pi". If it exists, it is probably rather difficult. Note that it is not equivalent to normality, it is a weaker statement (being a corollary of normality). Any mathematician here knows about this?
I'm a bit puzzled now, because I thought it already had been shown.
Krazy Horse, you proof will need the assumption that SnowFire has no information about what is a rational and irrational number ...
All odd numbers are prime
You'll find a proof for the irrationality of pi, based on showing that there are no integers p and q such that pi = p/q. It requires some calculus (integration, differentiation). I won't reproduce it here, because it requires more prerequisites and is less interesting than the infinity things.
I didn't find any proof on the web regarding "any finite sequence of digits can be found in pi". If it exists, it is probably rather difficult. Note that it is not equivalent to normality, it is a weaker statement (being a corollary of normality). Any mathematician here knows about this?
I'm a bit puzzled now, because I thought it already had been shown.

Just like I can show you that it's probable that any number you show me is irrational...
